Thursday, December 31, 2015
My Final Thought for 2015.......May you clear your heart of grudges and your soul of hurt. May you realize that a second chance is not a given, but a gift. May you understand that life is to be lived not solely, but universally. May you look upon your fellow man with eyes that are mirrors that reflect your true self. May you take off your blinders and judge not, lest you be thrown into the pit of condemnation. May you deep within your being, know that you are valuable, but no more precious than the person standing next to you. May you follow the path of both boldness and vulnerability. Each is a key to the lock of life. And above all else, may you reach out and touch someone who needs a hand up, a pat on the shoulder, a gentle nudge of encouragement. Life is not a what but a who. Believe in this. There is evil in this world; there is hatred and cruelty; there is abomination. But there is also prayer and hope and salutations to each new morn. Take your part and even though you might not be the star in the play, you are important. Make a difference.....make your difference. Change begins one small step at a time. May you know that opportunity comes once, but not always twice. Never overlook your chance to be that person who shines a light in someone's harbor of fog. Happy New Year my friends.
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
My Question of the Day?.......What is sacred to you? Do you truly understand the word? There are several definitions, but we'll go with 'Reverently Dedicated". So, again, what is sacred to you? I think the answer to this question speaks volumes about a person. It is their symphony, their book of life, their mountaintop. It sets the parameters of their actions, words, goals. It, in fact, is the true inner core of their being. Imagine that which is sacred to you is the Hub of your Wheel of Life and everything you do, speak, think, are the spokes. Your wheel turns daily guided by your Sacredness, your Reverent Dedication. And do you even realize this? Have you ever stopped to truly soak in, immerse yourself in that which is sacred to you? It doesn't come easily. It takes inner revelation. It draws on the spirit. It defines you in a way like no other. So, I hope you take the time to soul search, to throw out the trash, that which is evil and destructive, and dwell peacefully, calmly and with dignity and grace in your Spirit of Sacredness. This is a Sacred Season. No glitter, nor bow, nor ribbon can begin to touch the true Joy of these Days. They are Sacred.
Friday, December 18, 2015
My Thought for this Day.........It may not always be possible to be the better person, but it is always possible to try. The actions of your past cast a reflection in the mirror of your future. I wonder what you see?
Thursday, December 17, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......The Band of Life won't play your song everyday. But nonetheless.....ya gotta dance anyway.
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......I believe we all are ever changing. Life is not stagnant. Even though you may believe you are stuck in a rut of despair, indeed you are not. Even though you may believe you have reached the crest of your mountain, there is always a higher peak to climb. And most importantly, even though you may believe you are complete, it is my belief that if you are given another day, you are still painting your picture of life, you are still diagramming your sentence, you are still writing your book. And it is never too late to add color, adjectives and chapters to that which is you. Get out there and live life!
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......There is wisdom in silence. Endless blather reveals ignorance, and arrogance.
Thursday, December 10, 2015
My Thought for this Day.....Quick!! Think of 5 things you take for granted. Now picture life without them. Feel blessed.
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......We all have that still small voice that whispers in our ears, telling us the right thing to do. The problem comes when the volume of our mouths is turned way too far to the right, and the only thing we can hear is our own dogma and drivel.
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
My Thought for this Day..........May you look through the ugly to see the beauty. May you push through the mundane to see the spectacular. May you carry your burdens with strength. And may you never cease to realize that understanding is not necessarily the answer.
Monday, December 7, 2015
My Question for this Day.......What shalł I do? I shall walk into every room with my head held high even though I may doubt myself. I shall honor my commitments while it is easier not to. I shall walk my path to the very best of my ability. I shall treat others with dignity when I feel disdain. And, I shall, to the best of my ability, be trustworthy, grateful and joyous for I have been given another day to do so.
Sunday, December 6, 2015
My Thought for this Day..........We will never be worthy enough; we will never be good enough; we will never be righteous enough. BUT we will always, every second, minute, hour, and day, be loved greatly. And this, my friends, is the invisible huge, gentle, adoring, guiding hand that is willing and waiting to just BE in your life.
Friday, December 4, 2015
My Thought for this Day.........I think we tend to look at our lives in segments, not the whole picture. So your bank account is a little low, but your faith is rich. So your house may need a little paint, but it's filled with love. So you're job isn't 100% fulfilling, but it pays the bills. And on and on and on.......if you're waiting for perfection, that train will not roll into the station, and instead of enjoying your journey, you're sitting on a concrete bench, suitcase of expectations in hand, pausing your existence for supremacy that will never happen.
Thursday, December 3, 2015
My Thought for this Day.........I said these words to a good friend last night.....I am cleaning the House of my Soul right now. I have things I need to do, and words I need to say. Life is too short to not be true to yourself. When you live under the umbrella of pretend and falsehood, you miss the cleansing rain. Renewal is a blessed event. I think she heard and agreed. It may not be radical, headline worthy, nor attention grabbing. But is is selfishness at its best. Clean souls and minds and hearts make for productive selfless people.
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Do It.........
My Thought for this Day..........Have you ever sat at the feet of someone great? Have you even one time really listened to the words of someone wise? Have you acknowledged that there is truth that makes its way in the world on wisps of words that when heard, move the universe ? Have you picked up a book and truly and totally absorbed the thoughts of someone who steeps astuteness much like a tea bag in a china cup of hot water? Really? It's life it!
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
My Thought for this Day......And so it begins.... The season of hopes and dreams and wishes coming true arrives. The time of giving and loving and goodwill toward men is once again upon us. We're dreaming of sugarplums and rockin' around our Christmas trees and filling our lives with festivities and fun. But before you can truly, honestly and completely revel in the season, I think there are things that must be done, words that must be said, acts that must be taken. Take that cleansing breath, step over that wall of pride, be the better person and forgive. And not only forgive in your heart, but in person, with words, aloud, in truth and in beauty. You can't begin anew until you cleanse your palate of hurt. And isn't this what the season is really about......that long ago birth that began mankind on a forever walk, an eternal walk, a walk of a Babe who showed us the path of righteousness and forgiveness? I dare you! Take a deep breath, search your soul, swallow your pride, do it because it is the right thing, the godly thing, the honorable thing. Purge and release and exonerate. 'Tis the Season!
Monday, November 30, 2015
My Thought for this Day.........Above all else, this season of time, you don't have to out-go, out-decorate, out-spend, out-hustle, or out-bustle. You merely have to out-know, believe, rest in the blessed assurance that these days aren't about the out's, they are about the in's. The in's of the certainty that no one made that last dash to Wal-Mart in Bethlehem. No one blew the fuse on one too many strings of lights in that manger. No one forgot the cranberry sauce, nor the pecan pie. No one worried about the out's, their focus was on the in's. The in's of Belief and the Miracle of Life. Forget the out's, make sure the in's light your path this wonderful holiday is eternal.
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
My Wish for you today is that you could see yourself as others see you. The depth, the shallowness, the selfless, the selfish, the humble, the egotistical , the humorous, the godly, the godless, the righteous, the ignorant, the will never know someone else, nor finish your mission on this earth, until you know yourself.
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
My Thought for this Day........Life is somewhat like a deck of cards. Each day we are dealt a brand new hand. Some days we have a Royal Flush and some days we search for two of a kind. My belief is that no matter your hand, you have the responsibility to fight for what is right, what is good and what is just. Your cards not only affect you, but also those who are part of your tintype of life. As mothers especially, we must step up and play with strength and finesse. Never underestimate your actions today and their far reaching consequences. Whatever is your hand at this moment, know that with your conduct, you lay the foundation for tomorrow.
Monday, November 23, 2015
Sunday, November 22, 2015
My Thought for this Day........We all are in a Season of Life. Each is beautiful in its own individuality. Each deserves its own respect. Each is a gift from God. Don't regret a past season, nor spend your days in expectation of future ones. Be present in your this moment.
Saturday, November 21, 2015
My Thought for this Day.........'Tis the Season to be Thankful. I don't have to tell you that one of the most wonderful gifts of our lives is the ability to be Grateful.......everyday. Never forget your blessings on a mundane Wednesday. Never disregard the art of being aware on a routine Tuesday. Always carry this in your heart.......Love and their very core begin with Gratefulness.
Friday, November 20, 2015
My Thought for this Day........You may step over the cracks of life, but don't ignore them. Left unattended, they will become earthquakes that shatter the serenity of a blind existence.
Thursday, November 19, 2015
My Thought for this Day......Some days you have to look for the light. You know it's there, but the haze shrouds your sight. Keep pushing; those tiny twinkling lights of life may be dim, but when found, your day brightens and your spirit shines.
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
My Thought for this Day............We love the word PRECIOUS in the south. I mean we truly truly love it. "Y'all, she's just precious." "Those shoes are precious; did you get them at Nordstrom's?" "Isn't that haircut precious; I wonder where she got it cut." Things are precious to us. But if you truly examine the meaning of precious, you see that it can and does mean so much more than an artful hairdresser or looking well.....precious. There are so many other things in life that should be precious to us. Today, look around you. See those people, situations and places that are truly precious in your life....then give thanks. Hold them close, let them know, allow your heart to sing because you know the true meaning of precious.
Repeat from 2012.
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......We have a bird that lives in one of the live oaks in our front yard. Every morning at 7:10 little bird begins to sing his morning salutation. He greets the brand new day with his tiny trill, not the most beautiful trill, but certainly the most delightful in its enthusiasm. We have much to learn from little bird. Meet your day with your own salutation of gratefulness to be alive.
Monday, November 16, 2015
My Thought for this Day..........Not being able to forgive chips away at our basic spirit. We all are walking our own highways and byways and their is power in holding a steady course. At the very root of ourselves is the necessity to be self aware so that we stride with purpose and beauty and love. Holding grudges creates bumpy exits that makes us veer off of our true path and when we veer, we take away from those we love and most importantly ourselves. Sound selfish? Maybe. But think hard on this.....forgiving others begins with forgiving ourselves, and forgiving ourselves for whatever mistakes we feel we have made, puts our spirit back together. I truly believe that an unforgiving soul taints not only ourselves, but our world. Hatred eats at the crust of our spirit and soon when this crust crumbles, we are broken. All the King's horses and all the King's men couldn't, but we can.
Sunday, November 15, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......We all make time for what we want. Don't be so mentally busy that you think you can't slow down for those you love. Time is fleeting; opportunities are missed; don't use busyness for an excuse. The day will come when you will look back and say, " I wish I had." Is today your day?
Friday, November 13, 2015
My Thought for this Day........We all need a pal, a buddy, a friend. We all need a person. We all need that special someone whom we can turn to and without words, receive comfort and joy. We all need that somebody and we all need to BE that somebody.
Thursday, November 12, 2015
My Belief for this Day..........Don't blame all of your uncomfortable circumstances on God as if He is giving you a pop quiz. Most of the time our troubles are self made. The sooner we step up to the plate and acknowledge this, the sooner we overcome and carry on.
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
My Thought for this Day........We all are Veterans of some sort. Each one of us carries battle scars of life. To live is to know joy, and also pain. But for today, please take some time away from yourself and thank a Vet. Because of them, you breath free air, make free choices, follow free paths. Thank a Vet.
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......Early morning and my thought is ....I Believe. We all believe in many things, but the fact of the matter is one Belief sets the tone for all others. What is your biggest, most life consuming, changing, determining Belief? Until you recognize and acknowledge and live that one Belief, all others drift like sand on the beach. So set that Belief and then watch how the others fall in line. It's an amazing thing.
Thursday, November 5, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......The memories you make today will linger in your world forever. Make sure they are worthy enough to be your lifelong companions.
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
My Thought for this Day......Whom do you assume the best about? And the worst? Are there people in your life whom you know....or think you do.....will trip and fall? Are there people in your life whom you will defend to a fault, never seeing their frailties? I think we're all guilty of both. What a disservice to ourselves and others. We are all human. We all fail and succeed. How sad to not see past your expectations of somebody. Clear your mind of your assumptions. There is love in second chances. Equally, realize that no one lives without mistakes. To assume someone is perfect is stunting their growth. There are lessons in mistakes.
Monday, November 2, 2015
My Thought for this Day.....I've always been fascinated with light houses. It's on my Bucket List to actually visit one. Even though they are becoming obsolete, I hope to one day stand beside one and imagine the tales it could tell. They were truly Beacons of Hope in their day. They lit the way for many a sailor who was lost. I think we all need a Beacon of Hope in our lives. Can you be that light for somebody?
Sunday, November 1, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......I think to live your life with the attitude of 'not needing anybody' is harmful. Furthermore it is arrogant and self centered. We all need somebody. We are inherently creatures of love, bonds, and union. We are social creatures; some more than others, but at the end of the day, we all need someone. Don't live your life as if you are a mountain unto yourself. This will rob you of some of life's greatest give and receive love, to give and receive help, to give and receive acknowledgement. Standing on the podium all by yourself is lonely and egotistical.
Friday, October 30, 2015
My Thought for this Day........Permission is part of everyday life...a green light gives you permission to drive through an intersection... money in the bank gives you permission to use your debit card.....parents give permission, teachers give permission. God gives us the permission of free will. When you think of it, our days are filled with permission both noticed and unrealized. Believe it or not, when we give ourselves permission, life takes on an an entire new depth. So today, give yourself permission to laugh, cry, relax, visit, stay calm, panic, speak, remain silent. This is your day that has been given to you. Take the concept of self- permission and make it happen!
Thursday, October 29, 2015
My Thought for this Day.....Had you rather be happy or joyful, smart or wise, brave or courageous, grateful or thankful? Do you see the differences? Your choices say a lot about your not right nor one wrong. Just different. Interesting isn't it?
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
My Thought for this Day......No matter the height nor breadth, nor strength of the wall you build around yourself, somebody's gonna spray graffiti on it.
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......Do you really know yourself? Have you taken the time, made the effort, done the work to absolutely know who you are? If you haven't, then you must. How are you going to grow, if you don't know exactly where you need growth? If you're not seeking higher ground, you are living your life on hold.
Monday, October 26, 2015
My Thought for this Day......Every day is a page in your Life Book. Some pages you want to crumble and toss in the trash; some you want to preserve in a glass case. What we must remember is each page will inevitably turn, leading to the next one. We need to live life page by page; each is worthy and meaningful, telling our own personal story.
Friday, October 23, 2015
My Thought for this Day.....Gratitude is the root of Joy. Find something to be grateful for and you open the door to more than happiness. You find soul abiding Joy.
Thursday, October 22, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......We all have a story that trails behind us like the indention of bicycle tires on a dusty road. More importantly, that same road curves and slants for miles ahead of us.....sometimes rugged,sometimes muddy, sometimes wonderfully smooth. No matter the state of the road, it's our job to walk it with the assurance that there is an eternal order to our steps and our path.
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
My Thought for this Day.....Though painful, it is paramount that from time to time we slowly peal back the layers of our emotional skin to expose the hurts and grief and pain to healing fresh air. With this we begin to grow. We forgive ourselves and others. Buried wounds never ease.
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
My Thought for this Day........Always acknowledge there are those that have more than you, and those with less. Don't envy the former. Help the latter.
Monday, October 19, 2015
My Thought for this Day.........Can you imagine walking on the moon, reading minds, painting a masterpiece, jumping ropes for 36 hours straight, holding your breath for a day, inventing the cure for cancer, walking up the winding steps of a lighthouse, going a week without your cell phone, having a photographic memory, meeting the Wizard of Oz, being 10 feet tall, disappearing at will, cooling your jets, speaking 15 languages, mowing your yard with manicure scissors, reading a book back to front, being Forrest Gump, reliving a huge mistake, always having to drive backing up, being God, going hungry for months, jumping on a pogo stick for miles? Maybe it's time to do something you can only imagine.
Sunday, October 18, 2015
My Thought for this Day.........Sometimes it's ok to glide through life. Accept that there is health and healing in catching the wind, spreading your wings, and sailing without effort.
Friday, October 16, 2015
My Thought for this Day......It is redeeming to walk beside the special people in your life...not behind, nor in front. With this walk, one set of footprints becomes two, then three, then more. There is strength in this.
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......What have you dared to do? Have you dared to love, to reach, to dream, to struggle, to fail? Real courage is daring to dive headfirst into unsure waters, knowing that at any time you might drown.
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
My Thought for this Day.....What do you do to make yourself feel better? When you are in the midst of a storm, the epicenter of an earthquake, the eye of the do you soothe yourself? I hope it's not by lashing out in an attempt to ease your pain with a selfish effort of transference. Instead, I hope we all can learn our own individual coping skills that help us without inflicting pain. We were built to love, not hate. When trouble comes, as it surely will, seek inner strength, not outward hostility.
Monday, October 12, 2015
My Thought for this Day.........I think we concentrate too much on what we aren't, and not on what we are. We aren't thin enough, rich enough, powerful enough, smart enough. There is power in the realization of what you are. There is foresight in the grooming of your talents. There is strength in the knowledge that you are.....simply,that you are.
Sunday, October 11, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......I love when Mother Nature begins to shed her skin, sink into herself, begin her process of restful respite. She knows that the time willcome soon when the sap will begin to rise, the earth will start to shift and She will once again ascend into glorious rejuvenation. But for now, She wisely allows herself the quiet, well earned interlude of idleness. And so for today, this day of pause and rest, I hope you grant yourself some time, however long or short it is, to simply be.
