Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Stand Up......

My Thought for this Day.........I just listened to Marcus Luttrell's full speech given at the RNC. Impressive. Humbling. On target. I don't give a fig if he is Republican, or Democrat. This is what reverberates in my UNpolitical mind. When you divide ANYTHING it becomes smaller. We as a nation have become so divided, we have minced ourselves. Our One Nation under God has shattered. We are a disjointed people and that can be okay.....until it becomes full of violence and hatred and so much self entitlement that we choke on it......until it becomes so segmented that Humpty Dumpty will never be put back together again because we are so prideful we will not listen to anybody but ourselves.To paraphrase Mr Luttrell's words..." Let's make sure that returning veterans don't return from the hell they left to the hell here. ". I think this guy is spot on. I will not debate politics. I will, however, say this. How very sad that we posture around as if only 'our side of the fence' matters. Each and every Veteran from the beginning of this great nation to now, has, at some point , lost a piece of his soul. And if he/she served 'Boots on the Ground' in a war, they have emotional and physical trauma that is overlooked, undervalued and ignored. Each and every Public Servant lives second to second and closes their eyes at night and still envisions the atrocities we manage to volley on one another as if life is a tennis match and nothing matters but who wins. We sit in our houses of bricks while they patrol the streets of straw. And yet, We the People, stand on our safe soapboxes and spew pointless rhetoric as we blame anyone and everyone but ourselves. STAND UP AMERICA. Look in the mirror and then, bow your head and beg for mercy from a God who has been ignored and shunned. I am forever grateful that people like Mr. Luttrell walk in the path before me and mine. If you are content to hand down this State of the Union to the next generation, then shame on you.

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