Sunday, December 31, 2017


My Thought for this Day....Before we speak of new hopes and dreams of 2018, let us speak of closure. May you in all sincerity close the door on painful things, separations, and each circumstance that keeps you from those whom you love. At midnight tonight 2017 fades into 2018. Let those hurts and broken promises and dreams fade with it. Let it go. You are better than your perceived failures and wrongdoings. You are mighty in your life. Bow down, kneel, and in your supplication realize we live on the wings of the ever changing wind. And what seems forever may just be for now. Gather your miracles. They walk by your side. Yet there is a time limit, a stopping point, a period, for all things, both dark and light. Don’t let joy pass you by because of pride, guilt, or general humanism. Each breath is a gift, each moment a wonder. Life is precious. Happy 2018 my friends.

Saturday, December 30, 2017


My Thought for this Day.......For me the days between Christmas and New Year's Day are days of reflection. Somehow I seem to be stuck in the space between memories and new footprints I'll make in the sand of the path of my life. I hope as I sit at my Reflection Pool, I learn from the ripples of memories that slowly drift in the waters that were my 2017 I want to savor each memory, both good and bad. I want to build on each one, to learn from each one and to see myself reflected as I truly was. I have room for tremendous growth, I have an entire lake to fill with hope and goodness and kindness and generosity and strength. As I ponder those mirrored images that make me sad or not proud, I hope I can change myself so that next year......the days of 2018 I see less and less of them. I truly, deeply want to be that person who never takes for granted her days, that person who goes out of her way to lend a hand or a heart, that person who diligently seeks out those in need and stretches her arms to lift up and smooth out and simply give. I don't know what you see in your Lake of Reflection. I hope whatever it is, gives you more joy than sorrow, more laughter than tears and more comfort than angst. But my deepest hope is that you too can begin to see your 2018 as days of becoming your new Reflection Pond and if you are fortunate enough to sit and study it this time next year, that you will see more smiles, more love and more understanding that you and only you are responsible, not for others, but for yourself. Yet in that understanding, you see yourself reflected in the lives of others. And it is good. It’s called the spirit of giving, without expectation in return. I'm working on it. And it feels worthy and grace filled.

Friday, December 29, 2017

Show up.....

My Thought for this Day......I once heard ........Decisions are made by those who show up. Do you show up? Do you show up in your own life and in the lives of those you love? If not, then don't criticize attitudes, actions, or end results. And don't expect miracles to happen in your own life.

Saturday, December 23, 2017


My Question of the Day?.......What is sacred to you? Do you truly understand the word? There are several definitions, but we'll go with 'Reverently Dedicated". So, again, what is sacred to you? I think the answer to this question speaks volumes about a person. It is their symphony, their book of life, their mountaintop. It sets the parameters of their actions, words, goals. It, in fact, is the true inner core of their being. Imagine that which is sacred to you is the Hub of your Wheel of Life and everything you do, speak, think, are the spokes. Your wheel turns daily guided by your Sacredness, your Reverent Dedication. And do you even realize this? Have you ever stopped to truly soak in, immerse yourself in that which is hallowed to you? It doesn't come easily. It takes inner revelation. It draws on the spirit. It defines you in a way like no other. So, I hope you take the time to soul search, to throw out the trash, that which is evil and destructive, and dwell peacefully, calmly and with dignity and grace in your Spirit of Sacredness. This is a cherished season. No glitter, nor bow, nor ribbon can begin to touch the true joy of these days. They are solemnly sacred. They give purpose to lives well lived, immersed not in the commercialism, but in the divine.

Monday, December 18, 2017


My Thought for this Day......And so it has begun....... The season of hopes and dreams and wishes coming true arrives. The time of giving and loving and goodwill toward men is once again upon us. We're dreaming of sugarplums and rockin' around our Christmas trees and filling our lives with festivities and fun. But before you can truly, honestly and completely revel in the season, I think there are things that must be done, words that must be said, acts that must be taken. Draw in that cleansing breath, step over that wall of pride, be the better person and forgive. And not only forgive in your heart, but in person, with words, aloud, in truth and in beauty. You can't begin anew until you cleanse your palate of hurt. And isn't this what the season is really about......that long ago birth that began mankind on a forever walk, an eternal walk, a walk of a Babe who showed us the path of righteousness and forgiveness? I dare you! Take that breath, search your soul, swallow your pride, do it because it is the right thing, the godly thing, the honorable thing. Purge and release and exonerate. Believe it or not, it is a selfish act. If wholeheartedly done, you will reap the Joys of lightness, and freedom. You will no longer sag under the weight of pride. And so I dare you. Grab those ribbons of renewal. Shut that door. And let it be.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

I Do........

