Wednesday, June 26, 2013


There are many words that I love and OUR is one of them. It denotes being a part of something bigger than yourself. Our family, our friends, our business, our school, our this, our that. Now, there are things you may NOT want to be a part of....things that you'd rather not be associated with. And I agree that these feelings are valid and should be respected. But MY is such a solitary, selfish word. So I'm sticking to 'our' as the word to explore. Just exactly where is this Yellow Brick Road of the day leading.....well, it's leading to finding something that you want to be a part of and can enjoy saying OUR when you speak of it. I challenge you to find some organization, some group, some association that you can join and be a part of and feel proud to say......our. It doesn't have to be political, it doesn't have to be civic, it doesn't have to be time consuming. What it does have to be is something that gets you away from yourself and into life. Maybe you already do this....and if so....go you! Maybe your plate is so full of OURS that you have lost your MY....and that, my friends, is another blog. But today, think about your OURS. I hope you have some that you are proud of and active in and enjoy. Whether its a group of friends who routinely get together for coffee or dinner, or it's a group of readers who love to talk books, or it's some organization that reaches out in other ways, join! Be an our not a my! Share're worth it!

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