Saturday, December 31, 2016
Before we speak of new hopes and dreams of 2017, let's speak of closure. May you in all sincerity close the door on painful things, separations, and all circumstances that keep you from those whom you love. At midnight tonight, 2016 fades into 2017. Let those hurts and broken promises and dreams fade with it. Let it go. You are better than your perceived failures and wrongdoings. You are mighty in your life. Bow down, kneel, and in your supplication realize we live on the wings of the ever changing wind. And what seems forever may just be for now. Gather your miracles. They walk by your side. But not forever.
Friday, December 30, 2016
My Thought for this Day.......In today's world we are programmed to admire the top, the over achievers, the super people of the world. We are fixated on their glory, their talent, their drive, their success. We listen in awe to their stories; we worship at their feet of clay. And truthfully this can be okay. Many are to be admired and yes, even emulated . Yet there are heroes everywhere.......not just on the crest of the mountain. They walk the road of normalcy with no recognition; they live in the shadows, not in the limelight. They are the unseen conquerors of everyday life. I have many such people in my world. I see them stride through fire daily. I observe their determination and their tenacity. I know they are broken in spirit, yet they still get on the playing field and take that ball of life, tuck it in and live. These are my true warriors, my champions.
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
My Thought for this Day....Do you stand in your truth? Though sometimes brutal, it is the most honorable and healing thing to do.
Monday, December 26, 2016
My Thought for this Day......I hope you're not sad today. I hope that you don't dwell in the day of what if, or what was. I think this day can be melancholy. The tinsel looks limp. The tree is bare of presents. The crowd is gone. Maybe there was disappointment in the day. Most probably your day wasn't magazine worthy. There were missteps here and there. But oh how wonderful that those who gathered, those who hugged and kissed and laughed and yes, even cried, did surround you if only for a few hours. And best of all, the Greatest gift ever given still abides in the ones who lift their eyes and hearts to the heavens in peace and assurance. My wish for you is that that pledge, that affirmation, that promise covers your soul. Merry Christmas friends, it isn't just a season.
Sunday, December 25, 2016
My Christmas Thought for this Day.........To my mind, this is the most blessed day of the year. May we know the peace that comes from the birth of a child. May we live with the joy of that understanding. And though there are days of sadness and confusion and why in our lives, may we realize that true life was given to us on that day so many years ago in that lowly manger. Joy to the world, for He has come. Merry Christmas my wonderful friends and family. You each have a special place in my heart.
Friday, December 23, 2016
My Thought for this Day........Going the extra mile. T'is the Season to do just more, being more thankful, reaching out to those less fortunate.....being AWARE that there are those less fortunate. Stop!!! Fast forward to January 1. Is your giving spirit, your thankful spirit, your acknowledgement, stored back in your closet of the forgotten? Have the "I'm just toooooooo busies" once again taken over your very important life. Are your Blinders of 'me me me me me' back on? Have you forgotten how to say, spell and most of all feel compassion? Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year to emulate the most gracious, life changing, soul filling gift ever given. And I love to see the faces and the words of the 'givers' as much as those of the receivers. To give in the true spirit tugs us deep inside. It flowers like a bud and bursts to fill us with pure joy. So the question remains.......what about the rest of the year? Misfortune doesn't strangely disappear. Need doesn't vanish. Hunger and cold and loneliness don't become obsolete. These things remain in your own back yard. So I pray that your garden of compassion and giving and reaching out bursts with color and vines all year long. Let's make it a way of life, not just a way of this Most Wonderful Season. For truly, the most amazing Gift we were given lives forever, never ceasing, never turning away, but instead constant as the turning of the day into night. Our job is to emulate in our gratefulness, to constantly fill needs. O what a wonderful world it would be.
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
My Thought for this Day......You are not alone in your head. Crazy, I know. But the fact of the matter is you're not. People who are influencing or have influenced your life are sharing the rooms of your mind. Be very careful when handing out mental keys. It is your existence, your path, your the wise, the generous, the fair thinker to room in your mind dorm. Raise the rent on those who guide with opportunism, self-centeredness and retaliation. It is your Lodge of Living; be selective in your tenants.
Monday, December 19, 2016
My Thought for this Day....We all have dreams. For some it is to travel to exotic places. For some, dreams are to live in a huge house with high ceilings and fireplaces and Calcutta marble. But for many, our reality is their dream. They imagine having clean water and maybe, just maybe, a warm fire. Our everyday is their perfect world. Think about your dreams. Gauge your lives. Realize you are blessed.
Sunday, December 18, 2016
My Thought for this Day........We, as a society, have lost many arts....the art of simplicity, the art of idleness, the art of patience. If our lives aren't complex, we feel we have failed. If we aren't busy, we assume someone, somewhere, is outdoing us. If we have to wait in this nanosecond world, we become agitated. We have lost the art of being. Today, just be. If only for a few minutes, just be. Learn this art, and practice it daily. It is good for the heart; it is good for the soul.
Saturday, December 17, 2016
My Thought for this Day......We all live in the Heap of Life. Sometimes we're at the top of the heap, sometimes in the middle, and at times, on the bottom. We deal with trash, triumph and tragedy. It's okay to bend and bow. There is no shame in gasping for air as you valiantly try to put one foot in front of the other. And then when we rise, our task is to help those who go behind us and we use our triumph to ease their tragedy.
Friday, December 16, 2016
My Thought for this Day.......Some days you just have to turn up the music and dance in the rain. No one ever got washed in the waters from Heaven by hiding under an umbrella! I hope you dance.
Thursday, December 15, 2016
My Thought for this Day......I hope you never get so caught up in life that you miss wrong in making your way through hard work, determination and goal setting. The wrong comes in letting the big get in the way of the little.
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
My Thought for this Day........You can leave your coat at home. You can leave your glasses or your purse. You can't leave your thoughts. They follow you wherever you go. They become a part of you. Take care with your thoughts.
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
My Thought for this Day.....'Tis the Season to be Joyful, for caroling and twinkling lights and ole St Nick and merriment everywhere. But sadly, circumstances happen, and we are dealt life changing, gut wrenching lows that drop us in the black. I have, this year, more than one friend who struggles to breath right now. Taking one step in front of the other is excruciating, and the black seems to swallow them, as if it will never end. And so I hope that if your days are merry and bright, you will take time to remember and to lift up those whom life has slapped down. God bless us every one.
" When despair for the world grows in me, and I wake in the night at the least sound in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be, I go and lie down where the wood drake rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds. I come into the peace of wild things who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief. I come into the presence of still water. And I feel above me the day-blind stars waiting with their light. For a time I rest in the grace of the world, and I am free."
THE PEACE of WILD THINGS by Wendell Berry.
Thursday, December 8, 2016
My Thought for this Day......Do you know the difference between happy and joyful? I hope you do. I hope you know that happy is skimming life while joyful goes deep into the heart. Joy to the World..........
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Why Me........
My Thought for this Day......Instead of saying your pitiful 'Why me?'? How about 'Why not me?'? Why not me living homeless under a bridge? Why not me walking miles and miles for a bucket of fresh water? Why not me holding my child who is literally dying of starvation? Why not me who can not speak for fear of inhuman retaliation? Don't disgrace your life with your selfish rumbling and moaning of less than a perfect existence. For truly, to millions you do live in the Promised Land. How very arrogant and self centered to not see the atrocities of the world due to your altruistic wall of Why Me?
Sunday, December 4, 2016
My Thought for this Day......I think at times we all lose ourselves in our everyday roles in life. We are somebody's mother, somebody's father, sister, brother, boss, employee, friend. We take on burdens, memorize scripts, stoop under heavy loads that aren't ours. And while this is necessary, and is life and is love, it chips away at us. Please take time to realize you can't be everything to everyone unless you are all to yourself. Don't lose yourself while you steep in more weak tea than you can drink. God gave you you! How completely divine and precious.
Saturday, December 3, 2016
My Thought for this Day..........Have you ever sat at the feet of someone great? Have you even one time really listened to the words of someone wise? Have you acknowledged that there is truth that makes its way in the world on wisps of words that when heard, move the universe ? Have you picked up a book and truly and totally absorbed the thoughts of someone who steeps astuteness much like a tea bag in a china cup of hot water? Really? It's life it!
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
My Thought for this Day.....I think at times we become so tangled up in our forever that we miss the temporary. When in truth it is our blocks of temporary that build our tower of forever.
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
My Thought for this Day.....We all have judged a book by its cover at one time or another. I wonder how many great reads we have missed and how many wonderful people we have dismissed by this peripheral action. Superficial lives are like sapling trees. They sway in the wind, and are easily uprooted. The truly discerning person knows appearances are not only skin deep, they are at times deceitful.
Monday, November 28, 2016
My Thought for this Day.......You have been given today. It is a gift. Accept it with thanksgiving. Be glorious in your today.
