Friday, May 19, 2017


My Thought for this Day.......When you slam the door on someone or something from your past, or your present, make sure you are certain before you lock it and throw away the key. Life has a funny way of circling back, and those thing and people suddenly deemed unimportant or unnecessary frequently become the priceless treasures they were when you cherished them. it also has a distinct way of bringing to light those people whom you deemed unimportant yesterday. Don't cut bait and fish unless you are sure you can face the Jaws of life without the people on whom you depend. Words can not be taken back, actions can not be reversed, and loyalty can not be reestablished with a blink of an eye, flick of a hand, nor an empty apology. Friendships have beating hearts that can be bruised and eventually broken. Honor your life by honoring theirs. When you look through a glass darkly, you see a shadowed world which distorts reality. Get out you polisher and look again. Then, and only then, decide upon actions that are life changers. Value your tribe. They are more precious than gold.

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