Monday, December 18, 2017


My Thought for this Day......And so it has begun....... The season of hopes and dreams and wishes coming true arrives. The time of giving and loving and goodwill toward men is once again upon us. We're dreaming of sugarplums and rockin' around our Christmas trees and filling our lives with festivities and fun. But before you can truly, honestly and completely revel in the season, I think there are things that must be done, words that must be said, acts that must be taken. Draw in that cleansing breath, step over that wall of pride, be the better person and forgive. And not only forgive in your heart, but in person, with words, aloud, in truth and in beauty. You can't begin anew until you cleanse your palate of hurt. And isn't this what the season is really about......that long ago birth that began mankind on a forever walk, an eternal walk, a walk of a Babe who showed us the path of righteousness and forgiveness? I dare you! Take that breath, search your soul, swallow your pride, do it because it is the right thing, the godly thing, the honorable thing. Purge and release and exonerate. Believe it or not, it is a selfish act. If wholeheartedly done, you will reap the Joys of lightness, and freedom. You will no longer sag under the weight of pride. And so I dare you. Grab those ribbons of renewal. Shut that door. And let it be.

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