Wednesday, April 30, 2014
My Thought for this late because I overslept this morning. So this has me thinking about the word over. Overtired, overwrought, overweight, over the top, overdrawn, overcast, overboard. We have a lot of 'overs' in our lives. Get over your overs!!!!!!! Right now, the Brannan Farm seems to have a lot of overs. But we choose to stay positive because in the end, the overs will get you nowhere. So, tuck your overs under your hat, covers, selves. The sun will come out tomorrow! I promise.
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
My Thought for this Day..........So today we are going to make a pie chart. You can mentally do it, or even better, physically do it with paper and pens. I want you to chart who or what means the most to you. Then in diminishing order finish the chart. I have no clue what you will think or write. But this is what I do know. The biggest part of your pie chart holds the most power over you. And if YOU are nowhere on your chart, you have lost yourself. And this couldn't be more sad.
Monday, April 28, 2014
This is Monday....and I seem to be lacking thoughts. So........I'm borrowing a past Blog when I used to do a Word do the Day.........Word of the Day.....BUT.....what a seemingly little unimportant word....with a huge impact. I'm sorry I did that BUT........I guess I was a little late BUT.........Maybe I was wrong BUT........I apologize BUT. But is a word of wipes out all you have just said. It makes excuses, it covers up, it hazes apologies and meanings, it screams insincerity. Be careful. When you have the need to explain, say you're sorry, take responsibility.....DO IT! Then STOP!!! Offer no Buts. Live your life without the need to cover up. We all make mistakes.....let's shoulder them without trying to make ourselves look better with needless, useless, unapologetic BUTS.
Sunday, April 27, 2014
My Thought for this Day......What promises have you not kept? To yourself? To others? Do you know? Do you dwell or ignore? Do you plan on keeping them, or were they made on a whim? I'm not really sure which are more important......those unkept promises to yourself or to others. I think I will leave it at that.
Saturday, April 26, 2014
My Thought for this Day........If you are always 100% for someone else, you have nothing left to give yourself. And this diminishes you, weakens you, demoralizes you, and in the end, you lose the person you should be. Taking care of you IS taking care of others. It is not selfish; it is not one dimensional. It is cherishing and respecting that which has been freely given.....your miracle......your life.
Friday, April 25, 2014
My Thought for this Day......Sometimes I envision us all in bubbles. Spheres of iridescent lights that float on waves of human emotion. Our bubbles are filled with the whims of the universe, or truthfully, they are filled with what at this moment, in this exact time period carries each and every one of us to our destinies. Here's the depth, the gut, the atmosphere of out bubbles.......our ability to simply float. And with this floating comes either resentment, strength, sadness, usefulness, ignorance or self knowledge of 'oh the places we will go'. So, to only keep your eyes on other's bubbles, envy, covet, grasp that which is not ours, is to miss the wonderful prisms of life that is your bubble. Think about this....and think can't have or possess someone's else's bubble. You only have yours. So the key, the lesson, the life, is to float within your sphere, knowing that whatever it is, it is truly meant for you. And in that knowledge, in those sparkling prisms of life, you find your core. What more could you ask for...for indeed, if you don't know yourself, your journey hasn't even begun.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
My Thought for the Day......Are you disappointed in someone? Maybe their words or actions have not suited you or hurt you in some way......deeply and rawly. In the midst of your pain is it hard to see anything but the sharp edges that have softly sliced or perhaps left jagged edges in your emotions, your feelings, your soul? If this is true, then you are like every other person you know. We've all been disappointed by friends, family, loved ones. But know this to be true.... as you stew and smolder in your have also disappointed. You have also cut to the bone. You have also brought tears and fears and sorrow to another living being. So my point? Don't try to dodge the bullet for that is an act of cowardice. Boil if you must, resent if you must, blame if you must. But while doing all of the casting stones, don't forget to acknowledge those that are being hurled at you. And most importantly, realize no one......but One.....has ever walked this earth blameless.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
My Thought for this Day........I wonder if maybe your first conscious thought of the day might be your most important one. Sets the tone, it's your first step off the curb into the traffic of life, it electrically charges your brain. Are you even aware you have a first thought....that rattling around of jumbled syllables that somehow all line up and make sense. We all start our days with different routines, actions, habits. But the one thing in common is...we all have a very first thought. I hope you realize that you can train yourself to think the same thing every day upon awakening. That with effort, you can make your very first greeting of the day be one of thanks, and blessing. Now, it may go downhill from there.....not saying that it won't from time to time. But make an effort to set your wake up thought much like you set your alarm. And then, IF the volcano of your day explodes in your face shortly there after, at least for a few seconds, you have opened your mind and heart to what is in your path and given yourself the strength and joy and gratitude ever day deserves......even if just for a moment.