Saturday, October 10, 2015
My Thought for this Day.........Listen to yourself. Your thoughts are your silent, emotional dialogue. Only you can hear them, yet they are powerful forces in your daily life. And more times than not, they manifest themselves into action. They are the seedlings of your tree of life. Listen to yourself.
Friday, October 9, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......What do you gather in your life? I think we gather what is most important to us. We accumulate those things that make us happy, secure, comfortable. We gather both physically and emotionally. What you gather says a lot about your character. Do you gather status? Do you gather material things? Do you gather anger, pride, resentment? I think we all should do an inventory from time to time. Make sure you're harvesting those things which are not fleeting. Think about it. What's on your shelf?
Thursday, October 8, 2015
My Thought for this Day......Some days you have no words. When that happens, keep your mouth shut.
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......We each have a calendar of time. None of us knows when our last page will be turned. Don't wander through your life "intending". For the day will come when the opportunity of your intentions will disappear. I wonder what you need to say, or do.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
My Thought for this Day........Sometimes you have to sit and watch the world go by, and realize it's not leaving you behind, it's merely allowing you the ease of rest and when you are strong, once again, you can pick up your pace and rejoin your fellow runners. It's not failure; it's rebirth.
Monday, October 5, 2015
My Thought for this Day.....We all have things we need to say, things we need to do, things we need to forgive. When the time comes and you are strong enough to do even one of these things, you begin to ever so gently turn the lock that sets your soul free.
Sunday, October 4, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......You are the gardener of your life. Fertilize what is good, water what thirsts, and pull the weeds that push out what is mighty and wise and full of grace.
Saturday, October 3, 2015
My Thought for this Day....We all are made by the same recipe, just different amounts of ingredients. If you need to borrow a cup of wisdom, ask one who has it in abundance. If you need a good laugh, seek out that friend who always makes you smile. Everyday, there is someone in your life, I hope, who can go to their personal pantry and pull out what you need. Then, the best can pay them back in their time of need.
Thursday, October 1, 2015
My Thought for this Day.....May you look upon this day with a peace that passes understanding, with a faith that never wavers in the storm and with a knowledge that life does throw curve balls to everyone. But most of all, may you find comfort that waits on those who call out and seek. And that, my friends, is enough.
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
My Thought for this Day........In this day, set aside what seems wrong, what seems unjust, what seems unfair, and in this time , empty your heart of me, and fill it with they. And then, in this brief interval of unselfishness, learn that there is joy in the simplicity of generosity.
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Living Water.....
My Thought for this Day........Existence is not always a placid lake reflecting the shores of your life. At times it is a mud puddle, or a roaring ocean, or a tiny trickle of a stream. Always, life is a force to be reckoned with and lived. No matter your circumstance today, realize that you, my friend, are standing in the Living Waters of Life granted to you by the Maker of All. Don't deny Him His glory by idly letting it swirl around you without a sense of wonder and purpose. Pick up a paddle, set a sail, make a difference.
Monday, September 28, 2015
My Thought for this Day.........Don't waste precious time on regret. That, in itself, is more time wasted.
Sunday, September 27, 2015
From the Past........
My Thought for this Day.......I believe we are all given a life we waste. I believe that we allow minutes, hours and days to pass without true appreciation. I believe the earth is wondrous and the greatest art ever painted. I believe we possess more talent than we can ever imagine. I believe the Bible is the most read, respected AND neglected book on the planet. I believe we will never truly know the meaning of love in this life. I believe the human body is a machine so complex that no doctor, nor scientist can or will ever truly understand it, and its MAKER, the molder of life. I believe we don't give ourselves the chance to develop our true strengths, nor realize the hindering of our weaknesses. I believe if we all contributed what we are capable of sharing, the outcome would not be understandable. I believe we are living in a world of instantaneous rewards and regrets. I believe friends are absolutely, without a doubt, one of the biggest phenomenons in our lives. I believe families should at times unite and also at times separate. I believe children are the most mold-able creatures alive. I believe we are at the tip of the iceberg of what technology will reach and that none of us has the capacity to see what is before us. I also believe this technology is a blessing as well as a curse. I believe when we become robots, we lose our usefulness.I believe to open one's eyes to a new day is to have another chance to make a difference in ourselves as well as what surrounds us. I believe most of us squander this opportunity. I believe that the uniqueness of each of us, both separates and draws together. I believe faith is one of, if not the most, important emotions of life. I believe we owe not only ourselves but those who have come before and those who will come after the respect of taking care of our fellow man. I believe we, for the most part, are selfish creatures who turn our backs on needs that are in our own back yards. I believe no one lives the life of power of which they are capable. I also believe with 100 % of my heart that Ask with true Faith and Goodness and you will receive that which is meant for you......and then it is up to you to take that gift and share it with a world full of need. These are some of my beliefs. These are some of my faults. These are some of my biggest blessings.
Saturday, September 26, 2015
I Am.......
My Thought for this Day.......At some point in each day, stop, if even for a mere second, rejoice. It will not only take your breath; it will give you life as it is meant to be. One second of 'I am' is worth hours of ' I'm not'.
Friday, September 25, 2015
My Thought for this Day....It doesn't matter what you do for a living. It matters what you do for life.
Thursday, September 24, 2015
My Thought for this Day......I shall stand tall and meet this day with renewed vigor and passion. But I shall also kneel and humbly receive the Grace and Glory that is offered. I shall never knowingly dismiss what is so freely given for my Bounty is magnificent. This is my prayer.
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
My Thought for this a Day........What will your mirror reflect today? Consider this.....each word, deed, action, thought, all that is yours, reflects back on you. And seen or unseen , in your heart, if your honest, you know the reflection of your day tells your story.
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
My Thought for this Day.....When you teach it, and preach it, but don't live it, ineffectiveness and ridicule override all your good intentions. Yep, that's a hard one. Standing on a mountaintop just to hear your own voice, deafens the ears of others.
Monday, September 21, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......Live in such a way that at the end of each day, you can say the words Honor and Respect and know, without a doubt, you have worn them in word and deed.
Friday, September 18, 2015
My Thought for the Day.......Among the sadness, and difficulty, and stress of life.....there are always rosebuds waiting to open. Wait upon the Lord for He is good.
Thursday, September 17, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......I think sometimes we sabotage ourselves with creepy little negative thoughts that pop into our minds and attack our happiness. If only, but if, I wish.......sweep those words under your mental blanket of joy. No situation will ever be 100% perfect, but it's not the perfection that makes life, it's the living. Rejoice in every day. It has been handmade for you !
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
My Thought for this Day...Everyone has a story. Each person has a truth that deserves to be heard. And when stories are ignored, and shut out, and silenced with disdain, they become headlines.
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
My Thought for this Day......May the strength that is yours for the asking surround you today with the peace that, while not understood, is life changing. Be Grateful in your acceptance and Humble in your admission of its need. We all are at the mercy of life, yet we all are blessed in our simple ability to receive.
Monday, September 14, 2015
My Thought for this Day.....I choose to not worry about tomorrow. I choose to live in the present that is today. I choose to release the woes and tears and fears that come with the anticipation of unsolvable problems and stress of an unknown future. I choose to know that life can be the unanticipated, the unexpected and the uninvited. Yet it is life and is to be lived in the arena of gratefulness and glory.
Sunday, September 13, 2015
Some days I have no words, but I find it interesting that I can go back to this exact date in years past and read what I wrote on that day. Here it is......
Friday, September 13, 2013
I don't think we even begin to comprehend just how complex the human body is...both physically and emotionally. We have not even scratched the surface of the knowledge of the intricate knitting of our cells, and vessels, and organs and psyches. We are truly the most detailed, well oiled machines on the planet. We are amazing. But just as any machine needs maintenance, so do we. I tend to dwell on the emotional side of people. I wonder what makes you tick. I wanna know why you feel what you do, act the way you do, see life the way you do, solve problems the way you do, what colored glasses you wear.....rose colored?, dark shades?, or crystal clear lenses? I wonder why some people step up to the proverbial plate and give it their all and some people stay in the shadows and wait for it to be given. I wonder why some of us go through life with our heads in the sand and some of us stand tall and kill the demons of our lives with strength and determination. I wonder why I am me and you are you. I wonder why we can't see ourselves for whom we really are. I wonder why some of us dwell in places of bitterness and sadness and anger and some of us open the windows of life, take out the Windex and wash until we see the beauty that is the puzzle we are. We all have problems and sadness and regrets and jealousies and envies and excuses. But also we have grit and determination and love and gifts and smiles and laughs to be shared. Whether or not you see things and the people in your life as treasures to be handled with care and love, or whether you see life through Shades of Darkness, I hope you polish yourself, both mentally and physically. I hope you draw those who love you close and accept that life isn't easy, but you have people to walk the walk with you and stretch out hands to help you over the hills and mountains of your path. I hope you tinker with your body and mind every day. Tune it up. Oil the squeaky parts. Trim the parts that need trimming. Sweep the floors that need sweeping. Realize that each day the sun shines just for you. Don't lose it to the clouds. Don't close the drapes of your mind and dwell in the dark. I'm pretty sure that life is not intended to be lived with anything but joy. Yep, some days it takes more effort than others, but when the sun goes down on this or any day, then Elvis has left the building. Whether you have enjoyed the concert or worn earplugs and missed the music is your choice.
