Tuesday, March 25, 2014


My Challenge for this Day.......finally. I am just beginning to gather my scattered thoughts after they have been jumbled around much like letters in Word Find puzzles. I think it's partly old age and partly 'scared to death' syndrome. But nonetheless I've wanted to tell you about something I have done for a long time and challenge you to do the same. Pray. Ok, you say, I've been on that band wagon for years.....or at least I hope you're saying that , and I've even blogged about the sincerity of your words, "I'll pray for you" before. This is totally different. For years and years, I have prayed for a specific someone I didn't know. I picked a room number in Hendrick Hospital in Abilene and each morning added that unknown occupant to my prayers. Random, yes, bizarre, I know, but in my heart I knew that at least one person, me, was praying for whomever was in that particular hospital bed. Last week, when our Dev was in Harris Hospital, I was aware of no fewer than five churches scattered throughout Texas that were praying for her, and countless other individuals. I wonder who was praying for the man next door who had a feeding tube, or the woman across the way who never had visitors. So, today, I challenge you to pick a hospital, and a room and pray for that unknown person. You just may be the only one who is lifting them up to our God. I'm staying with my room in Hendrick, but I'm also adding room 301 in the Harris Methodist Heart Center to my prayers. Will you accept this Challenge? Will you intercede on a stranger's behalf? This is my Challenge to you.

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