My Thought for this Day......Its okay to live part of your life as a Linking Verb. In fact, it's important. We need to feel, to be, to seem, to posses. But it's the life of Action Verbs that get things done. Link those feelings to actions. Don't only feel sorry Don't only Don't only want.....go for. Life is a delicate balancing act, and truthfully , no one lives perfectly. But to live in the Link and not ever in the Action, does no one good. We all know where the Road of Good Intentions is said to lead. Don't always be an I am, be an I Do.

Monday, December 11, 2017


My Thought for this Day.....Always leave a place better than you found it. In spirit. That's the true meaning of Christmas.

Saturday, December 9, 2017


My Thought for this Day.........I said these words to a good friend last night.....I am cleaning the House of my Soul right now. I have things I need to do, and words I need to say. Life is too short to not be true to yourself. When you live under the umbrella of pretend and falsehood, you miss the cleansing rain. Renewal is a blessed event. I think she heard and agreed. It may not be radical, headline worthy, nor attention grabbing. But is is selfishness at its best. Clean souls and minds and hearts make for productive selfless people.

Friday, December 8, 2017


My Thought for this Day......Don't waste your time trying to change other people. It's like building sandcastles on the beach. Eventually the high tide will destroy your effort. Instead work on your own Individual Castle of Character and place it high on the Cliff. There, like a fortress, you can withstand the storms and erosions of life. Friday life lesson.

Thursday, December 7, 2017


My Thought for this Day.....'Tis the Season to be Joyful, for caroling and twinkling lights and ole St Nick and merriment everywhere. But sadly, circumstances happen, and we are dealt life changing, gut wrenching lows that drop us in the black. I have, this year, more than one friend who struggles to breath right now. Taking one step in front of the other is excruciating, and the black seems to swallow them, as if it will never end. And so I hope that if your days are merry and bright, you will take time to remember and to lift up those whom life has slapped down. God bless us every one. " When despair for the world grows in me, and I wake in the night at the least sound in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be, I go and lie down where the wood drake rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds. I come into the peace of wild things who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief. I come into the presence of still water. And I feel above me the day-blind stars waiting with their light. For a time I rest in the grace of the world, and I am free." THE PEACE of WILD THINGS by Wendell Berry.

Sunday, December 3, 2017


My Thought for this Day.....We all are links in our own personal chain. At times we are the strongest link and bind our weaker family and friends together. At times, it is inevitable we are the most frail link of our chain of life. The blessing and purity of existence is to know the difference. Don't try to forge the knot when you know you can't hold it. Greatness is not trying to overachieve at others' expense. Wisdom is allowing those stronger links to hold when it is their time. Be that person who is humble enough to realize no one can be all every second. There is grace in holding out your hand for help and grasping those who are walking by your side in love and support.

Friday, December 1, 2017


My Thought for this Day.......When you take your power and turn it into a roaring lion that devours other human beings, then you have lost your sense of humanity. When your might overcomes those who are below you in the workplace, in your family, or in the general populace, you are a false dictator of pride. Whether your actions make headlines, are global, or are small, you demean yourself with your abuse of power. My gosh, you roar your will, but your heart is whimpering under the weight of your deception. Do you not see yourself? Why no, probably not. But within, deep within, you quiver in your frailty, knowing full well that it is a matter of time. Or you stand so blind in your spotlight that you are even more pathetic than you can imagine. I am sick of abuse in all forms. I am weak in my prayer for you, but I pray nonetheless. May God have mercy on your soul. And may you look deeply within your heart and realize that the way you treat others is a very basic sign of your character. We see what you do not.