Wednesday, January 6, 2016


My Thought for this Day......I truly believe we all have windows of our hearts and minds. I also believe we can choose to open them wide and let in fresh air, new ideas, and change, and with this openness, achieve and learn and become more than we were. I also believe we can padlock these windows and watch the world go by, all the while grumbling and saying..that's not the way we did it in my day. No matter how old or young you are , you do have a way....back in the day. Each moment you have to make that choice, good or bad, right or wrong. If you're alive, you must choose to be a part of this ever evolving world, or sit behind the dust and grime and mold of your tightly closed window, becoming more and more cynical and scornful. So what's it gonna be? Grab hold of the fresh air of change, seek out opportunities that just might make a difference in your life as well as the life of your friends and family, or sit and live in the past that while seems golden in your mind, just may be a little tarnished? I choose openness and vitality and grabbing hold of life with both hands. I hope you do too. I hope you relish each day. I hope you are that person who lights the way for those who sit dimly in the closed room of sameness. Join me in this Journey.

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