Sunday, March 2, 2014

Batter Up!

My Thought for this Day.......I find that everyday begins with its own set of challenges. We, as humans, are constantly evolving and changing. And with this movement, we clearly must direct ourselves in the right direction. Emotions of yesterday might not be emotions of today. We are on the Playing Field of Life everyday. We may be pitching today, and catching tomorrow.....but every day we are running the bases. The trick of this game is to understand that each action, thought and emotion must be channeled in a way to move us to home plate. Today you may hit a home run and glide with the ease of a sailboat on a summer lake. Tomorrow you might strike out in your attempt to even make first base. The challenge is to realize that today does not define tomorrow. With each movement of the calendar you write your days in the history of your life with your attitude, actions and mindset. And as you are writing, people are reading. So today, and each day, when you begin your game, look not only at the bases, and the outfield, and the fastballs, and curves coming your way, but also look toward the stands and see who is watching and cheering and hoping that you hit your home run of the day. You are not only playing for yourself.....this might be the biggest challenge of all.

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