Monday, May 29, 2017
My Thought for this Day.....As we come to the end of this holiday weekend, I want you to remember one thing. You get to eat hotdogs, drink beer, ride a boat, watch an air show, because somebody died. You get to hurl insults and walk out of graduations, and bitch and gripe, because somebody died. You get to arise in the morning safe from your bed, because somebody died. You get to rant and rave and demand, and be privileged because somebody died. You are the United States of America in all your glorious existence because somebody died. And it wasn't you.
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
I am a teacher. I am a polisher of stones and have been for over 25 years that have spanned several decades. My story has changed, but not as tremendously as the stories of my students. The students of today both resemble and are polar opposites of the students of my first classroom. That year was 1973. I was fresh out of the University of Texas at Austin and had returned to my home town of Hamilton, Texas to begin my career. I have dealt only with teenagers and have loved every minute of every day. They are rolling rivers lapping on the shores of discontent one second and supreme happiness the next. They are all my kids.
I have often reflected on my many years of teaching, from both sides of my desk. The pressures of yesterday, dim in the light of today. What seemed like state of the art teaching in my first years, now barely flickers as a candle. We were not blessed with the vast technology that looms large in any classroom of today. But yet, in that time, long ago, we were able to better know our students. We spent more quality time with them. We taught much more than our subject matter. Today, we lead them down the path set by the great State of Texas. We, for the most part, are told what to teach and when to teach it. And at the end of the day, we are separated from our students by this instruction.
During my years as a teacher I have taught both in the regular classroom and also been part of two Alternative Schools, the first being a disciplinary school and the second being a school for rapid academic advancement. I have seen and touched kids with tremendous potential and backing and also cried over kids with little or no guidance. I have loved them all. I have taught them all. And I think my most vivid memories and reflections stand in the pool of non-instruction. I am a polisher of lives. I take this role very seriously and even though today, we have less time to mold our students in anything other than subject matter, a good teacher will make the time to step outside the box of history, math, English or science. We will lend a hand, hear a word, listen to a sigh or a laugh….and all the while we are being degraded by parents, politicians and the general public. We are paid too much, care too little and generally do our job with little or no passion. This, my friends, appears to be the perception of teachers. Allow me to invite you to walk my path.
I deal with students of today who live in a pressure dome that exceeds those of most adults and they begin this road while too young to even realize that they are running on a hamster wheel. We set our kids up for burnout at a very young age. They are put in classes and sports before they are school age. They must excel, succeed, outdo…at any cost. They are not only encouraged, but at times, forced to be the top. The top ten percent gets you into colleges. The top athlete has a chance for scholarships to universities. They are force fed numbers and statistics long before they have even a fraction of the knowledge they need to decipher what it all means. And they live a life of fear of disappointing parents, teachers, or coaches. The saddest part of all of this is that they know no different. They have never been that child who wakes up to long stretches of days and allowed to just be. It has long been my belief that every person will be a kid at some point. This will come possibly at 8, or 15, or 25, or later. At some point, the cap will come off the bottle of soda and spew immaturity and irresponsibility in every life. And this is how it should be. The sad part is that most of today’s kids are not allowed that release until well into adulthood. The tragedy is that then, when the wheels fall off, it damages more lives than just theirs.
Now, we are expecting students to set their high school paths before they even enter the doors. We offer this route, and that route, and you must carve in stone your entire adulthood before you get your driver’s license. We force feed decisions on not only students, but, also their parents to map out career paths of 15 year olds. I wonder if future generations will be encouraged to apply to universities before middle school? It is a ‘never enough’ world. And because of this, I see burn-out in the eyes of my students, along with braces, and casts that try to heal young bodies of the rigors of pushing too fast, too hard and too far.
So, I must ask you and myself. What is to be learned? Maybe nothing, or maybe an entire book of knowledge that is set before us and we can choose to either read the pages or close the book and set it on the highest shelf of ignorance.
I am a teacher, because I love your kids with all their joy, and tears, and idiosyncrasies and failures and successes. I am privileged to be a part of all that is them. I will take your complaints and your condescending remarks and your judgments, because at the end of the day, when I see a former student who comes up to me and thanks me for my rules and lessons taught, at that very moment, I couldn’t care less what anybody says. I have my reward in that hug, and those words.
My Thought for this Day.......When I sit by your side in silence, it's not in condemnation, but in encouragement. Words are not always needed. Just the stillness of a friendship lifts the heart and glorifies the soul. Be my partner in silence, and I'll be yours. How beautiful is the bridge that connects in perfect alignment and true existence.
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
So Much.......
My Thought for this Day.......There is so much beauty in this world, so much pain, so much joy, so much fear, so much of so much. Every day we must face our 'so much'. Every day we must decide on our reaction. Every day we must walk the fire or the meadow. Every day we must be. With our hands held high, or our heads bowed low, we breath deeply and set about the art of life. And the invisible footprints beside us bring peace on our journey.
Monday, May 22, 2017
My Thought for this Day......There are people who reach right into your soul. Not always positively, yet a presence nonetheless. There is an art in dealing with this. Learn your craft; it will make life more peaceful and serene. It will smooth out the wrinkles of stress and relieve you of bitterness and hate. In this instance, do what's good for you, not for them. Life is to short to dwell in the bullseye of retribution.
Sunday, May 21, 2017
My Thought for this Day.......I think to live your life with the attitude of 'not needing anybody' is harmful. Furthermore it is arrogant and self centered. We all need somebody. We are inherently creatures of love, bonds, and union. We are social creatures; some more than others, but at the end of the day, we all need someone. