Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Too Close.....

My Thought for this Day......There is an old saying that says when one door closes , another opens. I just hope that if and when that first door closes, it doesn't break your face because you spend all your time peering too closely into the future and not enjoying the present. Even if today is hard, not your dream world, full of difficulties, it IS your today and to miss it, to ignore it, to "just" get through it, so you can live in your "better" future, insults the life you are now living. And that "now" life is not only a gift; it is an opportunity that will never return. I wonder what you miss when you close your eyes to today, and never see that smile, when you harden your heart and never feel that gentle touch, or close your ears and whispered words go unnoticed. So your today is tough, so your dreams are nightmares, the experience of life isn't meant to be totally without problems, but it is meant to be totally full of the realization that it's yours and it is to be lived moment by moment by moment that will never return nor give you a re-do. What if you miss a blessing today by pressing your face fully into the closed door of tomorrow? Step back.......I promise it's the living of today that is important.

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