Sunday, November 27, 2016
My Thought for this Day.....Circle your wagons around positivity. Negativity is powerful and spreads like wildfire. You're better than that. Abiding constantly in the shadows of pessimism dims your light. And what if your special beam might be the beacon that someone needs?
Monday, November 14, 2016
My Thought for this Day......May the strength that is yours for the asking surround you today with the peace that, while not understood, is life changing. Be Humble in your acceptance and Grateful in your admission of its need. We all are at the mercy of life, yet we all are blessed in our simple ability to receive.
Saturday, November 12, 2016
My Thought for this Day........It's a wonderfully crisp morning. Mother Nature is beginning to pull into herself for some much needed rest. She will sleep for a few months and then rise again and flaunt her glory. She will not worry as she slumbers for she knows God is on His perfect throne, and because she bows to His supremacy, she is blessed. What a perfect peace she has.
Thursday, November 10, 2016
My Thought for this Day....When I look at life, I see toughness and despair. I see joy and celebration. I see hard work and easy streets. I see molding and breaking apart. I don't think this life is always meant to be a ride around the park with a warm blanket and a cup of hot chocolate. Nor do I think it's forever meant to be climbing the face of a granite mountain. What I do think is life is a jumble of actions, emotions and happenings, both good and bad. Our job is to take that jumble and through strength and endurance, and the grace of both acceptance and noble rejection, turn that patchwork into an amazing puzzle whose pieces fit tightly. And in the end, to create the beauty that was our magnificent gift when we drew our first breath.
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
My Thought for this Day........I don't know if your candidate won or lost....I don't know if you think the world is ending in the next 45 seconds or not...and you don't know about me. But for a few minutes think about these things.....about that woman who just got a diagnosis of breast cancer, about that veteran who is having to relearn life, about those parents who are burying a child today, about that preemie who is fighting for life in the NICU, and if you're brave enough to think about these things, then realize that your seat may not be so cheap.
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
My Thought for this Day......There are those who have publicly used all their words......Spewed all their hate.....Blared all their ignorant tirades of self supremacy. Today, my prayer is that these people will be cast aside by those who have lifted a hand and face up as they have kneeled in supplication. You have a privilege, and a duty. Cease your endless spout of superior knowledge, and choose your route with whatever speck of dignity you have left. Vote and then shut up.
Friday, November 4, 2016
Monday, October 31, 2016
My Thought for this Day....I hope you have an editor in your life.....that special person with whom you can bounce off feelings, ideas and thoughts.......that ear that truly listens.....that tongue that is gently honest. We all need that special someone....we all need that safe place. There are lots of people who will tell what you want to hear. A rarity is someone who will step out on that sapling branch and tell you what you need to hear.
Sunday, October 30, 2016
My Thought for this Day.........Each day we all are given opportunities to be kind. I wonder how many of us are so caught up in the me that we lose sight of the us. Kindness breeds compassion. Compassion gives birth to selflessness. We the people.....not I the person. Whether your 'we' is 5 or 5,000, you are the master of your actions. Be kind. Simply, be kind.
Saturday, October 29, 2016
Friday, October 28, 2016
My Thought for this Day.....Eyebrows have taken on a life of their own. Seriously? They look like huge apostrophes that need a quote.
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
My Thought for this Day.......As a parent, when you push your child into the corner of your wants and needs, one of two things happen. They will never break free; they will not become who they yearn to be. Or, in their rage, they will wildly push out, leaving you in their trail of anger.
Sunday, October 23, 2016
Heart Condition.......
My Thought for this Day........What is the condition of your heart? Is it tightly sewn together with threads of criticism and judgement? Does it slowly beat in a fog of denial? Or is it open to new things, ideas and people. I think when we close out hearts to differences, then we close our hearts to life. This big world is a calliope of occurrences that are not all our NORM. So what if someone walks a path that doesn't correspond to yours? I hope you're not so deeply entrenched in your world that you can't see the colorful swirls of others. You have the right to disagree with actions, but do you really have the right to judge with a mighty hand of perfection? Don't be that person. A heart full of judgement has no room for expansion. It's walls are tightly meshed. It's chambers overflow with criticism. Open hearts open lives.
Friday, October 21, 2016
My Thought for this Day.....Before you slam a door in someone's face, remember they have the power to lock it forever. Childish behavior can result in adult reaction.
Sunday, October 16, 2016
My Thought for this Day......I feel like we, as humans, from time to time, have an empty hole in our souls. Some tiny, some large and some deep caverns, ever changing in their depth and breadth.....and our instinct is to fill these holes with what soothes us. Here is my thought, be very careful how you lessen the void in your marrow. It will surely become you if not tended with care. The most dangerous act of all is to not acknowledge that we all need fulfillment in some form or another. And in our humanity we will grasp what soothes us. Be conscious in your decision. Grasp what truly and positivity fills, not what destroys.
Saturday, October 15, 2016
My Thought for this Day.......Life is not a one way street. Respect the fact that different highways and byways aren't wrong. They are simply diverse ways of reaching the same destination.
Friday, October 14, 2016
My Thought for this Day........There are many moments in life, that when recognized, even though common, are reverent. No singing of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, no dissension of Heavenly beings, just simple moments in life that tie people one to another. It is a connection, a chain, a soft sweet rope of bringing human spirits together, if even for a second, a minute, an hour. And then it's over.....physically and emotionally over. But here's the thing. If you are aware, if your sensory button is on, if your heart is open, you recognize that random happening, circumstance for what it was. You feel deeply and know that occurrence was meant to be....that it was a lesson, a softening of your soul, a filling of your spirit, a building of your joy of life. I think these moments are precious. And sadly, I think they are too often overlooked as we hurry and scurry and stay oh so very focused on 'us'. I hope you never miss a moment of what is totally yours shared with whomever is standing before you, and is a link in your velvet rope of existence. I hope you know that you can learn and teach at the most seemingly everyday mundane minutes. Most of all I hope you recognize that life isn't just a stacking up of seconds, minutes, hours, days that you endure because you have to. Never forget that the breath of life should never be taken for granted and simply endured. Recognize reverence in your life....take it in and more importantly breath it out. Sharing that joy with anyone....both friend or stranger.....empowers you. Then you step up and step out and become whom you are meant to be.
Thursday, October 13, 2016
My Thought for this Day......Don't be blinded by the light of your insecurities. Buy a pair of RayBans and step into their glare. And then twirl.
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
My Thought for this Day......May you live as if (today) had parentheses around it, blinding you from the errors of yesterday, and shielding you from the anticipation of tomorrow. Live today within today.
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
My Thought for this Day.....Perhaps that person who you think is not giving enough, is actually giving all he/she can. Perhaps what they are giving, at this time, must be to themselves. So before you slather yourself in disappointment and condemnation, try, if only for a moment, to understand that hurt is not always visible. And even the strongest crumble, and must rebuild.
Monday, October 10, 2016
My Thought for this Day........We all have Giants in our lives. The question is, do we perceive them as challenges or obstacles. Do we shiver in fear, hide in a corner, or do we become a David to their Goliath? Life is not always a Lazy River. At times it is a raging tempest. It's not about how big your boat is. It's about how well you captain it.
Saturday, October 8, 2016
My Thought for this Day........Sometimes reality becomes skewed. Or at least it does in my life. The world is a huge, wonderful, yet dangerous place emotionally. It can be entertaining, enlightening, or suck the life out of you. And this does happen to both the weak and the strong. So with that said, I think the trick is to realize, you must face yourself everyday with peace. And learning the art of healing peace is essential. There are many paths to choose to walk into your garden of tranquility. I hope you find yours, and when necessary, use it to heal, refresh and reboot.
Thursday, October 6, 2016
My thought for this Day.......If you don't savor the bite, how do you enjoy a feast? If you don't hold a penny, how do you save a dollar? If you don't listen to a word, how do you understand a conversation? Life is not about the bigs; it's about the littles. It's about the simple, not the complex. It's about simmering rather than boiling. It's not about the first page, or the's about the entire book. Enjoy the pieces of the puzzle, and the placing them together to form a spectacular life panorama. No one's puzzle has, or is, or will be like yours. Please gather in your small things, don't race from one big event to another. How incredibly sad to miss the tiny, yet mighty moments that define your days. The first sip of a hot cup of coffee, the rereading of woven words, the belly laugh with a really good friend, the tiniest detail of a picture....these are the things that make your rainbow. Don't miss the colors of life searching for your pot of gold.
Monday, October 3, 2016
My Thought for this Day.......Be a vessel of thanks. Settle into your blessings. Forget the if-only's and treasure the yes!
Sunday, October 2, 2016
My Thought for this Day......The simple act of acknowledging your weaknesses gives you power over them, puts them in the spotlight of your mind, and allows you to see them with clarity. Study your spotlight.
