Monday, June 30, 2014


My Thought for this Day..........Have you been leaned on lately? Have your shoulders been light because you haven't been available to help carry someone else's burden? Have you been so involved in your life that others are not part of your very self centered view? No matter your circumstances, problems or ruts, you need to BE there for those you love. Nothing says I Love You more than lending an ear, sharing a grief, walking by a side. Get out of the ME and into the THEM.

Sunday, June 29, 2014


My Thought for this Day......Dare to be you....truly you. Dare to live you.....with all your imperfections. Dare to change one has life truly in hand. Dare to give times everybody needs your helping hand. Dare to risk one ever achieved goals sitting in the trunk rather than out on a limb. Dare to love you......with this, all other things line up in your possibilities.

Saturday, June 28, 2014


My Thought for this Day.........The progression of life comes as surely as each sunrise and each sunset. And like the rising and setting of the sun, our evolvement can be clear and crystal blue, or cloudy and overcast.......either way we progress. But the disengagement from this progression allows us to miss a curve, round a corner too fast or speed by the beauty that should be savored. Sometimes we tend to live our days with eyes wide shut. And that's ok for a while; there is no shame in the stepping back and the regrouping. I often times think that this action widens our picture of life and much like a movie on a huge screen we watch, we are then able to cast away clouds and our progression becomes more clear....maybe not easier, but more clear. And with this clarity comes resolve, renewed strength and the realization that while difficult, days are only so few and are numbered and so in the end, the fight of control is worth the hardship of taking each step through the clouds into the light. I think I ramble, and I hope that this morning, even though I do take the long way to my point, I do at least reach a conclusion that is not hazy, but is shown with clarity on your wide screen of life.

Thursday, June 26, 2014


MyThought for this Day.........Today is still a newborn swaddled in a blanket of dreams and plans and hopes. As you begin to unwrap your today child, do you do it with wonder and eagerness? Are you excited to count the fingers and toes? Do you slowly peal off the layers of your new day, appreciating each second, minute and hour? Or do you just roll out the day, never really taking deep breaths of awareness of what is around you? Do you never see the small details of tiny curves and soft moments and take the time to breath that wisp of air that has never been inhaled? For the most part I think we are all guilty of just getting through the day. We wear our blinders that are focused on Friday, or the weekend , or whatever it is you consider the next 'event' in your life. Well, I've gotta say that today is the next big event in your life. Today is still swaddled, still unexplored, still new. Don't pass it by without realizing that it has dawned with as much promise as it can possibly hold. You are the key that unlocks the door, the mother that slowly peals the blanket off your day, the captain of each moment. Don't be ordinary. Life isn't.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


My Thought for this Day.........I wonder what your personal best is? I don't think you know. There is no limit to what you can do. There may be commas in your life, but there are no periods. Think about it. We all must stop, rest, regroup from time to time. We all must take that deep breath, that backing away, that respite. But here's the thing......we all have it in us to gather our strength, our will, our want to and continue to be that person we strive to be....physically, emotionally, and wholly. I wonder if you even realize that you are a deep well of all that is human and the wonderful realization of life is to take those well waters and fill jars of talents and generosity and goodness and everyday be all that is in you to be. Don't spend your time looking to the left or right, judging yourself by what others have or do. Spend your seconds and minutes and hours being you and all of you and then, in the true sense of appreciation, spread your personal best around to those who just for today or tomorrow need to see what life can be.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


My Thought for this Day........Don't face life as a challenge. Instead, grasp it as an opportunity. A challenge denotes tenseness, strife, obstacles, harsh vision. An opportunity is just an empty slate, leaning against your wall of life, waiting for you to pick up your markers and begin to simply and elegantly draw the story of your existence. Chose your colors; revel in your patterns; stand back and study your story. We are not meant to hold emotional guns and swords and walk the parameters of our days, seeking out those who might present problems. Instead we are designed to open our eyes to what has been placed before us, then to study and contemplate and with clear heads and open minds write each day as if we are living squarely in the Book of Life. For truly we are.

Monday, June 23, 2014


My Thought for this Day......If we are not promised tomorrow, then why waste today? If we are not assured the next hour, then why waste a minute? I think we tend to hum-drum our lives waiting for the next big event, happening, occurrence. How sad if we overlook our minute by minute miracles on fleeting thoughts of anticipated things that in truth may never appear. Wake up!! Every day is your gift. The trick is to untie it with wonder and thankfulness that you are indeed alive. Today.....alive today!

