Thursday, July 31, 2014
My Thought for this Day......Where do you live? Do you live in solitude, generosity, deception, selfishness, gratitude, achievement, jealousy? We all reside in our emotions. Each and every one of us must face the reality that something rules our lives. And what we portray to the world is not necessarily what is truly our hearts's platform. Do you spend time making sure you mask the true you? And if you do, is this out of shame, embarrassment, or weakness? True happiness comes in the ability to face ourselves with pride. Absolute contentment stems from the knowledge that while not perfect, we strive to live in the spotlight of improvement. To think you are perfect is to be looking in a cracked mirror. To view yourself as invincible is to be blinded by the light of self importance. I think it is miraculous that we, each day, are given the opportunity to carve out a little more of our true selves. We are flawed; we sometimes live in emotions that are not righteous. But the opportunity and the desire to dig, and seek and find our true selves is nothing short of stupendous, and then with a mighty roar and a mountain of work, we can live within hearts and souls of peace, knowing that while not perfect, nor spotless, nor blameless, we are striding with purpose and finding that some of our platforms are rickety and must be replaced with good, strong, true and selfless platforms of steel, and in the finding, we are doing. You are a work in progress. You shed your skin daily. You wake to a blank slate of opportunity. Where will you live today? Not where did you live yesterday, nor where are you going to live tomorrow......those are irrelevant facts. Today....where?
Monday, July 28, 2014
My Thought for this Day.......It takes a lot of personal struggle and effort to work out the kinks of life. I don't mean your best friend's kinks, or your family's. I mean your own deep down, in your gut, only you know kinks. These are the emotions, feelings and building blocks that truly define your character. These are the sails that set your course. These are the inner workings of your Life Clock. These are the knots that make a velvet rope turn into a raw and hurtful noose. And here is the thing....until you empty yourself of everything, until you take out your kinks and hold them up to the light and turn them in every direction, and see them for what they truly are, you will never be truly in control. We are all humans, and we all have kinks; what we all may not have is the courage to examine them with clarity, and truth. It is much easier to live life without the knowledge that we are frail, that we are sinful, that we.....deep down.....have kinks. What motivates you? What drives your days? What determines your actions, choice of friends, handling of situations? What is your deepest emotion? What is the pesky mosquito that buzzes in your heart? Go outside to the shed.....if you truly do the're gonna need a big shovel.
Sunday, July 27, 2014
My Thought for this Day.......This is what I need. I need you to stand up for me. I need you to hold me. I need you to be that person who has not walked my path, lived my experiences, but is willing to listen with a true heart, not a judgmental one. I need you to answer my questions with truth. I need you to laugh with me and cry with me and scream with me and be still with me. I need you to really see me, not for what I can do for you, but for the person I am. I need you to overlook my many flaws. I need you to stand in my corner between rounds and also take the hits with me when I'm in the middle of the ring. I need you to pray with me and praise with me and just be with me. But you know what I need the most....above all else? I need to be able to do that WITH and BY and FOR you.
Thursday, July 24, 2014
My Thought for this Day......It is said Possession is nine tenths of the law. I say that if you have to worry about the law in your true possessions, then you've missed the mark. Do you value what you posses more than what possesses you? So many levels to this. So my thought is posses and value what is freely given. No law, insurance, payments or escrow needed on what is the depth and freedom of breath and life. And then flip the coin, look at what posses you side. Be honest, be unforgiving, be that human being who wakes up to appreciation in what is the core of existence......coming with no price tag.
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
My Thought for this Day.......When you tie yourself to someone or something, be sure it is a tether and not a noose. We each surround ourselves with people and things of our choosing, but at the end of the day, it isn't what you represent or with whom you spend your time. When you are alone, within yourself, thinking solitary thoughts, recognizing hidden messages, feeling individuality, make sure that you are truly whom you want to be. We all need outside love and passions. But most of all, there at the top of our pinnacles of life, we need to be comfortable in and with and by ourselves. Recognize this. It truly is the breath you take.
