Tuesday, September 30, 2014


My Thought for this Day.......Do you ever wonder why Billy seems blessed and Bobby doesn't, why Sally appears to ' have it all', and Susie has nothing. Every thing he touches turns to gold. Poor thing couldn't get it done in a million years. Yes! We all judge. We all not only secretly think, but most of us, outwardly speak things that are critical. We do it every day. So here's a challenge. For today....if only for one day......don't wonder about your neighbor, co workers, or friend. Don't wonder about anybody....not even you! Just embrace today in the Joy in which it was given to you. Today, let's count our blessings, stand on our mountain tops, sing our songs....without reserve, regret or restriction. Let Billy and Bobby and Sally and Susie have their lives. You have yours. Enjoy it. Live it. Just throw out those arms and twirl in the glory that is you. And tonight...be exhausted in the effort of individuality. It's a precious thing.

Monday, September 29, 2014


My Thought for this Day........What is your plan of action for today? How do you intend to treat people? Will you tear down or build up? Have you even thought about it? Don't go out your door without a mindset. Don't let the winds of fortune set your sails in the wrong direction. Be the captain of your ship. And as you captain that ship, set your compass to rightness and fairness and turn from idly sailing on the seas of jealousy and envy and despair. Make a plan, and a mindset. And though the winds of the day may blow you off course, you will still....in your courage and trust....steer your ship with respect and as the sails dissolve into the sunset, you will be able to say, with authority, I served myself and others well. And for that, I am proud.

Sunday, September 28, 2014


My Thought for this Day.......We are forever students. We learn from our mistakes. We learn from our successes. We learn from our friends, family and strangers. To not learn daily is one of life's saddest errors.

Thursday, September 25, 2014


My Thought for this Day........Life is an orchestra, and we all are instruments playing our notes with rage, or aggression, or envy or sarcasm, or love, grace and joy. Are you the bass violin who boldly and deeply provides the background on our song? Are you the harp who softly and melodiously sends heart rendering notes of serenity into your realm? Are you the trumpet who courageously signals victories or defeats? Maybe you are the flute who flits slightly above the rumble of the other instruments, yet brings an air of serendipity to the music. Whatever instrument you are; you are a vital part of life's musical band. So play your heart out. Send your notes into the air with authority and power. You may not make the loudest sound, but you provide your part. You play your song. You fill our world orchestra with talent.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


My Thought for this Day.......We all have roots in our Gardens of Life. Some need to be pulled; some need to be fertilized; all need to be acknowledged. Turning your back on your roots disassociates yourself from your past, and your past,whether good or bad, has been a huge part in throwing the pottery of your life. So whether you walk away from it, ignore it, or reelect on your history with love; in all circumstances you must know that is and always will be the framework of your existence. If you can't see where you came from.....how do you know where your going? Everyday is history; every second builds the fabric of your legacy. Every instant is your past.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Thank You....

My Thought for this Day.........If it was easy, everyone would do it. I say that this morning for those who go the extra mile, for those who, everyday, put their lives on the line, for those who are willing to put months and years into learning things and talents that are used to heal and protect. My thought for this day is Thank You. Thank you for having the spirit and courage and strength to see your dream, chase it and then catch that elusive goal. You are my Heroes.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Your Truth......

My Thought for this Day......It is said to speak truth into your fear and selfishness. Maybe you are fearless and selfless and therefore are bigger than this message. But, if like most of us, you are fraught with human frailties, then remember that there is a Truth bigger than you. There is a Force more powerful than any human spirit. The trick is to be sure you plug into the right power outlet. For you see, there are many false roads to walk, lives to live and words to prophecy. So if you do need to speak your truth, let it be the Truth that will carry you forth in a purpose of good, not evil, in a walk of honor, not shame, and in the end will glorify that which is due your fearlessness and courage.

Sunday, September 21, 2014


My Thought for this Day.......Don't live in the temporary. You figure it out.

Saturday, September 20, 2014


My Thought for this Day......Don't try to walk someone else's path. It will only lead to missteps. You are meant to make your own footprints.

Friday, September 19, 2014


My Thought for this Day.......You can say a resounding YES! You can give an emphatic NO! But just how convincing is a MAYBE? Get off that fence and stand for something. Unconvinced people aren't life changers. Be somebody's biggest fan and make a difference.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


My Thought for this Day......Respect cannot be bought; it must be earned. Respect is both an internal and external force. Respect is give and take; it is worthiness and honor. Respect doesn't come with big stones nor shiny wheels. Respect is silent, deep, long and wide. Respect is at times....when it is at is best....invisible. Think about whom and what you respect. And then, when you have the courage.....look at your reflection and truly see the respect that bounces off your being. For you emulate what you respect......is it worthy?

