Word of the Day........
Hat....n.,.....head garment.
If you think about it, hats are a big part of culture. Here it's cowboy hats....in all shapes, different brims denoting different things. In England women wear hats to many events. Some are absolutely gorgeous and wonderful. Some bring to mind...........what the heck were they thinking? In the Middle Eastern part of the world there are turbans. But we also wear invisible hats....Mother hats, Father hats, Friend hats, Work hats, Party hats, Public hats, Private hats....the list goes on and on. Sometimes we must combine hats. Many days with my students my Teacher hat melds with my Mother hat. Those are the times my students need mothering more than teaching. Just as life isn't simple, neither are our hats. You have one hat on, but other hats dangle around much like adjectives dangle around nouns. The point is that every minute of every day we wear a hat that defines that minute. Pick and refine your hats carefully so someone doesn't say......WHAT THE HECK WERE THEY THINKING?
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