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Mt Thought for this Day..........There is a hidden strength in all of us. At times it lays quietly in the shadows because there is no need for it. At times it stands tall as the oak and reaches it's mighty branches to fight for our lives and hearts and for others. I think strength is a hidden treasure. And while Utopia doesn't demand it; the occurrences that call out for it, the sharpening the blades of it, the weighing the heaviness of it ....those are the times that truly are the most blessed. For in those times the saplings become the oaks and when looked back on, we not only see survival, we see accomplishment. We feel roots deeply planted and nourished. And we rise.
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
My Thought for this Day......Shame is a mighty vessel. We shame others for what we perceive is a wrongdoing. We shame ourselves for mistakes and failures. We sometimes cannot get out from underneath our umbrella of shame , nor our minds.....others to step into their own light. Be careful whom you shame. Often times we put mighty burdens on loved ones and strangers alike. Shame can cast a wide net and drag up innocent people. So carefully examine yourself. And before you say "Shame on.......", be sure you are entitled. And If you do, in fact, carry a shame......rectify it.....make a wrong right.
Monday, July 14, 2014
Mt Thought for this Day........If life is a stage and we're all players, then I think we must ask ourselves........"Do we have the lead role?" I think many times we are afraid to captain our own ships. Instead we take our direction from someone else whom we hold in higher esteem than we hold ourselves. And truly there are instances when we must take direction from superiors, as in our jobs. But when it comes to our personal day to day actions, we must be at the helm, hold the steering wheel, direct the show. Take a good look at your inner core. If it is tethered to someone you envy, if you wait to take a leap until someone else's checkered flag drops, then I think you must begin to mentally lift weights, get on the treadmill, wipe the dust from your mental elliptical. We are given minds, and honor and truth. Use all three to steer your ship, and be the lead role in your world that stages your life.
Sunday, July 13, 2014
My Thought for this Day........We have all had many "firsts" in our lives. We've taken our first step, cut our first tooth, had a first best friend, gone to our first day of school, dribbled our first ball, had a first job, owned our first car......the list goes on and on. But I think it may be important to break each day into "firsts". What is your first thought? Is it positive? Is it one of gratefulness, or dread? Do you allow it to set the tone of your day? When is your first smile? Is it when you greet the first person you see,or hours later, when you hear the 5 o'clock bell ring and your workday is over? When is your first worry? Is it instantaneously upon waking, or do you hide those and not let them consume your every thought? I truly believe that each day is a brand new slate with many, many firsts, and our challenge is to realize that what was yesterday is gone. Today holds seconds, minutes and hours of new opportunities. Make that connection that needs to be made, do that chore you've been dreading, say those words to someone that should have been uttered months ago, help that person you know is in need, but haven't taken the time to lend a hand. What wonderful things "firsts" are, and how miraculous when we get "do-overs" to right wrongs. So today, I challenge you to make your firsts count, because truly nothing is guaranteed, and your firsts today may be your lasts.
Saturday, July 12, 2014
My Thought for this Day......We all preach every day. We preach with our words, actions, meetings and greetings, thoughts, expressions. We preach with all that we are and do. Life is your pulpit. So today, as in each day, be careful of your sermon. Be aware and sure that you're preaching exactly what is needed. Someone is listening, evaluating. Be that person who sets an example of fairness and gratefulness , not one who harangues, speaks empty words, or acts with too much pride. Realize that your daily sermon is witnessed by friends, family and complete strangers. What is your inspiration? What do you pass on to others? At the end of each day, I hope we can all re-hear our daily sermon and think, okay, today I did good!
Friday, July 11, 2014
Inn of your Mind.......
My Thought for this are not alone in your head. Crazy, I know. But the fact of the matter is you're not. People who are influencing or have influenced your life are sharing the rooms of your mind. Be very careful when handing out mental keys. It is your existence, your path, your the wise, the generous, the fair thinker to room in your mind dorm. Raise the rent on those who guide with opportunism, self-centeredness and retaliation. It is your Lodge of Living; be selective in your tenants.