Friday, September 11, 2015
My Thought for this Day........And so we remember this day in 2001 with horror and disbelief and an overwhelming sadness at the evil that had sent its ugly tendrils of hate to our shores. And we still gaze at the images in shock and we wonder just how humans become so inhumane. And then we remember the need for touch; we remember the need we had to reach out to our friends and families and mostly our kids and even though we were sure our loved ones weren't in NYC or on an airplane, there was still that need to embrace. And then we remember the hour upon hour of televised visuals of trauma and shock and tragedy, and we had to come to grips that yes, this was happening in our country, on our land , among our homes. And then I'm afraid we forgot, and with that faded memory we forgot our pride, and selfishness and entitlement returned , and we became a part of the crumbling of The United States of America. And instead of embracing our differences and individualities, we point fingers, and throw stones and cover our glass houses with curtains thinking they will hide our greed and shame. But they don't. And today, we reel at the face of this once mighty nation, we weep at the violence and hate that overtakes our daily news. And sometimes, sadly, we shrug with indifference because, after all, it didn't happen to us. And the answer is so clear, and strong and visible. Yet, we refuse to see. Turn around America before it is too late. We are the people of the United States of America. Kneel and pray and then yield to His Might and His Grace and His Commandments. And with supplication we will surely rise again, we will cease to crumble like those towers and we will pass down a giant of a nation to those innocent ones who follow in our footsteps.
Thursday, September 10, 2015
My Thought for this Day........Learn to punctuate your life. Never put a comma where a period should be. Life can be a question, or a simple statement. Wisdom is knowing that just because you've put it in quotes, shouldn't make it your total conversation. And above all else, when you use the exclamation mark in anger, you've sucked the goodwill out of your words and the heart out of your listener.
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......Don't do for someone what you would expect them to do for you. Do more! This defines your character.
Sunday, September 6, 2015
My Thought for this Day........And when there is not enough of you to go around, you do one of two things. You shatter yourself into hundreds of inept pieces that support no one. Or you realize that broken you are totally ineffective and in order to help others, you must first mend yourself.
Friday, September 4, 2015
My Thought for this Day........Common occurrences in this life are different for everyone who experiences them. Don't assume you've walked someone else's path and spend your time pontificating rather than listening with kindness and sincerity. Lending an ear is wiser than sharing a mouth.
Thursday, September 3, 2015
My Thought for this Day...Sometimes you feel ahead of the game, sometimes behind. Wisdom is realizing you are in the matter where.
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
My Thought for this Day.....You have two hands. Today, reach with one.....down, out to the side or up. At some point you will either pull someone higher, hold someone close by your side, or be lifted toward the heavens. It doesn't matter the outcome; what matters is the effort.
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......No matter how long you've lived in the dark; today you have another chance to step into the light.
Sunday, August 30, 2015
My Thought for this a Day.......We are all fruit of a Vine that is Holy and Virtuous and Pure and Wise. We each have an inner core that can draw on this Vine daily. How tragic when we turn our heads and hearts away and become rotten rather than righteous.
Friday, August 28, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......Don't set your goals so low that you stumble over them. You may not alway attain your lofty dreams, but I'm not so sure the arduous climb is not as joyous as the destination.
Thursday, August 27, 2015
My Thought for this Day......Don't underestimate life. It doesn't underestimate you.
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
My Thought for this Day........There is Power in life. Be aware of the strength you possess. It soars as the eagle or slinks in the darkness. There is Power in life.
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
My Thought for this Day......Sometimes life takes you nowhere. And when that happens, I think it's just fine. Enjoy the view because clearly there is something there that is meant for you to study and learn. Relax in the stillness.
Monday, August 24, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......Don't let the spotlight in your life shine so brightly that you miss the shadows. For surely in those dark recesses stands someone who needs you more than you can imagine.
Saturday, August 22, 2015
My Thought for this Day......Some days you don't need to see the forest for the trees. Just concentrate on your trees. Each stands for something that needs to be erased or fertilized. Study your trees.
Friday, August 21, 2015
My Thought for the Day.......Just because you assume something doesn't yield the truth. Assumptions are like blind spots that lurk in the shadows of your psyche. Open the curtains of your mind before you allow an assumption to fuel a fire.
Thursday, August 20, 2015
My Thought for this Day......We all wear coats of many colors. Sometimes we turn them inside out so others can't see. That's okay. What's not okay is being blind to the colors ourselves.
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
My Thought for this Day,,,,,,I know it is said that Idleness is the work of the Devil. But I contend that mental idleness is the work of a great mind. If your mind never rests, never ceases to churn, never closes off, then it becomes a cyclone of disconnected thoughts and ideas that at no time will reach fruition. Stop! Give it a rest! For a sacred time, allow your mind to drift to all the possibilities that can be. It's not a Way of life; it's an Intermission.
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Monday, August 17, 2015
My Thought for this Day....Life is a Cross-Word Puzzle. All the blanks must have the right words or your puzzle can never be completed. The Verticals will not fit unless the Horizontals are correct. It's the Horizontals that build the foundation. The Verticals take life to a new height. Lay a firm foundation, then worry about your tower.
Sunday, August 16, 2015
My Thought for this Day.....I think at times passivity is the best form of activism we can take. It is the honest acknowledgement that sometimes we must simply relax in the act of nothingness. A fragmented mind is a road with too many exits, a room with too many open doors, a recipe with too many ingredients, a book with too many characters. Power and productivity are lost in the scramble to be all things. Welcome insignificance; it is empowering.
Saturday, August 15, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......There are many emotions in this world that are intense, many that are deep, many that are revered, many that are infinite, and everlasting. None depicts these miracles like a mother's love.
Friday, August 14, 2015
A Love Story......
A Love Story.......We married at high noon on August 14, 1978. We were supposed to marry on August 11, but we were too mad at each other to speak the 'I Do's'. Nothing is ever me on this. We have loved hard, laughed hard, fought hard and still treasure every day we can do all of the above. In the last two years we have faced a critically ill daughter, Dwain's cancer and a very preemie grandchild. Some people believe troubles come in three's so we're good. I say none of these have been troubles; all have been blessings that God in His infinite wisdom has laid in our path for us to survive with a strength that we now tuck inside the very core of our beings. We absolutely have the best friends on the planet, and a family that would make our parents proud. We are no different than anyone else. We don't count on tomorrow, but we do treasure today.
New Days......
My Thought for this Day......As you lay your body down at night, release that which has clouded your day with negativity. And you arise each morning, understand that just as the day is new, your heart is tender and your mind is vulnerable and you must ask for, and openly receive that which will protect you from the cuts and bruises of life. You are never alone in your walk, whether it be a stroll, a sprint, or a raw, clenched climbing of a mountain; you have a Guide who only wants your success at reaching the finish line of your day. Be Blessed in your Journey.
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
My Thought for this Day......We live in a Super-Sized society. Bigger is better. Less is not more...less is less. We judge our possessions, our accomplishments, our attitudes by dimensions. It is American to belittle the small. But a little wisdom goes a lot farther than a lot of smarts; a little joy overrides a lot of happy, and a little courage overshadows a lot of bravado. Be careful in the way you observe the world. It can lead to a huge heartache when chasing your proverbial little mountain of success.
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
My Thought for this Day.....lf bringing a smile to your face causes a hurt in someone else, then your smile is merely an outside picture of the many frowns you hide inside.
Sunday, August 9, 2015
My Thought for this Day.....What would people have done without you? When you answer this query with truth and soul searching honesty, you define your life.
Saturday, August 8, 2015
My Thought for this Day.........Doing things for the wrong reasons may bring you success, but it will be hollow gratification. Don't prophesy your good intentions too loudly. This brings ridicule. Instead, stand with honor and truth, for in the end, false prophets stand alone when their houses of cards blow errantly in the wind.