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
My Thought for this Day........There are so many things that come and go in our lives. Trends, fads, routines, jobs, even people. Our lives are kaleidoscopes of ever changing patterns and lights. And when we hold these kaleidoscopes to the light the only thing constant IS the light. We twist and turn and nothing seems to ever stay the same. But don't you see that .....this constant change Is that which remains the same. Stay with me here. To expect to live in a permanent state is ludicrous. Life is change, motion, movement, but the light, the candle in the wind, the beacon stands strong and while we are in perpetual motion of good, or bad, the key is to keep our eyes on that light. Even in times of prosperity and positiveness and growth, don't turn away from your Light. For to lose sight of it, is to deny it. And to deny it is to become so self sufficient that if and when you hit a road block, you forget that in your darkness a Light awaits to become your beacon. I hope that today you're living in your glory. I hope that dreams are coming true. I hope that you are standing in the rains of health and wealth and love. But more than that, I hope that you never lose sight of your Light. Because as surely as the east is far from the west, there will come a time when that flicker will need to be a beacon guiding you down your path, shining its glorious light on darker days, being what it is meant to be.......that peace that deep down stills the fears of life.
Monday, April 21, 2014
Your Branch....
My Thought for this Day.......There is a bird outside my window singing his morning song. He is greeting this new day in the only way he knows how......with a cheerful noise. It is his habit, his tradition, his life. I wonder at him. And I must say, I envy him. For there are days when I don't have a joyful noise to make. I don't want to greet the day....especially not trilling with an expectation of the sun rising on a beautiful rain swept land. Once again, I am humbled by the Nature around me. He sings because he has a song and it is his job to greet the sun with enthusiasm. So on the days when you might rather just pull those covers over your head,think of my bird. Sing and be joyful. Make it your nature......I truly believe that thankfulness will follow and instead of a covered up lump, you will be standing on your branch, welcoming your brand new day. And your song will be Joyful.
Saturday, April 19, 2014
My Thought for this many times have you heard the expression...."they're just in the dark."? Not referring to forgetfulness to pay one's electricity bill.:)). But referring to living without the dark. Usually that is meant as an insult. Or possibly as an exclusion. But this is not always the case...some darkness is self imposed. Can you imagine how in the dark the people felt after the crucifixion? Friday had happened.....The Sabbath hadn't arrived......literal darkness had covered the land for several hours the day before from noon until 3. Now the sun had risen, but in truth, even the disciples were 'in the dark'. They had been told, but had they really listened? Had they trusted enough? Had they allowed themselves to absorb the Word ? I doubt at no time, has anyone 'been in the dark' quite to that extent. But yet at times we all choose to live in the shadows. We allow ourselves the luxury of putting our heads in the sand. We rely on ignorance as a shield. But in the end, these black holes of existence lead to a life half lived, worrisome, troubled, in fake assurance of rightness. I hope that we can all take the time to understand we have an obligation to stand in the Light. It was bought and paid for thousands of years ago. The example was set. The guilt was absorbed. The darkness was complete and then the sun rose on a miracle that has never been surpassed, nor ever will be. So today......step out of your self inflicted darkness. For truthfully, to not, to choose to live in the dark, is an insult to Him. He bore your troubles in an unimaginably painful way. He walked His path of agony for all to be able to step into the Light. When you choose to live in the darkness of your troubles, you choose to turn your back on Perfection.
Friday, April 18, 2014
Carry that load.......
My Thought for this Day.......When you help carry a burden for someone else, your problems seem lighter. Your shoulders expand with the strength of generosity and care and your muscles flex with unseen power. On this day of all days, when the Greatest burden of all was carried for you and for me, know that the power of less judgement and greater forgiveness and acceptance of imperfection was freely given to you. You did not earn it. Don't make others.
Thursday, April 17, 2014
You are......
My Thought for this Day......We are what we eat. We are what we drink. Or so it is said. But this I know is true. We are what we think. Positive, negative, afraid, bold, arrogant, truthful, loving, hateful, kind. The list goes on and on. So stop..........and realize that you are your thoughts because they manifest themselves into your actions. What are you?
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Too Close.....
My Thought for this Day......There is an old saying that says when one door closes , another opens. I just hope that if and when that first door closes, it doesn't break your face because you spend all your time peering too closely into the future and not enjoying the present. Even if today is hard, not your dream world, full of difficulties, it IS your today and to miss it, to ignore it, to "just" get through it, so you can live in your "better" future, insults the life you are now living. And that "now" life is not only a gift; it is an opportunity that will never return. I wonder what you miss when you close your eyes to today, and never see that smile, when you harden your heart and never feel that gentle touch, or close your ears and whispered words go unnoticed. So your today is tough, so your dreams are nightmares, the experience of life isn't meant to be totally without problems, but it is meant to be totally full of the realization that it's yours and it is to be lived moment by moment by moment that will never return nor give you a re-do. What if you miss a blessing today by pressing your face fully into the closed door of tomorrow? Step back.......I promise it's the living of today that is important.
