Thursday, May 1, 2014


My Thought for this Day......We all stand on something. We stand on our own insecurities. We stand on our rock of faith. We stand on the promises of God. Each and every one of us not only stand ON something we stand FOR something. I firmly believe that what we stand on, determines what we stand for. So look down. On what are your feet planted? How firm is your foundation? Do you take each step precariously, or do you walk with strength and purpose? I do know this to be very true, those whose steps are tentative and fearful, lead a life of more darkness than light because for the most part, they are walking in someone else's shadow. So today, let's all work on our foundations. Let's throw in those extra planks of generosity and caring. Let's add that extra bag of concrete self awareness and worth. Let's make our own personal foundation one that when someone else needs to stand close they can join us where we stand for our foundations are powerful.

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