Friday, August 7, 2015
My Thought for this Day......Instead of saying your pitiful 'Why me?'? How about 'Why not me?'? Why not me living homeless under a bridge? Why not me walking miles and miles for a bucket of fresh water? Why not me holding my child who is literally dying of starvation? Why not me who can not speak for fear of inhuman retaliation? Don't disgrace your life with your selfish rumbling and moaning of less than a perfect existence. For truly, to millions you do live in the Promised Land. How very arrogant and self centered to not see the atrocities of the world due to your altruistic wall of Why Me?
Thursday, August 6, 2015
My Thought for this emotion we all have from time to time....where do you put it? Do you carry it hidden in your heart so it can continually eat away at you? Do you carry it on the tip of your tongue ready to use to slash out at anyone and everyone that wanders by on your path of life? Does it settle in your head, taking the joy out of every moment you spend? Be aware just exactly where your compartment of anger resides. It is truly a life changing emotion, and one, that if not resolved, can fester and grow and become you.
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
My Thought for this Day....It is human Nature to try to understand all of life's twists and turns and dips and rises. It is human Wisdom to realize that the understanding is not ours, the living is.
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
My Thought for this Day......The Power of One........Used with the right intention, in the right direction, and with the right motivation, becomes life changing. Improve the world with your Power of One.
Monday, August 3, 2015
My Thought for this Day........When you continually draw out of your bank of life, you end up overdrawn. Remember, you are important enough to maintain a steady balance. Keep those deposits of laughter, friendship, peace and calming, and joy going into your account. You are the only signature, the president, and chief financial officer of your inner well being.
Sunday, August 2, 2015
My Thought for this Day......Did you know it's just as easy to say an encouraging word as a discouraging one, just as simple to sing a praise as to snarl criticism, more wise to behold your green grass rather than disdainfully gaze on your neighbor's weeds? It doesn't take much to turn your back on things that are dark and instead, cast rays of hope and light with confidence you can be the mirror that reflects onto the dimness that cloaks your minute corner of the world. Don't live your life to judge, for nobody put you behind that bench on high. Live your life to shine with the sole intent of extinguishing that darkness and hurt that haunts the corners of your world.
Saturday, August 1, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......We all carry wounds in our hearts that become a permanent part of us. The wisdom is to not be defined by these emotional injuries. Acknowledge them, but never allow them to rule your days. This is being defeated by your past which insults your present and shadows your future. Life is more than a hurtful history. Life is living in the light of a brand new day, with arms wide open and faces turned to the sun. Rejoice, for you are in the midst of a miracle.
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......It is well with my soul. What Grace is yours when you can utter these words. It doesn't mean you have no problems to solve, no mountains to climb, no corners to turn. It means hidden within, you have the light of a thousand watts to illuminate your path with deep abiding joy and understanding that if you ask, it is given. Today, I hope it is well with your soul.
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......There are so many things in this world that you can't control. The wisdom in life is to not let these things control you.
Monday, July 27, 2015
Times Ten......
My Thought for this Day......What if every action you take today comes back at you ten fold? Every thought, every gesture, every word, every deed reappears magnified into more than you can imagine. What if?
Saturday, July 25, 2015
If you know me........
My Thought for this Day........If you know me, then you know I...........Think on how you would finish this phrase. Now, reflect on how others would finish it for you...your spouse, your best friend, your co-worker, the store clerk, the person in the car next to you at the traffic light. I wonder if your words and the words of others would even be in the same realm. I truly think we all should spend time not thinking of the mirror in which we gaze on our self perceived reflection, but also on the glass through which others see us.
Friday, July 24, 2015
My Thought for this Day.....Life is not about the what. Life is about the who. When you lose your who's, the loneliness takes away the glitter of the what's. Be careful every day to water your garden of who's.
Thursday, July 23, 2015
My Thought for this Day......Just because you don't agree with someone's words, actions, deeds, or hairstyle doesn't mean they don't have a valuable place on this earth. We are all meant to live our own lives with our own dignities and truths. We are meant to hold ourselves to high standards which don't condemn, but teach. Shouting and cursing and pointing fingers are actions of hate and disdain. Be careful how you criticize unless you are sure you can walk on water while carrying your Louis Vuitton to your Lear.
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
They Say......
My Thought for this Day.....Sometimes I feel like a conversation should be like a research paper. If you can't back up your 'They Say' quotes with precise references to just whom THEY are, quite possibly you should keep your 'oh so knowledgeable' mouth shut. You can quote me on this! :)))
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......Don't ever forget that life has 360*. And what you leave in the wake of your walk, sometimes has a way of eventually becoming the mountain in your path.
Monday, July 20, 2015
My Thought for this Day......I don't think it's possible for one person to change THE world. I do think it's possible for one person to change THEIR world. Find your passion, and live it.
Sunday, July 19, 2015
My Thought for this Day......We all have the ability to speak without making a sound. A glance, a hand gesture, a stare, a nod or shake of your careful of your silent words.
Friday, July 17, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......Are you Opti- the - Mystic, or Pessi-the Muser? Our attitudes say a lot about our lives. If you live in a glass that is half full, you can float. If you dwell in a glass that is half empty, you can drown. So what will it be? Attitudes can be adjusted like sails on a boat. You simply have to make the effort to seek the wind that favors your happiness.
Thursday, July 16, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......The greatest gift you can give a mother is to pray for her child.
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
My Thought for this Day......Am I the only one here who thinks just possibly we'd be better off if we tended our own garden and not our neighbors's, the garden on the next block, and also the one a hundred miles away? Geesh, pull your own weeds because they are so dang high you can't see past their thorny stems.
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
My Thought for this Day......It doesn't matter if you're leading the parade with a baton held high, or if you're in the rear scooping up the horse poop.....realize every circumstance can be as fleeting as a puff of air. Live well every day.
Monday, July 13, 2015
My Thought for this Day.....I wonder if you could hear a heart break, an inner sob, a stomach clinch, if you could, would you say those words, level that stare, whisper behind a back? Just because these things aren't physically possible to hear, doesn't mean they don't happen. Be aware of the rubble you leave in your wide swath of ignorance. People matter......All people.
Sunday, July 12, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but not the most honest form of life. We can certainly learn from others, but don't spend your life trying to be someone you're not. Live originally!
Saturday, July 11, 2015
My Thought for this Day...........We live in a world of 'Comparisoms'. Life isn't about comparing your gifts with others. Life is about sitting squarely in the center of your blessings and enjoying the view.
Friday, July 10, 2015
My Thought for this Day.....I don't think regrets are bad. They simply mean you are a human who has made choices, taken steps, and lived life. Regrets are part of the picture of your existence. They may not be the most beautiful part, but they surely are a piece of you. And to deny them is to deny your past. The wisdom is to not dwell on your regrets, but to learn from them. Then you have truly made them worthwhile, and not merely chapters of your book you had rather skip than reread.
Thursday, July 9, 2015
My Thought for this Day......There is so very much need in this world. Not superfluous need, but true, deep, agonizing need. If we all spent just a few minutes of our day erasing a need of someone we know, love, like, don't like, can't stand, or don't know, what would the world look like in time? Charity blesses the giver. What will you do today to get your blessing?
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
My Thought for this Day.....Don't miss out on the simple things of life.....a really good book, a beautiful sunrise, deep conversations with close friends, slow walks, quiet moments. Life isn't all about seeing how fast you can run, how high you can climb, nor what you can achieve. Find your simplicity.
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......It is much easier to tear down than it is to build up. With one phrase or look, we can knock the props out from under someone. Be careful with your words. They are mighty. Think on what you can do to help those around you rise from their personal ashes, not bury themselves in the mud of their lives. What will you do today?
Monday, July 6, 2015
My Thought for this Day.........Sometimes it's not the visible that is the hurt. Sometimes it's the invisible that is the rip tide that pulls you under the water with a viciousness that is unrelenting. Be aware in your own life as well as those around you. There is more to yours and other's days than what can be seen.
Saturday, July 4, 2015
My Thought for this Day.....Land of the Free, Home of the Brave. Be brave enough to admit living free is one mighty blessing. Be brave enough to say, America is my home. Take ownership. Freedom is a privilege. Bravery is an attitude.
Thursday, July 2, 2015
My Thought for this Day......We the People......The Preamble of the Constitution of this Mighty nation began with these words. In our self centered, privileged, all about me, ways we have turned it into ...I the Person. Until we turn our selfish eyes outward instead of inward, until we realize that nobody owes us anything, until we truly understand that each of us is only a tiny spoke in the enormous wheel of life, and most importantly until we kneel at the feet of our God, the Mighty will continue to fall.
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
My Thought for this Day........Chasing the seeming perfection of other people's lives is like the dog chasing his tail. You will never get there because it is always one twirl away from you.
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
My Thought for this Day......Just because you don't have to doesn't mean you shouldn't.
