Tuesday, August 8, 2017


My Thought for this Day.......I am an avid Podcast listener. The other day I heard these words from Robin Roberts, " Don't compare your despair". She said this was a well used phrase of her mama's who is now deceased. I think we do compare our despair, and I also think we compare our joy. We size up our problems and our blessings against others. And many times we come up winners in the despair department and losers in the joy department. Our despair is larger, our joy lesser....or perhaps the opposite. How impertinent this is. We have no idea the depth of anyone else's despair, nor the height of their joy and frankly, it is none of our business, unless asked to be there. So stay out of the analogy game. Your yardstick is defective anyway. The very act of equivalence is offensive and discourteous to your own essence. It takes up valuable energy and is always seen through a mirror of distortion. We teach our children to live lives of comparability each and every day. With this the Compare your Despair theory is alive and well and generational. Stop! Making your despair larger, or your joy lesser does nothing but bring you emotional pain which adds fuel to your already bitter journey. We are meant to live our lives with 100% effort for success, gratitude and generosity. You will never achieve this by spending countless hours looking out of your grimy window of correlation.

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