Friday, June 16, 2017


My Thought for this Day......Be kind! Is this so dang hard? Be kind to your kids, your mate, your friends, your animals, the elderly, the cashier at the grocery store. Just BE KIND! It's not a hard concept. Why can't we just be kind? Has life sucked the kind out of us? You are not entitled to anything that makes you superior. You are not better than your fellow man. In fact, if you aren't kind, you are far inferior. I'm not an idiot; I know there are situations where kindness is stupidity. But I will bet that 98% of your world deserves kindness. You can't control ISIS, or terrorists, or mad men, or abusers. And again, they don't deserve kindness. My heart aches for those people who live in fear, and there are plenty. But let's be clear, just maybe your kind word or action is the only thing that will be a sweet moment for them. I'm sick to tears, literally, of this damaged world in which we live. And I'm wise enough to know I can't control it. What I can control is me. Be kind!

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