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


My Thought for this Day.....Life is a series of blips on a radar. It's not about the blips; it's about the way we react to them. Whether tiny or gigantic each occurrence brings out something about our genuine personality....our reaction is a mirror in which we see our truth. Do you like what you see?

Saturday, September 13, 2014


My Thought for this Day........When you strike out in anger...whether physically or verbally...you leave scars that last a lifetime. When you are stronger than the one to whom your anger is directed, if you take that advantage and use it, then you are actually not only weaker, you are pathetically weaker. Physical scars may heal; emotional ones live on to affect every moment, day and year of the life of the recipient of your anger. But you're too big and bad to care. Well, listen well, for I know what is true. Not because I have ever been the recipient of a fist or tree branch, but because I have dealt with those recipients for nearly thirty years. You destroy lives. You tear down bit by bit by bit. You are not brave, big or bad. You are a coward.

Friday, September 12, 2014

The Ring......

My Thought for this Day.......Each and every day you must come out of your corner fighting. Put on your gloves for what you know is your truth, what you hold in your heart, what you believe is your path. But as you do this, take into consideration that life is not a popularity contest, but it isn't a boxing ring either. Mold your days as you see fit and in the throwing of life's pottery, remember sometimes your influence is felt more by the walk you walk,the steps you take, the high road that is yours, rather than a constant babble. Live and let live. And then, be strong enough to say....and mean....I did not only what was right for me, but what was right for others.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

September 11

Mothers and 9/11 Today marks the anniversary of a truly devastating day in the history of the United States of America. I can remember my instant gut reaction as I was listening to the story unfold. I knew EXACTLY where my children were. Two of them were within a hundred yards of me on the same high school campus. But as their a mother, my first instinct was to go touch them. And I did. It was as necessary as breathing. They were fine and I knew it, but the compulsion was too strong to ignore. The other two kids were not close enough to touch, but I called them within a few minutes. This is what we do as mothers. We protect, we touch, we scrutinize, we gather our children during a disaster. I remember looking into their eyes and listening to their voices with a very clear thought resounding in my head. "You have no idea how this morning changed your world." I grieved for them; I grieved for all of us. Our universe tilted on that day. So I write this blog with two thoughts in mind. Every day unfolds with miracles and magic. Be aware of that. Take nothing for granted. My second thought is the sadness I still feel....deep in my heart....for the mothers who lost their worlds that day. I understand that it's also the fathers, wives, children, brother, sisters and many many more who still suffer. But today, because I still remember my great need to see, touch and listen to.....I cry for the mothers.

Sunday, September 7, 2014


My Thought for this Day.....Today when you pick up your bucket of life, make sure you have strained out the fears and disappointments of yesterday. Begin with clear, clean waters of hopes and joys. You only change the wrongs of the past by immersing yourself in thankfulness for this brand new day. This day is a gift. And even though it quite possibly will contain its own murkiness, it deserves a clear beginning of joy. Be delighted in what you have been given. Rest in the knowledge that you are truly blessed.

Friday, September 5, 2014


My Thought for this Day........Life is a mindset. It truly is. At the end of the day, when you lay your head on your pillow and it is just you and silence and your truth, then you know. Have you honored your values, have you lifted your joy, have you encouraged with honesty? Have you lived your day with a mindset of selfishness or selflessness? How absolutely glorious it is to be what you are meant to be. It's not about importance; it's about standing in the Gap that is yours.

Thursday, September 4, 2014


My thought for this Day......We all long for security. I'm just not sure we all understand what that means. Take a minute and 'think' security. If the words Power, Possessions or Pride come to mind, then I fear you have it somewhat wrong. Work to replace those 'self' words with words that are lasting. Then truly understand security, and with this understanding comes Peace that passes everyday worries and strife.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Your Truth.....

My Thought for this Day.....How dangerous is the Sound of your Silence? How safe it is to hold your tongue. How comfortable it is to sit in your corner cloaked in knowledge that it your truth, yet to remain with the words locked in your mouth. Yet how liberating is the Grace that is given to you when you speak your truth with dignity and righteousness and when you look out of your consciousness with clear eyes that focus not only on you, but on your fellowman. When the time comes to step from your corner into the limelight, do so with the self assurance that your truth is as important as the person's to your right and to your left. And that IF you voice it with respect and character, you do no harm. We all have a story. It is not only in the living....it is in the telling, the relating, the passing on of experience. And most if all....the voicing of what will instruct, help, and ultimately take that story from your world and pass it on to those who take the time to listen. But...and this is a very important but.......you can only tell. After that, walk away, your journey is complete, your race is over, your baton is passed and you may live with the knowledge that you have spoken your truth. The listening is not your responsibility.