Friday, September 30, 2016
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
My Thought for this Day.....Don't ever think that your words and actions go unnoticed. You are a walking billboard. What do you say to the folks who read you daily?
Sunday, September 25, 2016
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
My Thought for this Day.......When you make that mountain out of that mole hill, be sure it's worth the climb to the top.
Sunday, September 18, 2016
My Thought for this Day........Allow someone to pray for you. It's one of the greatest gifts you can give them.
Saturday, September 17, 2016
My Thought for this Day.....It is said imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. I say it can also be the most obvious form of stupidity. Be careful whom you emulate. It speaks to your character. Volumes.
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
My Thought for this Day.......I completely believe that we all start this life on home base. And then as the years go by, we make our way to first, second and third base. Some advances are by runs, some by walks, and some by stolen bases. But at the end of the game, each and everyone of us returns home.
Friday, September 9, 2016
What If.......?
My Thought for this Day......What if everyone you know held a mirror, and you could see yourself as they see you? What if?
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
My Thought for this Day........Don't look at me and say, " I can't." Look at me and say, " I will'. Don't shake your head and say, 'It wont't work". Nod your head and say, "We'll make it work". Don't ever be afraid to trust yourself, or me. Be afraid to walk into the future always paddling the same rowboat going nowhere. Life is always evolving. And to stay stagnant is a thankless action. We were not made to fear. We were made to be mighty.
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
My Thought for this Evening........Never take a word, thought, action, nor opportunity for granted. The present becomes the past in an instant and with that, time leaves all behind. You are accountable. Don't waste that which can not be brought back. The past is gone. The future is a mere possibility. The present is your gift.
Sunday, August 28, 2016
My Thought for this Day......Life comes at you hard and fast. Either dodge it, or knock it out of the park.
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Pie Chart.......
My Thought for this Day.........It is the end of your days, and you must draw a pie chart and label the sections. I wonder what percentages would be the largest.......greed, jealousy, hate, anger, love, joy, thankfulness, humility. Maybe that chart should be drawn sooner rather than later, not to bring your end sooner, but to make your heart more open. Maybe you would be ashamed to truthfully sketch and then examine your pie chart. Maybe it isn't to late to change those percentages. Just maybe........
Thursday, August 18, 2016
My Thought for this Day.....English is a funny language, and one of the hardest to learn as a second language. Take for example, 'soul' and 'sole'. Pronounced the same; spelled differently; have entirely different meanings. My Thought....When the main purpose of your SOUL is the the sustaining of your SOLE self, we have a problem. All too often we lose our souls in our soles.
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
My Thought for this Day.........Before you burn a bridge, make sure you aren't gonna need to walk back over it.
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
My Thought for this Day.......I truly believe that most of us nourish our bodies more than our minds. We eat because we hunger. We drink because we thirst. We rest because we tire. But, and this is important, we unquestionably must nourish our minds and souls with positivity, and truth, and self awareness if we are to become genuinely whole.
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
My Thought for this Day.......Life is a braid. It is an entwining of many things. Sometimes it is wound tightly; sometimes it is loose tendrils. But the thing to remember is.......this braid of yours, though not always perfect, is to be gloriously worn.
Monday, August 8, 2016
My Thought for this Day.....It only takes one step to start a race and one step to end it. But oh, the steps in between are the ones that matter. Make each step count. Run strong.
Sunday, August 7, 2016
My Thought for this Day.......We get only one chance at this thing called life. I believe we sometimes get more distracted with length versus quality. So dwell on this .....each moment is precious, each hour is golden, each day is wondrous. Your worst day is someone else's best. Live like it matters.
Friday, August 5, 2016
My Thought for this Day......When you put all your eggs in one basket, then drop the basket, your life becomes shells of brokenness. Life is about diversity. Never covet one circumstance so avidly that you disregard all else.
Sunday, July 31, 2016
My Thought for this Day.......There is nothing more dynamic than words......written, silent, spoken. And we all have this clout to use in whatever way we choose. The single most revealing practice you have is how you use this power. I wonder if you understand how telling your words are?
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
My Thought for this Day.......One of my favorite phrases is....To learn at the feet of the Master. Realize that you are Master to someone and that they are learning from you every day. Are you worthy?
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Row your boat.....
My Thought for this Day......God doesn't always send a cruise ship to save you. Sometimes you have to recognize the rowboats of life.
Friday, July 22, 2016
My Thought for this Day.......It is said that hindsight is 20/20, but when you're blind as the proverbial bat to your own shortcomings and mistakes, hindsight is just as useless as your 360* blurred vision of today.
Thursday, July 21, 2016
My Thought for this Day.......Sometimes we need to cut out the fluff and get to the root of the problem. Sometimes it's okay to enjoy the fluff for a bit. Sink into it and delight in floating on that giant cloud of pretend. Problems will always be around. They need to be addressed and solved. But oh the joy of the fluff....for even just a little while.
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Stand Up......
My Thought for this Day.........I just listened to Marcus Luttrell's full speech given at the RNC. Impressive. Humbling. On target. I don't give a fig if he is Republican, or Democrat. This is what reverberates in my UNpolitical mind. When you divide ANYTHING it becomes smaller. We as a nation have become so divided, we have minced ourselves. Our One Nation under God has shattered. We are a disjointed people and that can be okay.....until it becomes full of violence and hatred and so much self entitlement that we choke on it......until it becomes so segmented that Humpty Dumpty will never be put back together again because we are so prideful we will not listen to anybody but ourselves.To paraphrase Mr Luttrell's words..." Let's make sure that returning veterans don't return from the hell they left to the hell here. ". I think this guy is spot on. I will not debate politics. I will, however, say this. How very sad that we posture around as if only 'our side of the fence' matters. Each and every Veteran from the beginning of this great nation to now, has, at some point , lost a piece of his soul. And if he/she served 'Boots on the Ground' in a war, they have emotional and physical trauma that is overlooked, undervalued and ignored. Each and every Public Servant lives second to second and closes their eyes at night and still envisions the atrocities we manage to volley on one another as if life is a tennis match and nothing matters but who wins. We sit in our houses of bricks while they patrol the streets of straw. And yet, We the People, stand on our safe soapboxes and spew pointless rhetoric as we blame anyone and everyone but ourselves. STAND UP AMERICA. Look in the mirror and then, bow your head and beg for mercy from a God who has been ignored and shunned. I am forever grateful that people like Mr. Luttrell walk in the path before me and mine. If you are content to hand down this State of the Union to the next generation, then shame on you.
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
My Thought for this Day.......In life there will always be winners and losers. No one is promised an equal playing field. But the fact is, when we lose with dignity, when we lose with grace, when we lose with honor, at that moment, we win.
Monday, July 18, 2016
My Thought for this Day......Write your own script. Plow your own field. Weed your own garden. Climb your own mountain. Don't rely on others to sail your ship of life. You were made strongly and mightily. Don't insult your Maker by living in the shadow of someone else's spotlight.
Sunday, July 17, 2016
My Thought for this Day........I don't know what is before you today. Do you have a pasture of green with gentle breezes soothing your soul? Do you have a mountain with a jagged top that is seemingly ready to rip out your heart? We all face different challenges, dreams, and realities. I hope that you are easing down the River of Life today, enjoying the view, but I'm certain that this is not the case for everyone. So this is my thought. All things, both good and bad, come to an end. Today there might be a comma, but soon there will be a period, and even though a happy outcome may not always come your way, you do have the courage to survive. And if your ending is joyous, then hallelujah. For it is written over and over, both your strength and joy come from the Lord.
Thursday, July 14, 2016
My Thought for this Day........In the quietness of the early morning is when you need to say hello to life. The hard lines of the day have not appeared. Daily disappointments are not yet present. The world is soft in your soul. Be gentle with yourself at this time. Reality will come on its own, but for a few breaths, softly whisper your morning salutation.
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
My Thought for this Day..........We, the human race, consistently, habitually, and knowingly mock a day that was both horrible and wonderful at the same time. May God, who allowed His son to hang from a cross for us, have mercy on our corruption, hate and blind eyes. And may we, who have turned These blind eyes to this sacrifice, take off our blinders and look into the face of forgiveness and love and with this glance, bow to the One who can save our nation and our people. Amen.
Monday, July 11, 2016
My Thought for this Day.....I think we can spend each and every day dwelling on the evil that is alive, well, and seemingly insurmountable in today's world. But instead, I choose to focus on the joy and strength of the human spirit. I choose to live with a clarity of sight, and my eyes trained on the heavens and the surety that Our mighty God sits on his throne. I choose to see me and my folks surrounded by invincible Angels, all tall in their stature and decked with the weapons of my Lord. I choose to not only believe, but know, that He will give me passage and if venom enters my world, He will give me the antidote with which to fight and win. I choose victory over loss.
