Monday, February 29, 2016
My Thought for this Day.........Never underestimate your power. You are mighty in your words. They are the headlights that light the way for your actions.
Sunday, February 28, 2016
Red Carpet......
My Thought for this Day.......Today is Oscar Day....Academy Awards....Red Carpet Day. This is a day for celebrities to become even more 'Larger than Life'. Here's my thought. What if EVERYDAY we all walked as if we were on the Red Carpet. Not for others, but for ourselves. What if EVERYDAY, we grasp that we are that special. We are truly Red Carpet Ready. We rise to the top with the realization that we are Worthy. Walk your Red Carpet EVERYDAY.
Thursday, February 25, 2016
My Thought for this Day........I believe the most sought after emotion is Love. Its abundance or lack of is the core of our being. It, in fact, is the trunk of our tree of life. What comes in second for you? If love is a given, then what emotion do you seek to follow behind it? What do you want people to feel when they look at you and your life? I believe what we want directs our footsteps. For we walk the path hoping to gather emotions from our people. I know what mine is. Do you know yours? Food for Thursday Thought.
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
My Thought for this Day........Who are you? You're a mother or a father, a wife or a husband, a son or a daughter.....the list goes on and on. But truly the answer are you. And every thing else just simply follows along after you. You put your individual brand on the rest. You actually tattoo it all on the people around you. So think on this. You are eternally you and whatever you stamp stays with your people forever. They carry the impact. Be very careful that what they bear is a benefit, not a burden.
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
My Thought for this Day........Let's make today a day of second chances. Take a second chance on something or someone. Give a second chance to someone or something. Don't make it hard. Don't make it painful. Don't overthink it. Just do it. Second chances are things to be done with no strings attached. So unknot that string and do it!
Monday, February 22, 2016
My Thought for this Day.......Today is golden....even though it's's golden. And here is why. Today will never happen again. It's a one time thing. It's uniqueness won't reoccur. To disregard, dread, or sigh it away is unforgivable. Today is a gift, a golden gift. So whatever it is that you have on your Monday plate, realize that you only have one chance to partake of this day. Gold does not tarnish. See that your actions, words, and deeds don't either.
Friday, February 19, 2016
My Thought for this Day.......Walk with a purpose, love, and truth. And your path will be shown, and you will not be alone.
Thursday, February 18, 2016
My Thought for this Day.......Never be afraid to be afraid. There are things in life that should be fiercely feared. With this terror comes protection and pro action. Fear is not a weakness unless you cower with eyes closed and ears muffed. Listen carefully to this. You are well equipped to face your fears if you gird yourself with the Power that is within your grasp. Stretch out your hand with faith; it will be taken.
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
My Thought for this Day......Sometimes our drains of life get stuck. We pull and we yank, and we pry, but that little rubber stopper won't budge. And when this happens, the waters begin to rise, and we become frantic with the terror of being drowned in this and that and these and those. And with our hysteria we become ineffectual in our effort to stay afloat. We thrash and we dash from one thing to another and in doing so we create a tsunami of emotion and activity that leads to nothing purposeful. STOP IT! It's okay to be busy. It's not okay to be frantic. "Oh, but I must," you say. No, no you don't. You don't have the need , nor they right to over schedule, over work, nor over whatever it is that's creating the flood of dirty water. Think on this for a moment. When you hurry and scurry, you most probably miss the finish line anyway. And you are too busy to value the trip. You are too frantic to soak in the wonder of what surrounds you. You are way too important to be important. Get it? Relax and drift in life's water for as long as you need to realize that the finish line always moves farther away with each frenzied dash and pull of that plug. Don't miss out on the float because you are drowning in the waves.
Monday, February 15, 2016
My Thought for this Day.......At this moment you hold in your hand an empty glass called Monday. Probably not your favorite glass, but nonetheless, it's yours. And with every second you begin to fill it. You fill it with words, actions, smiles, yawns, frowns, hugs...the list goes on and on. Here's the thing. This glass will be permanently filled. You may want to pour it down your Drain of Life, but you can't. It will stay forever sitting on your shelf to be viewed by those with whom you share your day. So make it worth saving. It's not just another day, it's your day.
Friday, February 12, 2016
My Thought for this Day.........Right this moment, if you are in an hour of need, my wish is for you to have someone to call upon. Right now, if you are in a moment of triumph, my wish is that you have someone to share with. This very day, my prayer is that you realize someone is better than something. Friends matter, family matters, coworkers matter, you matter. Only yesterday, I heard three very special people say to me.....I trust you, will you help? Can you hear the power in those requests? I knew instantaneously that a blessing had fallen around my shoulders, and I replied, yes. I hope that today, you get a chance to say yes.
Thursday, February 11, 2016
My Thought for this Day......Life is a dichotomy. We win and we lose. We grow and regress. We rejoice and we grieve. We glorify and we condemn. We change and are stagnate. And through it all, through the best and worst of times, we live. And this, my friends, is the triumph in our hearts. We live. And so whatever you face today. Whether it be exaltation or anguish. Whether you are on your mountain top or in your trench, you live. Let it matter.