Monday, June 29, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......Are you open to new concepts and ideas around you? Open your eyes to see. Open your ears to hear. Open your heart to welcome. Open your arms to embrace. Open your mind to learn. We all have things to give and to receive. Closed mindedness confines us to just us. Think about it. Again......closed mindedness confines us to just us. YOU are not enough for yourself. There are a myriad of things right next to you that can surprise, delight, acknowledge, and educate. Why miss out because you make no attempt to see, hear, touch , feel. This is your was yesterday and hopefully tomorrow. Don't waste it!
Saturday, June 27, 2015
Your Life.....
My Thought for this Day.....I am headed west and I have left a large part of my heart in the Parkland NICU. I have held Titus, I have watched him have sweet baby dreams, I have seen him already get mad at his Daddy for moving him, and I was told by the nurses that he is so popular, they have had to ban the all the docs and nurses that aren't associated with the NICU from coming to see him. His mama is also a star at Parkland and Titus has joined that club. His mom and dad married 3 years ago this coming Monday and two days later she stepped into Parkland as an Ob/Gyn resident. This coming Wednesday she will begin her fourth and final year of residency as one of the Chief Residents of fourth year. Now to my thought. This world is never easy, but always ours. Titus decided to join us early and is living in a Baby 5 star hotel....this according to his father. But he also is having to be strong and catch up to where he needs to be. He is getting the job done with a mighty heart and a courageous spirit. So tiny souls can teach us all to fight our own battles and not step over the stripes into judgement and criticism of whomever is driving in the lane next to you. We are meant to run a race...the human race. And while we must form our own values and while it is okay to disagree, it is not okay to hate. This little boy and all the other innocent children need a safe, strong world in which to flourish. Why can't we, as adults,understand it is up to us to build, not destroy. Emmie loves her Titus Dax Brannan with every fiber of her being. My prayer is that his future world is not built on the notion that 'I am right, and you are wrong!' My prayer is that in his life he will see people understand that it is okay to disagree; it is not okay to hate and kill and lash out in violent ways.
Friday, June 26, 2015
My Thought for this Day....Never be too proud to learn from even the tiniest of circumstances. Life lessons come on whispers of Grace. Be still and listen.
My Thought for this Day....Never be too proud to learn from even the tiniest of circumstances. Life lessons come on whispers of Grace. Be still and listen.
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
My Thought for this Day......When you sit on your mountain top and try to figure out the meaning of life, you lose the 'wonderfulness' of being in the trenches. This world is unfair, sloppy, dirty and unkind. Yes, it is. But it is also mystical and joyful and beautiful and ours. Concentrate on the icing, not on the burned crust.
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
My Thought for this Day......We all have battles to fight, obstacles to climb, valleys to cross. At the end of any day, if we can say I fought honorably, I climbed fairly and I crossed honestly, then we might not have lived easily, but we have lived well.
Monday, June 22, 2015
My Thought for this Day......Some days are blank pages filled with never ending questions and concerns. Yet there are also days when silence erupts into joyful noise and you are supplied just what you need, exactly when you need it. It is then you realize again, with that deep-seated, unshakeable knowledge, that there is a Master Plan written by the Master of Life.
Friday, June 19, 2015
My Thought for this Day......Sometimes we are not dissatisfied with our world, but with ourselves. Learn to tell the difference.
Thursday, June 18, 2015
My Thought for this Day........There are unseen forces that hold us back....both internal and external....self-imposed and worldly. The essence of us is to recognize our boundaries as being temporary, and then to set forth on a path of power. What ropes wind tightly around you today?
Friday, June 12, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......There is Glory all around us. It shines from the Heavens; it stands on the earth; it is mighty and forceful, and magnificent and free to all.
Monday, June 8, 2015
My Thought for this Day......I wonder what you let change your heart? Do you allow gossip to weave its thorny vine around it? Do you look only at the superficial appearance of people and turn and walk away with a hardened heart? Do you stereotype your fellow man by race and ethnicity, thus missing out on a wealth of histories and cultures? Are you missing the melting pot of the human race? Does your heart cry out "Not like me, so not good"? Think long and hard about just exactly what you might be missing. You are a tiny speck in a huge eternal world. Can't you see that if you put blinders on your heart, you are overlooking the absolutely enormous gift of life in all its millions of facets? What a shame. Embrace yourself with a coat of many fabrics. Each thread is special. Each stitch God given
Saturday, June 6, 2015
My Thought for Today.....Life is a jar of pennies, some bright, some not. The truth is no matter your penny for today, you only get to spend it once.
Friday, June 5, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......Some days your sky is full of diamonds, some days lumps of coal. The trick is to never forget the glitter.
Thursday, June 4, 2015
My Thought for this Day........We should look at our past with thankfulness for its existence. We should look on our future with hope for its promise. But today....this day.....we should wrap wonderfully and solidly around our shoulders knowing that this gift is all we can ever truly ask for.
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
My Thought for this Day......Sometimes you have to keep doin' what you're doin'. It may be too little, too much, or just right. But until you see the period at the end of your sentence, hear the lock click on your door, or have your green light change to red, steering the same path is the road best taken. Trust yourself to know when the rut becomes too deep.
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......We can live beyond our mistakes. But to try and totally erase them from our lives does a disservice to our pasts. We are not defined on the highs, lows, successes and defeats of yesterday. We are defined by how we use them.
Monday, June 1, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......We all have regrets. They are part of life. But please don't put your face so close to your boiling pot that you can't see through the black mist of mistakes. Life is not about sitting in the fog of what if's...... Life is about standing in the sun of possibilities.
Sunday, May 31, 2015
My Thought for this Day......Don't waste your time trying to change other people. It's like building sandcastles on the beach. Eventually the high tide will destroy your effort. Instead work on your own Individual Castle of Character and place it high on the Cliff. There, like a fortress, you can withstand the storms and erosions of life.
Thursday, May 28, 2015
My Thought for this Day......There are only so many seconds in a minute, so many minutes in an hour, so many hours in a day. What matters most is not how many, but what kind. A minute of stress, grief, envy, or despair is longer than an hour of grace and thankfulness. We get the most out of our time by centering on our blessings, not our problems. Don't be overwhelmed by things that burden your soul. All time is fleeting and can never be recovered. How incredibly sad to live in the shadows and let the sunlight pass you by.
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
My Thought for this Day......Some days you need to look in the mirror and see the reflections of the ghosts from your past. How sad when they number more than the true friends in your present.
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
My Thought for this Day.....Today I will understand that the passing of time is a steady process. I can neither rush it nor slow it down. What I can do, if I am to live this gift of life to the fullest, is to know that living in today is holy. The past is gone and tomorrow is untouchable. But today surrounds me with a pulsing spirit. Today is life.
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Saturday, May 23, 2015
My Thought for this Day.........Making memories is what today is about. Holding the door wide open for the future is what tomorrow is about. Your memories of today will unlock your door of tomorrow.
Thursday, May 21, 2015
My Thought for this Day......Whether you live in Rhett Butler's world of Frankly, My Dear, Not Giving a Damn, or Scarlett O'Hara's world of Tomorrow is Another Day, the fact is, life is not Gone With The Wind, but is happening today. Adjust your attitude and live it!
Monday, May 18, 2015
My Thought for this Day....Some mornings I arise and realize that the small hurts and snubs and innuendos of this life are truly meaningless. For they are just small motes of dust flying through the windstorm of life. What truly matters is our ability to see this big world in its entirety and to realize that all people matter. Every life has purpose and meaning. And when we rest our bodies at the end of each day, our task is to account for ourselves and to realize we only walk in our very own shoes. Be gracious today.
Sunday, May 17, 2015
My Thought for the Day.......Life is like a well worn quilt. Just because it has frays doesn't make it ugly. Be thankful for your own special frays. They are growth. A well worn quilt is a well lived life.
Friday, May 15, 2015
My Thought for this Day.....Don't squander today on unhealthy choices, worries, thoughts or actions. Live it as if your past defines your future. For truly tomorrow this day will reside in your rear view mirror of life.
Thursday, May 14, 2015
My Thought for this Day......Today I will walk in gratitude. I will stand in the sun, rather than the rain. I will breath fresh air, rather than the sooty air of falsehood and innuendo. I will clearly see my tribe of family and friends and know that I am blessed with their favor and dedication and love. I will understand beyond a shadow of a doubt that the mighty hand of a God has, is, and will always be in control. I will celebrate who I am. Will you join me in your own walk?
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
My Thought for this Day.....When you walk through the storms of life, remember that those caring souls who hold the umbrella for you, are gifts from God. No raindrops nor hail stones thrown by others can penetrate the protection and love of true friends. When storms are over, you must revel in the sweetness of a brand new day. And then as time goes on, be prepared to shield the ones who steadfastly walk by your side from their own downpours. Nothing is more precious than those who will stand up and say, " Count on me. I'm your friend." Blessed are we, for we have many umbrellas.