Thursday, July 7, 2016
My Thought for this Day.......Don't be sucked in by the quicksand of today's society. We all put on our faces of present day values and live in fear of someone seeing through the cracks of our stage makeup. False pretenses are dangerous and frankly suck the life out of those who continually carry the burden of perfection. Being authentic is gold which outshines the tarnish of living lies.
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
Row to Hoe.....
My Thought for this Day........It's not easy being me. It's not easy being you. It's not easy being. Life comes at everyone hard and fast. Don't let fear keep you from being who you are meant to be. You owe it to yourself to plow right over life to the finish line. It's okay to take a respite at times. What's not ok is sitting in your row and never hoeing.
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
My Thought for this Day.......Are you taken? What by? Think about it for a minute. Have you allowed something to possess you? Have you allowed someone to possess you? Do you own nothing of yourself? This world is filled with things to take a overwhelm, to control, to hinder. We sometimes dig holes and can't get out. Don't be taken. Stand up, climb out. You owe that to yourself. You are stronger than you think in ANY situation. You are the Guardian of your future. How absolutely powerful is that?
Monday, July 4, 2016
My Thought for this Day........It's the Fourth of July again, and I absolutely feel like most people spend too much time griping about our woes, instead of seeing our freedom. They look through the glass darkly and see the shadows of what appears to them to be the demise of THEIR wants. This is NOT a political statement and I will never get into a war of words. Instead this is my shout out to those who have and are and will fight to keep our country strong. WE THE PEOPLE should at some point shut our mouths, bow our heads and give our thanks to the God who stands ready to listen. Quit pointing your finger of blame out and raise your hand of faith up. What a mighty God sits on His throne of grace. What a mighty nation will surely fall unless we absolutely bow at His feet and plead for His mercy. Happy Fourth of July America.
Friday, July 1, 2016
My Thought for this Day.....When you arise from your bed each morning, take a moment to give thanks that you live in a country that, though flawed, allows you the freedom to make choices. This is the beginning of a wonderful holiday weekend where we, as a nation, should for just a few days, zip the moaning and groaning and rumblings and instead, remember that countless people have given their lives so that we may live in the land of the free and truly the home of the brave.
Thursday, June 30, 2016
My Thought for this Day.......Every day your ship sails out of its harbor and begins its journey of life. Some days the seas are calm and you enjoy a wonderfully joyful cruise. Some days the seas are dark and tumultuous and you feel tossed about by huge waves of despair. Here is the most important thing. If you have fitted your ship with the Lifeboats of Faith and Assurance, then no matter the seas, you are at peace. And when your ship re-enters its port at night, you swab your decks, then step ashore and welcome your next day's cruise. For you are prepared.
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
My Thought for this Day.......Maybe your world today is not in a picture perfect box tied with a very shiny bow. Maybe instead it is in a plastic bag with a hole and one broken handle. We've all been there. Many of us may be there now. Problems and sorrow and burdens of every kind weigh your plastic bag down and your fear is that all the pieces will fall out and never be retrieved and never be stored again in that beautiful box with that bow. The weight of that bag can and will weigh you down and do exactly what you let it. STEAL YOUR JOY! Guard your heart with the promises given that you can carry your load and that you will be victorious. Life isn't always the candy aisle. Sometimes you have to be in the loading zone of burdens. But here's the joy. When you carry that burden, and then when you turn into that candy aisle, you have not only found your strength, you have been given the tools to help others when they are at their own loading dock. Be strong in your problems. Life abounds even when your choice isn't chocolate.
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
My Thought for this Day.....Sometimes life comes at us hard, sometimes on silent feet. No matter the delivery, life continually happens. And our mission is to embrace each day knowing that they are not only numbered, but labeled with a purpose that is singularly ours.
Monday, June 27, 2016
My Thought for this Day.......You can look at this world through disappointment, or you can look through joy. Negativity sits alone and breeds resentment, suspicion and bitterness with its darkness and doubt. Joy sings like a bird on a branch sure in her knowledge that the tree will hold both her and her nest. I choose Joy; I choose my song to be trilled to the Heavens. I choose to turn my back on the valley of the shadow.
Sunday, June 26, 2016
My Thought for this Day..........Our memories are things to be stored in our hearts with wonder. Both good and bad, our memories hold our past in their hands. Some we want to forget; some we cherish; but all are our story. This is my memory from one year ago today. Titus was one week old and a little over 3 pounds. It was my first time to hold this amazing creature and whisper to him my hopes and prayers. He, my first grandchild, was tiny and fragile and hooked up to wires and monitors, yet was an enormous force of life. What an incredible year for this little boy. How can we not kneel and give our Father our thanks for holding us all in His mighty, adoring hands.
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
My Thought for this Day.......When the crumbs of yesterday clog up your vacuum cleaner of today, you might need to rethink your diet.
Monday, June 20, 2016
My Thought for this Day......We all have emotional roots that stem from the soil of our past. Some we need to fertilize; some we need to spray with Round-Up.
Sunday, June 19, 2016
My Thought for this Day.....It is said the best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother well. While I have never been, nor will ever be a father, I truly believe this. With his actions a father teachers a son how to honor and love his wife, and he teaches his daughter how to be loved and honored by her husband. What great joy it is to be a living example of this. We have responsibility in our actions. We have consequences, and we have rewards. My hope is that each and every father will reap the rewards of loving the mother of his children. Do it well. For as each day passes, your time to teach by example grows shorter. Happy Fathers Day.
Saturday, June 18, 2016
My Thought for this Day........There are so many things we trust without too much angst. We trust the walls of our house to stand. We trust the roads in our lives to lead us to the usual places. We trust our eyes to see, our ears to hear and our tongues to speak. We trust that today will follow yesterday, and lead to tomorrow. But sometime our trust is misplaced and these times usually involve people, not places or things. Agreed? So my thought is that person who can be trusted. Be that someone whom friends, family and strangers can rely on to just do the right thing. Be the walls of a house, the road that is traveled. When you can be trusted, you are making a difference in lives around you. And do it consistently, without doubt. Do it, not because you have to, but because you, deep in your soul, realize that trust placed in you, is a rare treasure indeed.
Thursday, June 16, 2016
My Thought for this Day.........We all have been given a 'lot' in life. Some of us have Rolls Royce lots, some Chevrolet lots, and some have 'Tote the Note' on a clunker. No matter your particular lot, you are also given wheels to drive off and make your lot matter. So what if you have to air up your tires every day. There is beauty in advancement. There is strength in trouble. There is a road that, when followed, will leave the potholes behind and become pavement. All you have to do is believe that you matter. Even if you show a little rust, and your windows are cracked, you matter. We don't all start on the same lot. But we all are given the tools to fix our chassis to carry us to where we want to be. You matter.
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
My Thought for this Day............We all are wounded in some way or another. Life has a way of doing that. It happens to each of us. I think there are lessons abounding everyday, and it is our responsibility to learn them. And grow. Don't be bitter; be better.
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
My Thought for this Day........Don't ever forget you are given each day for a purpose. It is an honor to possess a purpose, and a disgrace to ignore it. Your purpose might be little or mighty. But the fact remains, you can and do and will make a difference in the lives of those around you. Make sure that difference is Honorable and Blessed.
Monday, June 13, 2016
My Thought for this Day.......Life is like a party. You invite a lot of people; some join you; some laugh with you; some don't come. But in the end, after the fun, there are only a few who stay and help clean up the mess.
Saturday, June 11, 2016
My question for this Day.............When is your someday? We all have them. I'm gonna go there someday. I'm gonna slow down someday. I'm gonna call that old friend to reconnect someday. So I repeat, when is your someday? Is it today, tomorrow? I'm going with a no for your answer. And that is troublesome, because you see, today or tomorrow may be all you have. Hope not. Hope you have many today's and tomorrow's. But not even today is promised. So listen, is it just me, or does it seem foolish to waste precious time that might be in really short supply? Quit shaking your head and saying you have no time to do these things. How do you NOT have time? True, maybe you don't have time to take that two week dream vacation, but you do have time to dream it. Five minutes of dreaming it, seeing it, planning it and I promise you will be in a better state of mind. Connect with someone in your life.....maybe an old friend, new friend, everyday friend. It doesn't matter. It's the tether of the heart reaching heart. The listening to a friendly, interested voice is so full of spirit restoration.......whether it's a five minute chat, or an hour long conversation. I just want you to know that a life spent racing, fretting, and worrying is a life wasted. Please shift your gear to park at some point everyday. Ease up on the gas pedal of life. Make your one form or another. You are surrounded by miracles and blessings that when ignored vanish into the air of the past. Your time is not infinite; don't dishonor it.
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
The Present.......
My Thought for this Day........I think we all live in the Big Picture. We dwell in the past, look forward to, or dread the future. When actually, life is simply about the now, the present, the realization that truly all we have is this. Certainly, we should plan for the days to come, and revisit the successes and failures of yesterday. But not to the extent that it blurs the todays we are given. Live well in the moment. The now will never return.
