Thursday, January 23, 2014


My Thought for this Day.......If you not seek, you will not find. I don't know what is in your 'pot' at the end of your rainbow, but I do believe that it's not the finding, but the seeking that matters the most. It's the journey, the steps, both small and large, that build your character. Things handed to you mean little in your journey of spirit building. Things merely appearing are often things squandered, while those that have demanded our thoughts, time and effort, remain in our minds as trophies of success. So when you think of your future, I hope you don't see a huge Lottery ticket blinding you to challenges and talents that when used not only give to you, but also to others. No matter your circumstance, there are opportunities of growth and of building your spirit. Please don't while away your days waiting for something to merely 'land in your lap'. Use them living a life that, if even for a few minutes a day, sows and then reaps a garden of flowers that sends seeds and nectar and beauty to the realm that will become someone else's beauty as well as yours.

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