Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Words of the Day.....

Oooppppss...inj.,.....mild dismay over one's on Blunder.

One time we had a dog named Oops......had no clue our Lab was pregnant and she had one pup.  We named him Oops.  Now, I'll admit that wasn't MY blunder...well, maybe it was because I was supposed to have taken her to the vet to get her fixed..( I've often wondered why we say Fixed?)...anyway...back to ooopsss.  We all have oops days.  Days where maybe things are just a little out of sync.  Days where maybe you should have stayed at home with the covers pulled over our head.  Today is my OOOPPPSSSSSSS DAY......I"m just gonna go ahead and be very public about it.  Came to school I always do.  I need to brew coffee so someone else won't make it too darn weak.  I brewed coffee this morning....turns out it works better if you put a POT underneath the water flow.  I owe Lupe BIG TIME.  So we mop, and get things going the way they need to be going.  THANKS LUPE!!!  I walk into DHall where my kids are waiting on me....they are trained well.  I say a bright good morning with coffee cup in my hand.  One girl raises her hand....and very tentatively says....Ms Brannan, is your shirt on inside out?  Why YES Abby it is.  I'm pretty sure I'm having an OOOPPPPSSS Day.  Let the laughter begin!!

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