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Erma's Thoughts........"Great dreams... never even get out of the box. It takes an uncommon amount of guts to put your dreams on the line, to hold them up and say, "How good or how bad am I?" That's where courage comes in."
Erma Bombeck
My Thought for this Day........You're never to old to have a new dream. Prop it up, study it, round out the edges, hold it in your heart, nestle it in your outstretched hands, then watch it become reality. Have this courage.
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
My Thought for this Day.......Each and every day we take out a little piece of our hearts and hand it to the world. There it is punched, bruised, broken, loved, smiled upon and used. It is handled by family, friends and perfect strangers. Then it is firmly tucked back into our bodies and once again is integrated into 'us'. The lesson is this......never let the handling of your heart break your spirit. You are so much more than what this world can and will do to you.
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
My Thought for this Day........There are people in your life who are just that...people. And then there are those whom you draw in as friends and confidantes and family. Be very careful in your choices for they, these closely held people, are the co- editors of your story.
Monday, May 23, 2016
My Thought for this Day......There is an Art to Acceptance. Doesn't mean you have to like all things; doesn't mean you can't change things. Only means that in Acceptance you are freeing your soul to fly.
Thursday, May 19, 2016
My Thought for this Day......We always hear of doors shutting behind us, and others opening in front in our paths of life. I believe this to be very true. But don't wait for a huge slam. Just possibly, the door which closes behind you does so gently and quietly. Nothing dramatic, no great bang or clang. Simply a very quiet, gentle shutting, which relies way more on our acuteness of time well spent, yet over. I think this teaches us to heighten our awareness of stepping into a different room. And with this awareness comes a realization of the next door, which may not be standing wide open. It may be only slightly propped to give us a glimpse of an awaiting future.
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
My Thought for this Day.....How big is your life? Is it a teacup that is pretty much sedentary, no big hassles, no big waves? Or is it an ocean? Lots going on.....sand, water, birds, fish, crashing waves, sometimes hurricanes moving over the surface? I don't think it matters the size of your life; I think what matters is your peace of mind, your ability to just drift in your teacup, happily enjoying the calm, or loving the action that your ocean brings you. If what you have isn't your 'cup of tea', nor the 'sand between your toes', then change it. Just take a leap of faith. Change it; change you!
Monday, May 16, 2016
My Thought for this Day........What if you don't get a second chance to say,"I'm sorry.", to try again, to do what's right, to forgive, to be the better person, to earn trust? What if what you did yesterday, or do today is your last chance? What if there are no more commas, only periods? I don't think we should live life with gloom, nor sadness. I do think we should live life with awareness that we are finite. And while today's emphasis seems to center on first impressions, maybe we should also be aware that last impressions endure forever.
Friday, May 13, 2016
New Day........
My Thought for this Day.....Look to the East, for the sun is rising. An unspoiled day is dawning. A gift has been given. It is your choice to use these brand new hours in honorable ways. When the East is dark, and the West is aglow with the setting sun, what will you be able to say about your day? Will you have been fair? Will you have been trustworthy? Will you have been kind? Most importantly, will you have honored He who has bestowed this day upon you?
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
My Thought for this Day........When you call down the Angels from on High for protection, grace, healing, prosperity, you are that moment.....releasing the Evil from Satan to attack. Be prepared in your faithfulness, for you stand among the Mighty. I truly believe Satan ignores the complacent; he goes after the faithful. You are standing on the Promises, and the Rock, and you, in your Peace, will overcome that which is Lesser. This is my Thought for this Day.
Monday, May 9, 2016
My Thought for this Day.......Growing older allows for the peeling away of skin to reach your true self. It's not always pretty, nor peaceful. But it is valuable beyond words.
Saturday, May 7, 2016
My Thought for this Day......When you stand on the ledge of life contemplating jumping, make sure there is no one in your background ready to help you on your journey.
Friday, May 6, 2016
My Thought for this Day....I think many things are Holy......the usual things, the religious things, the church things. Yet to me there are many more Holy things.......the colors of the sunrise, the crashing waves of the oceans, the whisper of the soft breeze, the fresh air of the country, the vast vistas of the mountains. Yes, there are many more things I deem Holy. Take time to understand and relish all that was created for our Spirits.
Thursday, May 5, 2016
My Thought for this Day......You must stand FOR something, and stand ON something. Both are your choices. But the crux of the matter is this. If what you stand on is shifting sand, what you stand for will be ever changing. A solid foundation is a must for anyone who makes a difference, changes a life, leads well by example. Examen your footing; it determines your validity.
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
My Thought for this Day........The sense of awareness is not absolute. It is not a package that comes with a pretty bow. It is not a neon sign that blinks over the heads of people in your life. It is not an innate human emotion. It is not eyesight, hearing, touching nor tasting. It is coming out of yourself to be present in others. It is taking the prize out of your basket and giving it to someone else. It is realizing that there are people around you who walk with you and talk with you and yet, you have no clue their tears, nor fears, nor hurts, nor hopes, nor dreams because you simply have not honed your sense of awareness. Whether due to selfishness or ignorance or indifference, you have not been present. Take stock and if your thoughts and words are 'all about me'. If you hear someone speak of pain, but can't wait for them to hush so you can tell your story. If you know they've been hurt, and you sympathize for an hour or a day, then turn your back to continue your life, then shame on you. We've all been guilty of this. We've all lived in a 'what about me ' world. But the hope is that today you can change. Get OVER and OUT of yourself. Get off that train of ulterior motives, and self preservation and get on the train of reaching down and pulling up and truly listening.....not just hearing. You know someone you can help. You know someone who simply needs an ear, and possibly a warm human touch. We all wear cloaks of disguise. We all fight vulnerability. Yet we all yearn for that warmth of......yes someone does care. So I'll end this, by saying for me, this reaching out is a necessity because this point in my this circumstance of living.....see that there is oh so much I can do. I hope you understand my thought. I hope you turn your eyes outward instead of inward. I hope you will become the difference in someone's life. For truly, the life you save, you enrich, you reward will be your own.
Friday, April 29, 2016
My Thought for this Day......Don't be so blinded by the spotlight of life that you never see the shadows. The shadows are healing. They give refugee. They allow contemplation. The spotlights are exciting, but it is the shadows that allow growth.
Thursday, April 28, 2016
My Thought for this Day.....I choose to walk in the light, not the dark. I choose to see redeeming qualities in people, not faults. I choose to forgive, not hold grudges that drain me. I choose to be the best mother, wife and friend that I can be. I choose to be cognizant that every action I take creates a ripple that affects those around me. I choose to acknowledge that there are simple, honest, fair rules of life to follow that reflect on me, and therefore mirror who I truly am to others. And I choose to not only carry that reflection, but also to realize it openly and honestly shares me to the world . I choose to be 100% me, and with this choice I choose to rejoice. What do you choose for this day?
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Stay.......Or Go
My Thought for this Day..........At times, when faced with a hard decision, I think you must step back and forget about the ME , and think about the WE. You just might need to stay in your path, not because you need it, but because there is someone else who needs you there.
Saturday, April 23, 2016
My Thought for this Day......What we hold in our hearts affects us everyday. Whether it be joy, freedom, sadness, resentment, or jealousy. Whatever it might be, it will grow on the fence around your heart and send its tendrils through your mind and soul. Sometimes, although it may be hard, you need to drag a trash can over, and clean off your chainlink. A past hurt, a tiny bit of envy, any negativity, can and will destroy your lightness, your glory, your delight in your days. Not saying it's easy; just saying it's necessary for you to be your very best. And to not be your very best insults yourself. So do what you must. It may take time. It may hurt. But without a doubt it will be empowering.
Friday, April 22, 2016
My Thought for this Day........We all leave this earth with some sort of greatness left within us. Something we should have, could have, but didn't, do. What is the potential you refuse to acknowledge, and share with your fellow man? What's holding you back? What's your stumbling block? What a shame to leave that which could be done, undone, that which is winnable, lost, that which shines, left in the dark. Be great. You have it within you to change lives, especially your own.
Thursday, April 14, 2016
My Thought for this Day........I wonder if you could remember every single moment of your life in detail, what would be your reaction? Every word said, every thought, every intricate living color......all remembered and piled on a scale. How would your scale tip? What would outweigh what?
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
My Thought for this Day........We differ in so many ways. We are a cornucopia of ideas, thoughts and actions. This is what makes the beautiful quilt of life. And we all create a new square in our quilts daily. I wonder what material you use?
Sunday, April 10, 2016
My Thought for this Day....There is wide chasm between money and value. And to truly live, you must realize the most precious things have no monetary significance. They are freely given, if not freely earned. To waste, disregard, or mistreat these precious gifts is to discredit moments, hours and days of a life that someday, you will look back on and wonder what lure the gold and silver had.