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
My Thought for this Day......Some days you just need to check yourself at the door, and get on with life.
Monday, April 14, 2014
My Thought for this Day.....the life you lead today is based on choices your made yesterday, last week, and years ago. We build our lives like the pyramids.....each block leading to the top. And from that pinnacle we will look down and see each step both carefully or haphazardly taken. So today, as you go about the business of living, think of your pinnacle and the view that will surround you when your last steps have been carved in your pyramid of life. It will be a 360# panorama that is you.
Sunday, April 13, 2014
My Thought for this Day.......On this day, thousands of years ago , we were taught Humility by the most powerful man to have ever lived in the history of this world. For He entered the city riding on a donkey.........nor a chariot drawn by pawing and rearing horses, but a donkey. I think in today's world, we see humility as a weakness. But in truth, it is strength beyond measure. It is the acknowledging that you can not do this life alone. No man is a mountain unto himself. So examine your heart today, and if you have to crack a few proud walls to find that humility buried deep inside you, I would encourage you to do so. This man taught us many lessons in His thirty three years on this earth. Today...dwell on His lesson of humility. For to do so makes you powerful in ways you can not imagine.
Saturday, April 12, 2014
My Thought for this Day......At any given time invisible walls may rise and knock you to your knees. It's not the falling; it's the getting up that is important. And the most important lesson of all, is the knowing there is love standing in front of you. All you must do is reach out and grasp.
Friday, April 11, 2014
My Thought for the Day.......Wearing your heart on your sleeve demeans, weakens and in the end, the only one hurt is you. Short and sweet and truthful.
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Self Made.....
My Thought for this Day......We have all heard the expression....a self made man. This supposedly depicts someone who came from 'nothing', rising to a certain economic level. But my thought is this....we are all self made. No matter our roots, no matter our heritage, each and every one of us builds our lives with traits of our choosing. We have the free will to lay our walls of bricks as we see suitable. Some walls may be harder to construct than others. But think on matter your past, no matter the wealth, poverty, love or can rise above, take charge, be the person that says......YES, it is possible.
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
My Thought for this Day.....
I wonder if you understand
The power of a Helping Hand.
A gentle touch or power tug
In a glance or loving hug.
Your actions say a million things
And fly around on unseen wings.
So think before you move or speak
And never hurt but kindness seek.
I have been known to write poems for friends for many occasions. Just thought I'd have a change for this morning.
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
My Thought for this can stand in the glory of the sunshine that is your life, or dance in the rain from the thunderheads above you. Either way, you must live. It's not the circumstances that define you, but the way in which you react to them.
Monday, April 7, 2014
My Thought for this Day.......Every day we hold a recipe in our hand. It is called Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday etc. In that recipe there is always honor, grace, faith, enjoyment, laughter, help........what do you add? Do you add grievance, doubt, envy, anger, excuses? Think about it. It's your day.....your recipe. You must eat your cake of life. I wonder how it will taste?
Sunday, April 6, 2014
My Thought for this Day.....You see things your way, I see them mine. That is one beauty of the human experience......diversion. What is good for one, may be harmful to another. But within our playing fields we must learn that different is not hate. Respect the fact that I don't have to play your game and you most certainly don't have to play mine. But what we must do, is teach ourselves the capacity to get along and flourish in this very varied life experience. We have minds to form opinions, but with that comes responsibility to value opinions of others. Speak with respect. Listen with reverence. Live with honor. Don't play at the game of life.......for it is much more than a game. It is your chance to be. No one is like you. And no one will ever be. Can't you see the specialness of this? What a shame to disregard the uniqueness of our world, our people and our opinions. My prayer is that when we embrace our world, when we walk alongside our friends, we can agree to disagree, we can be varied, accept divergence, and through it all, my very special prayer is that I, ME, MYSELF, can honor everyone whom God has placed before me. I don't for one second think if you are in my life, is it a coincidence. It is what is meant to and will be. It is my privilege, not yours. My blessing is to embrace my circle of life.
Saturday, April 5, 2014
My Thought for this Day......Presumption is a dangerous thing. When we presume to know someone else's circumstances, we put ourselves on the highest platform holding the gold medal with everyone else below us. This I know for sure, you will NEVER know another's life in every detail. So therefore, to presume you do, throws the veil of judgement over your eyes, and indeed you are more blind than you could ever imagine.
