Thursday, August 3, 2017


My Thought for this Day........I think at times we live our lives day in and day out the way we always have. It's a habit. We chase our tails running in mindless circles because we always have. We follow a set of rules that govern our lives, whether to the betterment or not because we've always followed the same rules. We set our caps each morning in the same way because, frankly, we don't seem to allow ourselves change. We are, in fact, robots, working on life standing by a conveyor belt that pushes the same things, in the same manner in front of us, and it's usual and easy and well, our custom, our manner, our mode. And in this habitual process we lose the beauty of life. We don't stand by the ocean. We don't seek the clear air of the mountain top. We don't wonder at the moon and the stars and the rainbows because we can't take our eyes off the conveyor belt. It takes effort to change, if even for an hour. It takes courage to walk toward that rainbow. Don't let your habits rule you, instead rule them. Live with intent. Live with purpose. Live like you mean it.

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