Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Kick it to the Curb

IF you think you're ALL THAT....kick it to the curb. You're not all that to your kids, your spouse, your job, your friends. Heck, at times you're not all that to yourself. And you're breaking yourself apart if you're trying to do it all, be it all, finish it all, clean it all, hide it all, make it all happen so everybody in your life will be happy and problem free. KICK IT TO THE CURB. You, my friend, do not walk on water so don't try. You don't live a perfect life so please don't break your heart, mind and soul pretending to others that you do. In the end of the day this will rob you of your own happiness; you'll lose yourself to others. Is that how you want to spend your days? I wonder if the 9/11 victims would tell you to work yourself to death for everybody in your life? I wonder if the names on the monuments of all the wars would say....get out there and make someone else's life perfect at your own expense. I wonder if you just need to KICK IT TO THE CURB. Do I sound harsh.....hopefully I do. I see it everyday. I see people little by little dissolve into puddles of 'o how I tried', or ' I wish there were 30 hours in everyday', and guess what? They drown in those puddles. Take a flashlight and shine it backwards and see if there's not things that you need to kick to the curb. If you don't see any, then you've blinded yourself to yourself. Let's make today a day of hauling trash, filling dumpsters and kickin' things to the curb!

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