Thursday, July 10, 2014
My Thought for this Day.......When you look down on people, you see the tops of their heads. When you look up to people, you see the soles of their feet. When you look eye to eye, evenly, squarely, you see their faces, their eyes, their smiles or frowns, their wrinkles and crinkles.....their life. So my thought is this........we are all standing side by side......not vertical, but horizontal....not inferior nor superior. Be very careful in your thoughts, motives and actions. The measure of a person is eye to eye. Put yourself above or under, and you become judgmental, or envious. You lose part of yourself. Eye to eye.....evenly.......side by side.
Monday, July 7, 2014
My Thought for this Day......If the letter I is the first one in your alphabet, it is easily seen. Think about it.
Saturday, July 5, 2014
My Thought for this Day.......Today I'm thinking of memories. Not the ones we all already have. I don't know yours and you don't know mine. Instead, I'm thinking of the opportunities we have to make them. What special places memories hold in our hearts....both good and bad. We usually take the time on holidays to gather and surround ourselves with people and things that we love and make wonderful memory pages in our books of life. But I think that to overlook even the most common day with its most common occurrences is not honoring our existences. I know every second can't be a special memory, but neither should they be passed without our awareness that we are ...if living consciously.....not overlooking opportunities to stamp a memory on our sidewalks of life. So I challenge you to live aware. Live with the knowledge that each day holds a special place in time. Don't skim over the waters of your life lake unaware of the depth that each day can have. Don't live with shutters and drapes, instead live with clear eyes and open windows, making each day count as a worthy memory. Reach out, touch a cause or a friend, self-reflect, be a memory.
Friday, July 4, 2014
Red, White and Blue......we are all about celebrating our July 4th holiday this week. When I think of this holiday, I think of fun, friends, family and food. But it goes without saying that it also is a time to reflect on Independence. No matter what your feelings are on the Good Ole U S of A at this moment, if you don't value the rights you have in this country, then you are sadly missing the opportunities offered. I can hear the Naysayers whisperings inside their heads how we're sinking fast...and I'll agree, we do need to stop treading water in a lot of areas, but that's not the point of today's blog. I am NOT a political person. I vote, I have my opinions, but I do not express them on any social media. Just don't. I want to say that we are all independent thinkers and doers in all areas of our lives. That is what makes up the colors, and patterns and textures of the Great American Quilt. We are not birds on a wire all singing the same song. We are not soldiers marching in close rank with our hands out to signify allegiance to a mad man. We are a people with the ability to think on our own, freely voice our opinions if we want and vote our consciences. We are independent. And with this, comes responsibility. Responsibility to ourselves, and most of all to future generations. Look down the long road ahead and whether you're 20 or 50 or 80, you are going to walk that road and more importantly the next generation in your family will walk it. Whatever comes our way in this nation, our future generations will be left to deal with it. I don't care if you're Republican, Democrat, Independent or Tea Party or a spotted mongrel with a mix of all of the above, you are making a difference in the path of the people who will walk the path of The United States, who will sail under the flag of the Red, White and Blue. Who will enjoy their own independence. So at the end of this day, and tomorrow and next month and next year, please for all that is precious to you, value your independence. Value it so much that you never take it for granted. You have free will. Don't squander it, don't misuse it, don't hang it out to dry and let someone steal it off the clothes line. Then when you are through with it, when you've reached the end of the path you've walked, please pass it own. Talk to your young people about the value of being able to think, speak and act independently. I thank God everyday that we live in this great land. I hope you do. And then when and if you are wise enough to value the Red, White and Blue, thank a veteran and those military men and women who paid and are currently paying for your right to be free.
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
My Challenge for this Day.......Pick a friend.....someone you love and admire.........think for 30 seconds about them........your life just got better. See how easy happiness can be? Let them know your thoughts and you will fill two souls as freely and easily as drawing breath. Happy Friend Day.
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