Monday, May 11, 2015
My Thought for this Day............ Despise an empty spirit and seek those fulfilling words, feelings and joys that fill it up. Search without ceasing. Living empty is robotic and is not the life that was meant to be yours. Can you not feel the air shift around you as you seek and find what is there for you?
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Buzz Words....
My Thought for this Day.....We always have "Buzz Words". That being said.....At the end of the day.....Make it happen. So here goes.......Make it happen! That being said, don't stand on other people's shoulders to do it. At the end of the day, if you have to push people down, to climb up, the accomplishment is theirs, not yours. Make it happen the right way!
Monday, May 4, 2015
My Thought for this Day......Are you immortal? I didn't think so. Never assume you have more time. Don't pass up an opportunity to reach out and touch today as if it were tomorrow.
Saturday, May 2, 2015
My Thought for this Day......What kind of light do you have on? Is it glaring fluorescent? Is it soft candlelight? Is it a huge spotlight? Your light shines and dictates your world. Think about how you see life and through what light. Do you pick up the tiniest details through harsh fluorescents? Do you squint in the glare of a spotlight? Do you gaze in the sputtering gentle light of a candle? Your light shines out and also draws in. I wonder if you know exactly how your light shines?
Thursday, April 30, 2015
My Thought For this Day.......Life is a New York Times Crossword Puzzle. If you don't lay a strong Horizontal foundation, you'll never get Vertical heights achieved.
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......Emotions you hang out with become you. When your world is constantly focused on anger, you become a tense ball of rage. If you center your thoughts on greed and selfishness, you become a modern day Mr. Scrooge. If, in the other hand, you focus your thoughts and emotions on laughter and thankfulness and honor, you become an artist who paints this world with swirls and swipes of the most delightful colors. Think about it and decide what you want your palette to look like. You only get one run at this. Be careful in your choosing.
Monday, April 27, 2015
Walk it!.....
My Thought for this Day.....Those who live by the old adage, "Do what I say, not what I do." are red circles in the target practice of life. How easy it is to verbally spew advice and condemnation while turning a blind eye to self matters. Don't live your life in the dark clouds of your words; live it in the sunshine of the path of doing the right thing. The only person who is listening to you is you, yet everyone is watching. Walk it!
Sunday, April 26, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......No matter the weight you are under, give thanks. With this giving will come a rebirth of strength. For truly, each syllable of thanksgiving draws the heart away from the burdens of life and into the light of a brand new day. Rejoice, for this is surely the Day that the Lord has made.
Friday, April 24, 2015
My Thought for this Day......Just learn to care about people. It's not that hard. One little care leads to another and another and before you know it, your eyes and thoughts are turned outward and not inward. Make life about reaching out, not pulling in. Let your days be filled with giving a hand up, not a push down. Forever keep your mind on what you can do for someone, not what you can do for yourself. Learn to care. It's not that hard.
Thursday, April 23, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......I awoke this morning with the word courage on my mind. No life is for the weak. You may think the person next to you has been dealt a better hand of cards than you, simply not true. Everyone goes through the slippery slope of life one step at a time. Here's the thing.....some do it more courageously than others. Some hold their heads higher. Some walk with more determination and strength. Some attack life with ferocity, not timidity. Don't compare your hill to others, for truly you do not know anyone's inner battles. We all spend way too much time judging friends, family, acquaintances and strangers, belittling our own lives with jealousy. Stop it!! Every moment you spend trying to live your neighbor's life, you insult your own. It takes courage to turn the spotlight on yourself, to examine your heart, mind and spirit in the gigantic mirror of inner reflection. But in the end.....we are left with nothing but ourselves. I hope you have the courage to be your own Alice in the Looking Glass.
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
My Thought for this Day......Listen, Listen, Listen......sometimes we just don't listen. We tune out words; we tune out cries for help; we tune out everything, but our own voices rumbling inane gibberish in our small minds. Get off that selfish horse and offer someone a ride. Turn your radio dial to a station that doesn't only play your music. You have two don't need them both. Stretch one out to your friends, family, or a random person in true need. You have two eyes to see the world around you, and I guarantee it's not 100% problem free. You have two feet to carry you where you want to go, and your path doesn't always need to be The Yellow Brick Road. You have two ears to listen; use one to actually do just that. Have you ever thought about why God gave you pairs? Not hard to figure it for you and a spare. What you do with that spare defines who you truly are.
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......I wonder about mental hurdles and gates. At times I think we unconsciously throw up these obstacles in our everyday walk. I could never do that.....Just my luck....What else is new. These are the keyless gates, the gargantuan hurdles that we allow to keep us from doing what's in our ability to do. Maybe we do this out of fear, maybe out of laziness, or maybe because we have done it for so many years, it has become a habit. Stop for a minute and think of your gates and hurdles....we all have them.....then allow your conscious mind to unlock and tear down those invasive whirling words that have kept you from being the best you can be. Be a champion in your world. Make the effort, do the work, enjoy the success.
Friday, April 17, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......Some days you just have to turn up the music and dance in the rain. No one ever got washed in the waters from Heaven by hiding under an umbrella!
Thursday, April 16, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......There are times when we lift our faces with pride. We do a great job, we complete a hard task, we win a tough game. But there are other times when our heads bow in moments of sadness, shame or loss. Life will never only be a rise to the top. Inevitably as humans, we lose. And the lessons and realities of both the wins and the losses are invaluable. For it is the meeting in the middle, the entwining of the two, the daily mixing of the batter of life, that shapes us into who we are. Don't let your life only be about the white frothy icing on the cake; realize that at times the crust is just as, if not more, important.
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
My Thought for this Day......Sometimes we are skimmers of life. We hover above the waters of our days enjoying the view. And you know, I think that's okay. We don't always have to dive in head first and struggle through the murky deep waters. It's just fine to enjoy the view of blue skies and white cotton clouds and mango sunsets. Yep, sometimes I think it's simply the best to see your world from atop the biggest wave in your ocean.
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
My Thought for this Day........We tend to think in increments.....seconds, minutes, hours, days, months and years. What if, instead, we looked at the big picture. What if, we drowned out the hustle and bustle and ticking of the clock and simply gazed on the vista behind, to the side and before us. What if, we understood that we are in the midst of a vast's called life.
Monday, April 13, 2015
My Thought for thus Day......You've never had today. And you'll never have it again. Live it as if it's a one time deal. Because frankly, my dear, it is.
Sunday, April 12, 2015
My thought for this Day.....There is something so serene about an early Sunday morning. The week is old, yet the day is young. And thoughts glide through your mind ever so gently honoring what is past, and anticipating that which is yet to be.....what sweet moments of repose and worship.
Friday, April 10, 2015
My Thought for this Day........In today's world we pause many things. We can set our ovens or crock pots, or dishwashers to stand ready and come on at an appointed time. We can pause our televisions when we want to leave the room or do a quick chore. We seemingly are in control of time. But in reality we are not. Time marches on whether we like it or not. Monday passes to Tuesday and January passes to February and 2015 will pass to 2016. The world spins, your days, months and years end, and at some unknown point your time is gone. Don't live on pause thinking you have forever. Don't while away your time being sure tomorrow will come. Don't ever ever ever think that you are assured of a second chance to mend that fence, lend that hand, or say those words. How very sad that we often spend our time storing up earthly treasures, but allow those we love to be paused for another day. If you have someone in your life whom you have pushed until the elusive tomorrow, please think about today. Make that call, reach out that hand, live as if your time is up.
Thursday, April 9, 2015
My Thought for this Day........I awoke this morning thinking of grudges...particularly 'holding a grudge'. This brings up a question. If you are holding a grudge, where are you holding it? If you are carrying it on your shoulders, then isn't the weight heavy and painful? If it is in your mind, then isn't it taking up valuable thought space. If in your heart, then it is squatting in a place that should be filled with love. The way I see it is holding onto your almighty grudge is hurting you more than your target. Give it up!! Life is too short to live with self imposed burdens.
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
My Thought nor this Day......At times we are nearsighted, at times farsighted, and at times we are blind. 20/20 vision isn't what we need every day. The focus of life must vary as our circumstances change. When needed, we concentrate on us with our vision being near. Other times we spread our field of sight to the bigger picture, and then there are those days, when turning a blind eye protects us. Learn to know how to visually absorb life on a day to day basis.
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
My Thought for this Day........As you pick up your needles and begin the knitting of your day, don't worry about dropped stitches. The joy is in the crafting, not in the perfection.
