Thursday, February 4, 2016


My Thought for this Day..........We all take many actions every day. Some are automatic, spur of the moment, and some are intentional. Some we take pride in, some are seemingly inconsequential, and some are in haste, mean or damaging. Some we control, and some burst out like fire belching from a dragon's mouth. Whatever our action of the moment is, we have responsibility in it; we own it. Some make us feel better, some hurt others, and some just fade into the moments that are our lives. Here is my thought, finally........when your actions are clear, well thought out, determined, please take a moment and search the intention behind them. Those intentions may not hurt, nor be obvious to others, but they certainly chip away, or build up our own integrity. And our integrity today, molds our actions tomorrow. Live your life with a purpose that is generous, not self-centered. For, truly, I believe that when you intentionally bless your fellow man, you will reap what you sew. Benevolence and grace begin in your heart, not in your hand.

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