Thursday, April 7, 2016
My Thought for this Day....My world is different than yours, and yours, mine. But to coexist peacefully, we all must honor the joined space we share.
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
My Thought for this Day.....When you see yourself as serving others, rather than only yourself, life blossoms. And the scent is sweet.
Monday, April 4, 2016
My Thought for this Day.....
When you pick your battles, make sure they are worthy of you. Getting caught in the snare of deception is not what makes you a person of respect and truth. Above all else, be the one who holds yourself to higher standards, even if it costs you those things envied by society. Public trappings are as fleeting as the wisp of the wind.
Saturday, April 2, 2016
My Thought for this Day.....So what if you sing your song, and no one seems to be listening? Your joy is your voice, not somebody else's ear. Rejoice that you have a voice, you have a song, and the music is heard.....if only by you. Because, my friend, when the time is right, you will come to understand that you were heard after all.
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
My Thought for this Day.......Find something to be positive about. On the darkest days, find something to be positive about. In the midst of trouble, find something to be positive about. In the gloom of despair, find something to be positive about. Make it a habit. Make it your goal. Make it you.
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Not My.......
My Thought for this Day.........How many times have you heard, 'Not my monkey.......,Not my rodeo.....Not my whatever'? I feel like most times this is not a statement, but a criticism. So before you tear someone else's problems apart, look for your own solutions.
Friday, March 25, 2016
My Thought for this Day......We all seek and search for things we think we need. Is it possible we should simply relax in the certainty we are given what we need when we are ready. Are you ready?
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
My Thought for this Day.......When you feel like you have nothing left to give, you have two choices. You can dig deeper or exit Stage Left. Either choice changes lives.
Monday, March 21, 2016
My Thought for this Day.......You're never too old to be new. Old ruts become new pavement. Old ways become new habits. Old visions become new realities. Old is not necessarily bad; new simply sheds the light of redemption on your path.
Thursday, March 10, 2016
My Thought for this Day.........There are those things that make us look good for today, and those things that make us look good for life. Choose wisely. We all leave a vapor trail behind us that can be seen far and wide. Maybe you don't care, but in the end, your trail affects people you love. Today? Or Forever?
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
My Thought for this Day.......Life is all about choices. You can choose to hang on, or let go. You can choose to stand tall, or sneak away. You can choose to speak out, or remain silent. Whatever the choice, and whatever you choose, do it with honor. For Surely it is speaking volumes to many.
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
My Thought for this Day.......As each day dawns, I have new opportunities abounding, new praises to sing, new eyes to see, new ears to listen. Don't pass the blessings; they are yours.
Sunday, March 6, 2016
My Thought for this Day......At times my road is bumpy and yours is smooth. Then the life wind shifts, and I'm on a flat slick surface, while your road is full of ruts. The wondrous beauty of it all is we each have hands to reach across our paths and connect. Let me be your bridge, and you be mine.
Friday, March 4, 2016
My Thought for this Day........If you constantly look over your shoulder trying to see the wrongs of yesterday, you'll miss the rights of today.
Thursday, March 3, 2016
ME or WE.......
My Thought for this Day........Do you live in a ME world, or a WE world? When you walk your unique path, when you decide on your route, be very careful in your choices. A SINGLE lane highway is narrow in its twists and turns and eventually comes to a dead end of loneliness and despair. A MULTI lane highway is busy and crowded and sometimes hard to navigate. But it remains forceful, and busy, and its path, though crowded, is packed with waves and nods. The last miles of your road of life are determined by your actions in the first turns, and straightaways. I wonder. ME or WE.
Monday, February 29, 2016
My Thought for this Day.........Never underestimate your power. You are mighty in your words. They are the headlights that light the way for your actions.
Sunday, February 28, 2016
Red Carpet......
My Thought for this Day.......Today is Oscar Day....Academy Awards....Red Carpet Day. This is a day for celebrities to become even more 'Larger than Life'. Here's my thought. What if EVERYDAY we all walked as if we were on the Red Carpet. Not for others, but for ourselves. What if EVERYDAY, we grasp that we are that special. We are truly Red Carpet Ready. We rise to the top with the realization that we are Worthy. Walk your Red Carpet EVERYDAY.
Thursday, February 25, 2016
My Thought for this Day........I believe the most sought after emotion is Love. Its abundance or lack of is the core of our being. It, in fact, is the trunk of our tree of life. What comes in second for you? If love is a given, then what emotion do you seek to follow behind it? What do you want people to feel when they look at you and your life? I believe what we want directs our footsteps. For we walk the path hoping to gather emotions from our people. I know what mine is. Do you know yours? Food for Thursday Thought.
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
My Thought for this Day........Who are you? You're a mother or a father, a wife or a husband, a son or a daughter.....the list goes on and on. But truly the answer are you. And every thing else just simply follows along after you. You put your individual brand on the rest. You actually tattoo it all on the people around you. So think on this. You are eternally you and whatever you stamp stays with your people forever. They carry the impact. Be very careful that what they bear is a benefit, not a burden.
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
My Thought for this Day........Let's make today a day of second chances. Take a second chance on something or someone. Give a second chance to someone or something. Don't make it hard. Don't make it painful. Don't overthink it. Just do it. Second chances are things to be done with no strings attached. So unknot that string and do it!
Monday, February 22, 2016
My Thought for this Day.......Today is golden....even though it's's golden. And here is why. Today will never happen again. It's a one time thing. It's uniqueness won't reoccur. To disregard, dread, or sigh it away is unforgivable. Today is a gift, a golden gift. So whatever it is that you have on your Monday plate, realize that you only have one chance to partake of this day. Gold does not tarnish. See that your actions, words, and deeds don't either.
Friday, February 19, 2016
My Thought for this Day.......Walk with a purpose, love, and truth. And your path will be shown, and you will not be alone.
Thursday, February 18, 2016
My Thought for this Day.......Never be afraid to be afraid. There are things in life that should be fiercely feared. With this terror comes protection and pro action. Fear is not a weakness unless you cower with eyes closed and ears muffed. Listen carefully to this. You are well equipped to face your fears if you gird yourself with the Power that is within your grasp. Stretch out your hand with faith; it will be taken.
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
My Thought for this Day......Sometimes our drains of life get stuck. We pull and we yank, and we pry, but that little rubber stopper won't budge. And when this happens, the waters begin to rise, and we become frantic with the terror of being drowned in this and that and these and those. And with our hysteria we become ineffectual in our effort to stay afloat. We thrash and we dash from one thing to another and in doing so we create a tsunami of emotion and activity that leads to nothing purposeful. STOP IT! It's okay to be busy. It's not okay to be frantic. "Oh, but I must," you say. No, no you don't. You don't have the need , nor they right to over schedule, over work, nor over whatever it is that's creating the flood of dirty water. Think on this for a moment. When you hurry and scurry, you most probably miss the finish line anyway. And you are too busy to value the trip. You are too frantic to soak in the wonder of what surrounds you. You are way too important to be important. Get it? Relax and drift in life's water for as long as you need to realize that the finish line always moves farther away with each frenzied dash and pull of that plug. Don't miss out on the float because you are drowning in the waves.
Monday, February 15, 2016
My Thought for this Day.......At this moment you hold in your hand an empty glass called Monday. Probably not your favorite glass, but nonetheless, it's yours. And with every second you begin to fill it. You fill it with words, actions, smiles, yawns, frowns, hugs...the list goes on and on. Here's the thing. This glass will be permanently filled. You may want to pour it down your Drain of Life, but you can't. It will stay forever sitting on your shelf to be viewed by those with whom you share your day. So make it worth saving. It's not just another day, it's your day.
Friday, February 12, 2016
My Thought for this Day.........Right this moment, if you are in an hour of need, my wish is for you to have someone to call upon. Right now, if you are in a moment of triumph, my wish is that you have someone to share with. This very day, my prayer is that you realize someone is better than something. Friends matter, family matters, coworkers matter, you matter. Only yesterday, I heard three very special people say to me.....I trust you, will you help? Can you hear the power in those requests? I knew instantaneously that a blessing had fallen around my shoulders, and I replied, yes. I hope that today, you get a chance to say yes.
Thursday, February 11, 2016
My Thought for this Day......Life is a dichotomy. We win and we lose. We grow and regress. We rejoice and we grieve. We glorify and we condemn. We change and are stagnate. And through it all, through the best and worst of times, we live. And this, my friends, is the triumph in our hearts. We live. And so whatever you face today. Whether it be exaltation or anguish. Whether you are on your mountain top or in your trench, you live. Let it matter.
