Wednesday, April 22, 2015


My Thought for this Day......Listen, Listen, Listen......sometimes we just don't listen. We tune out words; we tune out cries for help; we tune out everything, but our own voices rumbling inane gibberish in our small minds. Get off that selfish horse and offer someone a ride. Turn your radio dial to a station that doesn't only play your music. You have two don't need them both. Stretch one out to your friends, family, or a random person in true need. You have two eyes to see the world around you, and I guarantee it's not 100% problem free. You have two feet to carry you where you want to go, and your path doesn't always need to be The Yellow Brick Road. You have two ears to listen; use one to actually do just that. Have you ever thought about why God gave you pairs? Not hard to figure it for you and a spare. What you do with that spare defines who you truly are.

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