Friday, April 4, 2014
My Thought for this Day......I am a teacher by profession, but I hope I am a learner as well. We are never too old, experienced or knowledgable to turn our backs on lessons to be learned. I teach Spanish in the classroom, but I had much much much rather be known as a teacher of life to both my students, my friends, family and yes, even those few people who might read my FB ramblings. And to teach life lessons, one must learn them daily. I try to do that always. I see and hear and visit and read the outpourings of so many souls a day. I cry with those kids who have nothing or no one. I feel for my friends who struggle with boulders of trouble, I rejoice in the lives of success I get to be a part of, and those I merely read about. But mostly, I try to learn. I have not walked your path, ridden your waves of sorrow and lose, nor crested the pinnacles of your accomplishments. I find the human experience fascinating, and more so each and every one's reaction to their own daily bread. I love deep thought and conversation of just exactly what our purpose and breath and commitments and steps both are and should be. I love to hear your stories, your histories, your life's bricks that have made you the person you are. My sponge soaks up your water. I don't know if this is normal, and don't care. My goal is to learn, understand, and pass on to help. So at the end of this crazy rambling treatise, I just want to say thank you. Thank you for comments, texts, private PM's and emails. Every one makes my day. I will continue this word game as I can and because I can. And if, at anytime, you need an ear, I have two.....the calling of my heart is to sit,listen and when you have poured out your waters of joy or sorrow, be there to say, "someone does care."
Thursday, April 3, 2014
My Thought for this Day....has changed. I planned on one thing, but my early morning mind has taken a turn. Today, I wanna say, it okay. It's okay to be scared, sad, mad. It's okay to find not one morsel nor tidbit of comfort in your circumstances. I have always thought that we have been given ALL emotions to feel...not just the happy, strong ones. We are to cry and vent and yes raise a living, yet angry fist to the Heavens and ask,"why"? As a matter of fact, there have been times, when it has been a blessing that I live in the country because my God and I have had loud conversations in my back yard. We ask why and no immediate answer comes. We ask for help and nothing appears. We seek solutions in desperation and are blinded still by the darkness that surrounds us. IT IS OKAY. It is human. It is us. I'm not going to sit here a say...... hang in there, it will get better. Not because it won't, but because that's not what you want to hear right now. And this morning, I want to comfort, not confront. I have hurting friends whom I am reaching out to in my attempt to help carry their load of worry, and fear and weariness. This I can do. This I will do. So, if today my thought isn't for you, doesn't touch you, then please tuck it away and rejoice. Maybe your are on the golden brick path. Maybe good things are pouring down from a generous heaven. And if that is you, I am truly happy for you. But if not, and I think you know who you are, then please know in my mind, in my heart, in my very soul, I know it is okay to have those moments of fear and trepidation and aloneness. But also I know you are not alone, because I am standing in your gap. For what it's worth, I am holding your hand,wiping your tears and praying your prayers. Today, this is my truth.
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
My Thought for This day.......A couple of years ago I wrote my own epitaph....not one that would be written about me. Excuse me when I say that those sometimes take out the salt and replace it with a little sugar. No, I wrote my own , and I was brutal. No one knows you like you. No one knows the true inner workings of your heart and mind. No one sees the motives behind your actions. No one actually holds the soul of your character like you do. So I was honest, objective and it hurt. I actually put it on a piece of paper....word, by sad sorry word. I searched the cracks and crevices of my thoughts, actions, of the very essence that was me.....not what the outside world saw, for we all put on plays for others and that would have been a waste of time. I wrote an in depth character assassination. Then I read it, and reread it, and revised it with even more honesty. It hurt; it was looking through a glass darkly, yet it was truly one of the most liberating things I have ever done. Because then, I could begin my work. Maybe this isn't for you. Maybe you just aren't ready. Maybe it would be futile. But if you decide to have the courage to see yourself in all your black and white, do it. But do it right. Pen, paper, time and honesty........I hope it sets you free as it did me. I don't want to know details, but if you do decide you can face you, let me know how it affects your life. I'm betting on you!!
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
My Thought for this Day......we all have broken many things. Dropped glasses, shattered pottery, splintered china, even the ' O my gosh seven years of bad luck mirrors'! But these are just things, replaceable things. It's when we break hearts and spirits, that we have to grieve. You MUST carry that action deep within and must allow it to heal, not fester. I don't care if the breaking was accidental or intentional. It is a big boulder in your path, an elephant in the corner of your life, a crack in your basement. You must try to repair that soul you have broken, that tiny wing of that person's emotions. Don't live with a past piled high with harshness, hatred or resentment. How freeing to be that person who has the strength of character to say, " I'm sorry,". Please search your soul, and when you come to the chapter entitled, "misery", there is where you stop and read and reread and then, find the courage to repair. Do it sooner rather than later. I guarantee the lightness of emotion will be healing to nit only you, but the person in whose ear you whisper, " I'm sorry."
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