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
My Thought for this Day...........I believe we are all given a life we waste. I believe that we allow minutes, hours and days to pass without true appreciation. I believe the earth is wondrous and the greatest art ever painted. I believe we possess more talent than we can ever imagine. I believe the Bible is the most read, respected AND neglected book on the planet. I believe we will never truly know the meaning of love in this life. I believe the human body is a machine so complex that no doctor, nor scientist can or will ever truly understand it, and its MAKER, the molder of life. I believe we don't give ourselves the chance to develop our true strengths, nor realize the hindering of our weaknesses. I believe if we all contributed what we are capable of sharing, the outcome would not be understandable. I believe we are living in a world of instantaneous rewards and regrets. I believe friends are absolutely, without a doubt, one of the biggest phenomenons in our lives. I believe families should at times unite and also at times separate. I believe children are the most mold-able creatures alive. I believe we are at the tip of the iceberg of what technology will reach and that none of us has the capacity to see what is before us. I also believe this technology is a blessing as well as a curse. I believe when we become robots, we lose our usefulness.I believe to open one's eyes to a new day is to have another chance to make a difference in ourselves as well as what surrounds us. I believe most of us squander this opportunity. I believe that the uniqueness of each of us, both separates and draws together. I believe faith is one of, if not the most, important emotions of life. I believe we owe not only ourselves but those who have come before and those who will come after the respect of taking care of our fellow man. I believe we, for the most part, are selfish creatures who turn our backs on needs that are in our own back yards. I believe no one lives the life of power of which they are capable. I also believe with 100 % of my heart that Ask with true Faith and Goodness and you will receive that which is meant for you......and then it is up to you to take that gift and share it with a world full of need. These are some of my beliefs. These are some of my faults. These are some of my biggest blessings.
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
My Thought for this Day.......We all live life on many different levels. Sometimes we are in the trenches. Sometimes we sit on the top branches of our tree and trill our song of joy. And here is the truth of the matter, it doesn't matter from which angle you are viewing your moments, they are still yours. And they are to be lived with assurance that you are strong enough, mighty enough, brave enough to rise out of your trench, and claim your victory. are gracious enough , kind enough, compassionate enough to climb down from your branch and aid those who need your strength. Life is about acknowledging that your circumstances are not only yours; they are the core of your circle, your people, your army. Trust in your team, and even better, be the nucleus.
Monday, February 8, 2016
My Thought for this Day........Realize who makes your life easier. And if you just thought no one, them turn your eyes outward, rather than inward. There are those who go before you everyday and clear a path. I dare you to spend a few moments and acknowledge them in your heart. Then go one step further and say thank you when you get the chance. Gratefulness to otherS is a sign, not of weakness, but of honor.
Saturday, February 6, 2016
My Thought for this Day........When you live life without a dream, you sit in a darkened theater with no actors on stage, waiting for someone else to appear and say your lines. How sad to not be the main character in your own play. Life is not about being self centered, but it is about knowing the center of yourself. Challenge sculpts us: placidity leaves us lumps of clay. We are not meant to watch the world go by; we are meant to be in the game. Catch that star and hold it in your hand and watch your life begin to glow with purpose and achievement and best of all the blessing of being. Live your dream!
Friday, February 5, 2016
My Thought for this Day......I spent part of Wednesday at the Fort Worth VA Outpatient Clinic. I'm always amazed at the spirit of these folks. Whether old or young, walking upright or with canes, or in chairs, they are always polite, and upbeat. Many times, I heard, " The Lord has given me another day, so I'm good." I'm not naive enough to think this is always their attitude. I'm sure they have dark minutes, days and weeks. But for that day, they were fine. They were among comrades. They were in the bubble of shared experiences. For that day, they were fine. I hope you have comrades. I hope you have those people with whom you can share experiences. I hope that for today you are aware that the Lord has given you another day, and that you are fine. Be blessed.
Thursday, February 4, 2016
My Thought for this Day..........We all take many actions every day. Some are automatic, spur of the moment, and some are intentional. Some we take pride in, some are seemingly inconsequential, and some are in haste, mean or damaging. Some we control, and some burst out like fire belching from a dragon's mouth. Whatever our action of the moment is, we have responsibility in it; we own it. Some make us feel better, some hurt others, and some just fade into the moments that are our lives. Here is my thought, finally........when your actions are clear, well thought out, determined, please take a moment and search the intention behind them. Those intentions may not hurt, nor be obvious to others, but they certainly chip away, or build up our own integrity. And our integrity today, molds our actions tomorrow. Live your life with a purpose that is generous, not self-centered. For, truly, I believe that when you intentionally bless your fellow man, you will reap what you sew. Benevolence and grace begin in your heart, not in your hand.
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
My Thought for this Day............We all need to move in a positive, forward direction. When we tread water, that water becomes stagnant. Examine your life, make those changes, seek those possibilities. Be in a day, a month, a year what you wish you were now. Go get your gold medal; kick off the moss of stagnation. Your water is meant to ripple with success. #makeithappen
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
My Thought for this Day.........Sometimes it's okay to not be okay. Truly the world is a stage and we all have our part to play. But we also all have days when our parts don't fit. And that's okay. If we always remain onstage, smiles on our faces, stage makeup perfect, wardrobe complete, there will invariably come a moment, hour, day or week, when we just don't know our lines. And, again, that's okay. Don't make life always about being perfect; make life about forever being genuine. And when that time comes, when you need to hide in the wings and rejuvenate, do it! It's okay to not be okay.
Sunday, January 31, 2016
My Thought for this Day........Trust yourself. It's your life. Believe in your power. But among all of this, live with integrity and might for you and others.
Saturday, January 30, 2016
My Thought from January 30, 2013.......Been doing this awhile...............Good morning, I would like to introduce myself. I am you. And just like you I am a miracle. I am a myriad of bones, and tendons, muscles and ligaments, cells and arteries and veins. I am emotions and attitudes and beliefs and thoughts. I am beyond understanding. With the blink of my eyes I see the world. With the slip of my tongue I build up or tear down. I can't begin to understand how I work, but I do. I walk and talk and think and accept and reject and succeed and fail and laugh and cry. I learn and I love. I take in the world and I reject what I don't like. I react and interact. I go with the flow or I fight to swim upstream. I have choices and I make them. I have consequences and I live with them. I have help and I give it. I am imperfections and I must accept them or change them. I am in this world until I'm not. I'm a friend and a foe. I am human. I am you.
Friday, January 29, 2016
My Thought for this Day.......I awoke this morning with the word Power rumbling around my head, and I really don't know what to do with it. So I think I'll just say this. There is power in every nuance of life. Your slightest gesture is powerful to everyone around you. When you're aware that your power is both minute and enormous, you live life differently. You change lives everyday by being you. Are you worthy?
Thursday, January 28, 2016
My Thought for this Day.......Live in the present, forgive the past, and pray for the future.....three steps for de-stressing your life. The value of today is priceless. Make sure you honor that fact.
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
How do you translate your life? With words? With actions? We all have the opportunity every day to translate whom we are. I wonder if people see you as you want, as you truly are. Think on this as you walk each day.
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
My Thought for this Day..........Whose ladder will you be today? Everybody, at one time or another, needs a little help. We all need a shoulder to stand on, a hand up, or a ladder to climb. Will you be someone's ladder? Will you willingly allow a friend to stand on your rungs as they reach their new heights? a ladder, a shoulder, holding your hand out.....willing to use your strength to raise a buddy to a new level.
Monday, January 25, 2016
My Thought for this Day........You don't always have to be a winner. There is power in losing. Reset your game. Reset your mind. Change your results. Sometimes losing is a springboard to attaining a bigger success than you ever thought possible.
Thursday, January 21, 2016
My Thought for this Day........Each day you leave a legacy. And the next morning you must pick up that legacy and carry it as you add to it throughout the hours. Maybe you have a legacy sack heavy with sarcasm, envy and bitterness that is thrown over your slumped shoulders. Maybe your legacy sack drags behind you filled with failures, disappointments, and regrets. Or maybe your legacy sack is light and airy and filled with hope, and faith and renewed trust everyday, not a sack at all, but a balloon that bobs atop your straight shoulders. Think about your legacy, for it truly tells your tale, and most importantly, it is generational. At some point, it will be taken off your shoulders and handed to your children who then must hoist it around. Will it be their burden or their balloon?
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Step out........
My Thought for this Day........Are you open to new concepts and ideas around you? Open your eyes to see. Open your ears to hear. Open your heart to welcome. Open your arms to embrace. Open your mind to learn. We all have things to give and to receive. Closed mindedness confines us to just us. Think about it. Again......closed mindedness confines us to just us. YOU are not enough for yourself. There are a myriad of things right next to you that can surprise, delight, acknowledge, and educate. Why miss out because you make no attempt to see, hear, touch , feel. This is your was yesterday and hopefully tomorrow. Don't waste it! Fill it to the brim with freshness, uniqueness, and impossibility. Step outside your circle of comfort. There's a big wide world waiting on you. Let me know what you find.