Sunday, April 5, 2015
My Thought for this Day......The Truth is simple. When he drew his last tortuous breath on the cross, he did it for you. When he ascended to the Heavens, he rose for you. As he eternally sits on the right hand of the Father, he sits for you. How can your earthly walk be pointless and your path dark, when you acknowledge the Power who took the human experience and made it into more than the eye can see ,the ear can hear, the mouth confess, or the finite mind absorb? And yet it is made so very simple when you truly believe that it was done for you.
Saturday, April 4, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......Today is the Day of Pause. We stand between Good Friday and Salvation Sunday. We pause, knowing the mighty end to this story of redemption. We are certain. It is written. But there are times in our lives when we pause to an unknown ending. There are days, weeks, months when it seems like we hold our breaths waiting on the periods to end our sentences. We exist in a comma world for awhile. I encourage you to live in your intermissions without fear or trepidation. For no matter the ending to your current Sentence of Life, the Pause we are living in at this very moment supersedes all others, and we know without doubt we can handle what life brings for we have Grace that floods us with assurance we are never alone.
Friday, April 3, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......When the burden of life seems unbearable. When the pain of your walk is heavy and each tortuous step is more arduous than the last. When aloneness swallows you in doubt and grief and unbelief. And when there is nothing but you. Know that you are in Friday, but Sunday is coming. Rebirth is near and with it you will be relieved and lightened and most of all, your rock is rolled away and Grace has set you free.
Thursday, April 2, 2015
My Thought for this Day.....Instead of pursuing your fifteen minutes of fame, why don't you simply spend fifteen minutes of reflection. Five minutes of relaxing your body, five minutes of gentling your mind, and five minutes of listening to your soul. Until you know yourself, how can you know the place you are meant to take in this world? Seek and ye shall find.
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
My Thought for this Day......When you sit under your tree of knowledge are you content to merely stare at the lower branches? Or do you make the effort to arise and climb to the top? Just possibly what you seek takes more effort than you're giving. As you laze in the shade, reflect on the amazing view that awaits you from the highest branch of your tree if you will merely take the effort to climb.
Sunday, March 29, 2015
My Thought for this Day......Did you know that if you listen intently, you can hear silence? And it's during these moments self lessons are learned as you are able to turn the radio dial to your program. The static of life leaves and there you are with the person who is your constant companion, your very own self. At these times you know, if you're honest, whether you are whom you want to be. The task is dwelling in the honesty of you.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......When you live your life on somebody else's stage, you never get to be the lead character. What a shame to dwell in the shadows of your own life. You were not born to exist as a Wanna Be of someone else, but to shine in your own spotlight. What an insult to think you are not enough. We live in a society of a constant race to have and do more. How tragic to miss the Glory of being center stage, basking in what is you.
Monday, March 23, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence....but there is a good chance it needs to be weeded!
Friday, March 20, 2015
My Thought for this Day....When you open your door and there's a mountain....go back in a get a bigger shovel. Life's not about obstacles. It's about your ability to clear the path. Character is not build by ease, but by tenacity.
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
When you air your dirty laundry on Social Media, you invite people to bring their quarters to your laundry mat.
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
My Thought for this Day........It's not the fear of losing that stymies us in life. It's the fear of trying. To not try is the saddest way to lose.
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
My Thought for this Day.........When you take the 'I' and 'Me' out of the 'We' and 'Us', mighty things happen.
Sunday, March 8, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......When Glory shines from the Heavens, do you turn away in guilt, shame, and disbelief? Or do you lift your face and soak up the radiance of miracles, and forgiveness, and grace, and love? What sadness to miss out on these things that are so freely given to us in abundance. The cost was high, yet for us, it only takes belief.
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......There is always one more curve in the Road of Life. Take it with zeal! A passionless life leads to mediocrity.
Thursday, February 26, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......Acknowledge all things present in your life.....both the good and the bad. For surely lessons aren't learned, nor wisdom gained from turning our backs on things which we deem unpleasant.
Sunday, February 22, 2015
End It........
My Thought for this Day.....When you come to the end of yourself, you can become the beginning for someone else. This is one of life's biggest blessings.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
My Thought for this Day........If the Song of your Soul has static, turn the dial just a little. Life is better with a clear, strong song.
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
My Thought for this Day....It's not only the moments of your life that are important. It's what you do with those moments. Don't wish them away because each one isn't filled with fun. Don't stuff them under your pillow of hum-drum. Instead, live each moment as if it were the best in your day. Fill your mason jar of life with twinkling fireflies of moments that can light your path and sparkle in the darkness of your night.
Monday, February 9, 2015
My Thought for this Day......What if the words you speak are raindrops that continually fall on your head all day. Would you find yourself in a thunderstorm, or in a soft gentle mist of contentment and grace? Think about your ability to ravage your day, or coax out a magnificent Garden of Life.
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Let Go.....
My Thought for this day......If only for one day, resign your position of Ruler of the Universe and enjoy life. Take down the fences, unlock the doors, open the windows, and hand your scepter to someone else. Then take a deep cleansing breath and relax in the wisdom that the ship of life will still sail without you being at the helm.
Friday, February 6, 2015
Placing the pieces....
My Thought for this Day....When I look at life, I see toughness and despair. I see joy and celebration. I see hard work and easy streets. I see molding and breaking apart. I don't think this life is always meant to be a ride around the park with a warm blanket and a cup of hot chocolate. Nor do I think it's forever meant to be climbing the face of a granite mountain. What I do think is life is a jumble of actions, emotions and happenings, both good and bad. And our job is to take that jumble and through strength and endurance and the grace of both acceptance and noble rejection turn that jumble into a amazing puzzle whose pieces fit tightly and in the end create the beauty that was our magnificent gift when we drew our first breath.
Thursday, February 5, 2015
My Thought for this Day.........When you stand on your mount and lift your voice to the Heavens, make sure the words that fly are Honorable, full of Grace and Thanksgiving. For truly, the only ear that matters belongs to the One who created your ability to speak.
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
My Thought for this Day......What's at the top of your heap of misery? Oh yes, you have one. The topper may be envy, shame, doubt, spite, guilt. Whatever it is; it's most probably known only to you. What if today, you knocked it off and lived these hours in freedom? How much lighter your steps would be, how much brighter your day? I wonder, if then, you would realize that your heap of misery isn't a heap at all, but a weight that drags behind you, hurting no one but yourself.
Monday, February 2, 2015
My Thought for this Day....This morning I arise with privilege. Privilege to wake up in a safe home, flip a switch for heat, open a tap for clean water, dress in warm clothes and leave for a job I hold dear. This morning, as in all mornings, let me acknowledge that none of these things are deserved. Allow me to humbly give Thanks and deeply ask for Forgiveness when I stumble, and gripe and view with envy the proverbial other side of the fence, never observing the weeds that run rampant outside my perimeter of Grace.
Sunday, February 1, 2015
My Thought for this Day......The second you stop working on yourself, you become like a stagnant pool of water. Life is meant to ebb and flow with calmness, ripples and waves. The beauty of you is to embrace every phase of your life. Immerse yourself in the stillness of some days. Study your image in the ripples of others. And when life comes at you in waves, ride them with grace and learn the lessons of that ride.
Saturday, January 31, 2015
My Thought For this Day.......When there is nothing left to say, say nothing. When there is nothing left to do, do nothing. Sometimes it's time to simply let life simmer.
Friday, January 30, 2015
My Thought for this Day.....Stop trying to be the Center of someone else's universe and be the Wholeness of your own. You do no one a service by fragmenting what is you. By living deeply and finely and entirely in ourselves, we then are able to know just whom we are and in the knowing, we can mend our scars, build our towers of strength and genuinely step out into the life we were meant to lead.
Thursday, January 29, 2015
My Thought for this Day........We all have small nuggets of pain, grief or sadness known only to us. When we are ready to air our hearts in the freedom of letting go, only then will we truly realize that we have risen from the ashes. The humanness of each of us joins us in the circle of life. I touch you and you touch me. This is one of the greatest gifts freely given to us.
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
The Wanting.....
My Thought for this Day.....if you don't want to share my Joy, that's fine. If you don't want to share my Pain, that's fine. If you don't want to share my Life, that's fine. For the Love is not in the sharing, it's in the Wanting to.
Thursday, January 1, 2015
My Thought for this New Year......As you adjust your telescope of life on this, the first day of a new year, widen your lens. Joy will never be achieved through tunnel vision. Success will never be attained by walking a narrow path. And most of all.......Realize that true fulfillment doesn't exist by insisting on always leading, or following. Focus on widening your highways and byways so family and friends may walk beside you through your days. Not only is there safety in numbers, there is also comfort, and laughter and shoulders to lean on when needed.
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