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
My Thought for this Day...........I believe we are all given a life we waste. I believe that we allow minutes, hours and days to pass without true appreciation. I believe the earth is wondrous and the greatest art ever painted. I believe we possess more talent than we can ever imagine. I believe the Bible is the most read, respected AND neglected book on the planet. I believe we will never truly know the meaning of love in this life. I believe the human body is a machine so complex that no doctor, nor scientist can or will ever truly understand it, and its MAKER, the molder of life. I believe we don't give ourselves the chance to develop our true strengths, nor realize the hindering of our weaknesses. I believe if we all contributed what we are capable of sharing, the outcome would not be understandable. I believe we are living in a world of instantaneous rewards and regrets. I believe friends are absolutely, without a doubt, one of the biggest phenomenons in our lives. I believe families should at times unite and also at times separate. I believe children are the most mold-able creatures alive. I believe we are at the tip of the iceberg of what technology will reach and that none of us has the capacity to see what is before us. I also believe this technology is a blessing as well as a curse. I believe when we become robots, we lose our usefulness.I believe to open one's eyes to a new day is to have another chance to make a difference in ourselves as well as what surrounds us. I believe most of us squander this opportunity. I believe that the uniqueness of each of us, both separates and draws together. I believe faith is one of, if not the most, important emotions of life. I believe we owe not only ourselves but those who have come before and those who will come after the respect of taking care of our fellow man. I believe we, for the most part, are selfish creatures who turn our backs on needs that are in our own back yards. I believe no one lives the life of power of which they are capable. I also believe with 100 % of my heart that Ask with true Faith and Goodness and you will receive that which is meant for you......and then it is up to you to take that gift and share it with a world full of need. These are some of my beliefs. These are some of my faults. These are some of my biggest blessings.
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
My Thought for this Day.......We all live life on many different levels. Sometimes we are in the trenches. Sometimes we sit on the top branches of our tree and trill our song of joy. And here is the truth of the matter, it doesn't matter from which angle you are viewing your moments, they are still yours. And they are to be lived with assurance that you are strong enough, mighty enough, brave enough to rise out of your trench, and claim your victory. are gracious enough , kind enough, compassionate enough to climb down from your branch and aid those who need your strength. Life is about acknowledging that your circumstances are not only yours; they are the core of your circle, your people, your army. Trust in your team, and even better, be the nucleus.
Monday, February 8, 2016
My Thought for this Day........Realize who makes your life easier. And if you just thought no one, them turn your eyes outward, rather than inward. There are those who go before you everyday and clear a path. I dare you to spend a few moments and acknowledge them in your heart. Then go one step further and say thank you when you get the chance. Gratefulness to otherS is a sign, not of weakness, but of honor.
Saturday, February 6, 2016
My Thought for this Day........When you live life without a dream, you sit in a darkened theater with no actors on stage, waiting for someone else to appear and say your lines. How sad to not be the main character in your own play. Life is not about being self centered, but it is about knowing the center of yourself. Challenge sculpts us: placidity leaves us lumps of clay. We are not meant to watch the world go by; we are meant to be in the game. Catch that star and hold it in your hand and watch your life begin to glow with purpose and achievement and best of all the blessing of being. Live your dream!
Friday, February 5, 2016
My Thought for this Day......I spent part of Wednesday at the Fort Worth VA Outpatient Clinic. I'm always amazed at the spirit of these folks. Whether old or young, walking upright or with canes, or in chairs, they are always polite, and upbeat. Many times, I heard, " The Lord has given me another day, so I'm good." I'm not naive enough to think this is always their attitude. I'm sure they have dark minutes, days and weeks. But for that day, they were fine. They were among comrades. They were in the bubble of shared experiences. For that day, they were fine. I hope you have comrades. I hope you have those people with whom you can share experiences. I hope that for today you are aware that the Lord has given you another day, and that you are fine. Be blessed.
Thursday, February 4, 2016
My Thought for this Day..........We all take many actions every day. Some are automatic, spur of the moment, and some are intentional. Some we take pride in, some are seemingly inconsequential, and some are in haste, mean or damaging. Some we control, and some burst out like fire belching from a dragon's mouth. Whatever our action of the moment is, we have responsibility in it; we own it. Some make us feel better, some hurt others, and some just fade into the moments that are our lives. Here is my thought, finally........when your actions are clear, well thought out, determined, please take a moment and search the intention behind them. Those intentions may not hurt, nor be obvious to others, but they certainly chip away, or build up our own integrity. And our integrity today, molds our actions tomorrow. Live your life with a purpose that is generous, not self-centered. For, truly, I believe that when you intentionally bless your fellow man, you will reap what you sew. Benevolence and grace begin in your heart, not in your hand.
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
My Thought for this Day............We all need to move in a positive, forward direction. When we tread water, that water becomes stagnant. Examine your life, make those changes, seek those possibilities. Be in a day, a month, a year what you wish you were now. Go get your gold medal; kick off the moss of stagnation. Your water is meant to ripple with success. #makeithappen
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
My Thought for this Day.........Sometimes it's okay to not be okay. Truly the world is a stage and we all have our part to play. But we also all have days when our parts don't fit. And that's okay. If we always remain onstage, smiles on our faces, stage makeup perfect, wardrobe complete, there will invariably come a moment, hour, day or week, when we just don't know our lines. And, again, that's okay. Don't make life always about being perfect; make life about forever being genuine. And when that time comes, when you need to hide in the wings and rejuvenate, do it! It's okay to not be okay.
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