Monday, January 18, 2016
Be that person......
My Thought for this Day......Life is not about the what, or the where. It's about the who. And it's not always you. Go into this day knowing the differences you make, the goals you achieve, the intentions you exhibit must shine not only inwardly, but as importantly, outwardly. Light the darkness for someone else. Yes! Be that person! It's not always about the intensity of your light; it's about the direction.
Sunday, January 17, 2016
Your Day........l
My Thought for this Day.......Do you ever wonder why Billy seems blessed and Bobby doesn't, why Sally appears to ' have it all', and Susie has nothing. Every thing he touches turns to gold. Poor thing couldn't get it done in a million years. Yes! We all judge. We all not only secretly think, but most of us, outwardly speak things that are critical. We do it every day. So here's a challenge. For today....if only for one day......don't wonder about your neighbor, co workers, or friend. Don't wonder about anybody....not even you! Just embrace today in the Joy in which it was given to you. Today, let's count our blessings, stand on our mountain tops, sing our songs....without reserve, regret or restriction. Let Billy and Bobby and Sally and Susie have their lives. You have yours. Enjoy it. Live it. Just throw out those arms and twirl in the glory that is you. And exhausted in the effort of individuality. It's a precious thing.
Saturday, January 16, 2016
My Thought for this Day........Life is a gamble. Everyday we roll the dice, and live the results. We all begin our day with intentions, and end our day with the results of what we may or may not have planned. And here's the beauty of this..........we have lived. Maybe not happily, nor perfectly, nor totally successfully. But we have lived. And tomorrow we get the chance to begin again, redirect, or stay the course. And most importantly, we have had the chance to learn. I believe that the most ordinary of circumstances become extraordinary when lessons are grasped and absorbed and used for good.
Friday, January 15, 2016
My Thought for this Day.......You will make time for that and those who are important enough for you to allow to take your heart and hold it. You will pass by and nod or wave at many folk. You will be an acquaintance to possibly hundreds of people. But the fact is you will truly and honestly and soulfully, only allow a few trusted souls to see deep into you, grip your hand, and stride down the road of life by your side. I hope you see in your family and friends what I behold in mine. I hope you are intuitive enough to see the lions and the tigers and the bears and to realize the ones who are there to protect. I hope you know that blessed and mighty are those who have a jungle.
Thursday, January 14, 2016
My Thought for this Day........When you live a counterfeit life, you ask for and receive fake emotions. Who can and will be true to you, when you can't be true to yourself. Honesty and truth lead by example. Deception and lies may come in shiny packages, yet hold empty stagnant air. The core of a healthy life begins with eyes wide open into your own intentions and pretenses Don't ask from others what you are not willing to be nor do. To grip their hand and jump in the deep water of life's ocean with them is to validate sincerity.
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
My Thought for this Day........Stand on your mountaintop and observe your kingdom. It might be tiny, or expansive. It might be downtrodden, or elaborate. Doesn't matter with what you begin your day: it matters with what you end. Adding jewels, or gold or valuables is ok. Adding trust, or wisdom, or gratefulness is precious. For the additions of the latter exalts your kingdom in ways that are immeasurable.
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
My Thought for this Day........In these coming hours, someone will probably make you mad, someone will probably frustrate you, shame you, disgust you, exhaust you or depress you. Here is your power.........that little nugget of strength that nestles deep within you can become a mighty, towering tree of power. You have an arsenal of prodigious trees to call upon, to guard your road, to protect your heart, but most of all to ensure that when things go wrong, when the mighty winds of life change, you will stand strong, not only for and of yourself, but for and with others. Stand with tenacity and valor. And realize,without one tiny doubt, that there are those standing with you, even if in silence and invisibility.
Monday, January 11, 2016
Ever Changing.....l
Repeat Thought for this Day.........Life is full of commas, not periods. Certainly we'll all have a period at one the end of life. But as for now, if you're reading this, understand that your life is at this moment full of commas, semicolons, quotation marks, exclamation points, but not periods. Ever-Changing. My family is facing some wonderful changes, but also we've had some pretty big challenges in the last few months and years, and what I've learned through this is that the commas, semicolons and quotations are just the curves and hills and valleys of our lives. If you stop and think about your life, your family's lives or the lives of your friends, I think you'll understand what I mean. You certainly have had some periods in your life....not YOUR period, but the end of life for loved ones. Those are the periods that must be mourned, but also cherished because you were allowed to see and enjoy the commas in their lives as well. We all face changes, and for the most part they must be accepted for what they So I think the point is to not feel like you are looking at a period, maybe a comma, maybe a semicolon, maybe an exclamation point, but not a period. Whatever it is you're traveling through right now will change...for the good? For the bad? For the whatever......change. That is the reality of life......commas, semicolons, not periods. When the period of your life comes, and it surely will, I hope you can look back and realize the wonder that you beheld, the preciousness that was yours, the purpose that was meant for you, and that you never saw a period, but that you understood that throughout the years that the present was to be cherished and loved and lived and enjoyed for what it was. That commas were there, and that after those commas was more life. Enjoy today. Love today. Be amazed. Seek your purpose. Make those commas be fruitful, not hateful. For your period will come as surely as the sun will set. And at that time, you will have had your chance. Don't blow it my friends. It's a gift so big as to nearly be incomprehensible.
Sunday, January 10, 2016
My Thought for this Day......Its okay to live part of your life as a Linking Verb. In fact, it's important. We need to feel, to be, to seem, to posses. But it's the life of Action Verbs that get things done. Link those feelings to actions. Don't only feel sorry Don't only Don't only want.....go for. Life is a delicate balancing act, and truthfully , no one lives perfectly. But to live in the Link and not ever in the Action, does no one good. We all know where the Road of Good Intentions leads. Don't always be an I am, be an I Do.
Saturday, January 9, 2016
My Thought for this Day..........Celebrate Life! Circumstances come and go. But the preciousness of daily breath is beyond measure. Make your mark on the world instead of allowing the world to mark you. May your Morning Salutation be gratefulness and the acknowledgment of your blessings. And when you close your eyes for nightly rest, may you whisper, "Thank You for another day."
Friday, January 8, 2016
My Thought for this Day.........May you always be able to say without angst...........I may not be THE best, but I'm MY best. And when you reach for your personal star, may you know that it's the journey that is the lesson, and it's the lesson that is the true gift.
Thursday, January 7, 2016
My Thought for this Day.........If you can bring joy to anyone, especially someone you love, that exultation boomerangs back infinitesimally.
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
My Thought for this Day......I truly believe we all have windows of our hearts and minds. I also believe we can choose to open them wide and let in fresh air, new ideas, and change, and with this openness, achieve and learn and become more than we were. I also believe we can padlock these windows and watch the world go by, all the while grumbling and saying..that's not the way we did it in my day. No matter how old or young you are , you do have a way....back in the day. Each moment you have to make that choice, good or bad, right or wrong. If you're alive, you must choose to be a part of this ever evolving world, or sit behind the dust and grime and mold of your tightly closed window, becoming more and more cynical and scornful. So what's it gonna be? Grab hold of the fresh air of change, seek out opportunities that just might make a difference in your life as well as the life of your friends and family, or sit and live in the past that while seems golden in your mind, just may be a little tarnished? I choose openness and vitality and grabbing hold of life with both hands. I hope you do too. I hope you relish each day. I hope you are that person who lights the way for those who sit dimly in the closed room of sameness. Join me in this Journey.
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
My Re-Run Thought for this Day because I think it bears repeating.............
A wise woman once told me that we are all stones polishing each other. She said that without interaction with all types of people, we would remain rough with sharp edges. But that by coming in contact with all sorts of folks, we are polished into what we are meant to be. Specific people are put into our lives for a reason. Maybe to polish or maybe for us to polish them. So the point of this very short blog today is you have people you love? Yes! Do you have people who are constants in your life that maybe you have trouble even liking? Yes! But remember they are there to help mold you much as a potter molds clay. They build character either through enjoyment, friendship or the opposite. They maybe be a constant in your life or a flash. Whatever the circumstance, take the opportunity to grow and shine, be polished and help polish others. Life doesn't just happen, it is a definite road with the highway signs having YOUR name on them. Walk it with pride and purpose. Let your little polished light shine!
Monday, January 4, 2016
Sunday, January 3, 2016
My Thought for this Day..........While the word complacency is categorized grammatically as a noun, I truly think it's a verb. And one of the most dangerous words in our language. Strike it from your life. Change will happen.
Saturday, January 2, 2016
Thank You.....
My Thought for this Day.......If every single day, someone doesn't look you in the eye and say a sincere Thank-You, then maybe you're still living in the Me, not the We.
Friday, January 1, 2016
My First Thought of 2016.......Never underestimate yourself. You have it in you to set your goals high and not only meet them, but exceed them. Don't sit on the sidelines of life. Be a player.
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