Thursday, June 12, 2014


My Thought for this Day.....Life is just It is hard, adventuresome, amazing, spectacular, heartbreaking......the list of adjectives goes on and on. You can fill in the blank in infinite ways. But one thing is true. Life must be lived. Lived hard. Lived joyously. Lived with the knowledge that each and every one of us is inherently equipped to put one foot in front of the other. Some days we skip; other days we drag. Each day we move. So no matter the heart of your days right now, I hope you know that deep inside there is a well of strength that you can bring up by teaspoons or gallons. It is known as the human spirit. It is your gift. It is your endless power.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


My Thought for this Day.......Looking out our den windows on this early morning I see that the weeds are growing much faster than the grass. Both were blessed with the wonderful rain, neither have been fertilized, yet the weeds are 'outdoing' the grass in the growth game. Makes me wonder about my own personal weeds. We all have them....those personality traits that are well.....unfortunate. I realize that in my case as least, my weeds can certainly overtake my grass unless and until I take extra measures to fertilize the St Augustine. And then make a daily, diligent effort to pull my weeds; not simply mow them down, but yank them out of my personal yard. Yank them by the roots and throw them away. It's not a daily effort for me; it's a minute by minute realization that those pesky thoughts and actions want to overtake my garden of goodness and grace. What about you? How do you handle your weeds?

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


My Thought for this Day.......Life is nor about the going and the doing and the having and the making. Life is about the BEING. Be first. Then, when you get that understood and appreciated and lived. Then, when you realize that your presence is truly needed by YOU. Then and only then can the other things follow like adjectives that complete the main noun. Then the thorns fall off and the flowers bloom. Then the stillness in your core is complete and mature and able to truly live all of your going and doing and having and making. Perfect being. Then take on life like you mean it!

Monday, June 9, 2014


My Thought for this Day.......Describe yourself in one word!! Then let that word sink into your bones. Dwell in your heart. Become part of your soul. And if it does not please...have the courage to change it! Honestly change it. For if you are not honest from the beginning, you're wasting your time.

Sunday, June 8, 2014


My Thought for this Day.....As I look out our windows and see the rains fall from the Heavens, I think of the natural cleansing of our trees, plants and grass. All these things have been planted and have endured both good and bad times. They have struggled through heat and drought and then have blossomed in cool breezes and glorious rain. I think we, as humans, are much the same. Wherever we have been planted, we too must endure, strive to live in the arid moments and then exist in glory when our Heavens open and abundant blessings fall upon us. I wonder if you realize the cycle? I wonder if you allow yourself to soak up the miracles of moisture, and then store them to be prepared for the droughts. We thirst; we hunger, and then we flourish. The Circle of Life.

Saturday, June 7, 2014


My Thought for this Day......You can spend your life wanting what others have. You can spend your days craving those things that seemingly fall from the sky and touch those around you, yet you remain dry. You can spend your moments in selfish desires of physical things. But you can never spend one millisecond being someone else. Walk proudly in your shoes. Shine your light. Build your strengths. Then and only then can your well be full, your heart overflow and your life be complete with what is meant to be.

Thursday, June 5, 2014


My Thought for this Day.......There are many things in life you can't take back....the words you speak, the actions you take, the thoughts you think and the moments you lose. All of the above defines you. I wonder if you like your definition?

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


My Thought for this Day........I don't know. I don't know all the ifs, ands, and buts. I don't know all the whys, whats, and wherefores. And that's ok. That is the order of life. That not only protects, but also gives freedom. Freedom to strive when we need to work hard. Freedom to stop, when we need to rest. Freedom to be IN and OF the universe not OVER the universe. Think about this. For truly, you don't know either. And it is a blessed relief.

Monday, June 2, 2014


My Thought for this Day........I wonder how many of us pretend to be someone we're not. How sad to spend your days emulating someone because you think they are better than you. What an absolute waste of precious time and talent. Take your life and sculpt your own unique being. That is the specialness of your days. That is the meaning of living exactly how you should. You will never be someone else. And you know what? That is simply glorious.

Sunday, June 1, 2014


My Thought for this Day.........Inspiration and courage surround us the most ordinary people. I have a hero in my life and she has no clue that I hold her in such esteem. She will know this if she reads this blog. I saw her yesterday for the first time in years. She is a soft spoken woman, a woman of quiet assurance and grace. But most importantly a woman who has walked through fire with a blessed assurance in the most dark days a mother could have. I sat behind her yesterday at the funeral of a beloved aunt. I watched her bow her head in prayer, hold on to her husband's arm as biblical verses were read and wonderful hymns were sung. I knew in my heart that this woman was rejoicing in her deep well of faith but that she also had to be grieving I'm sure she does every day....the death of her son a year and a half ago. I sat with my husband on one side of me and my two children on the other. I physically could touch all three. In that moment, sitting behind this precious woman, I mentally knelt in humility. She is not bitter; she remains ever faithful; she brings glory to her God. I hope that you know that you don't have to read headlines to find your heroes. I hope that you that you are aware you don't have to watch football fields, basketball courts or baseball diamonds to sit it awe. I hope that with eyes wide open you........everyday........see the wonderful strength of the human spirit that surrounds you. There are superheroes everywhere. You merely have to look.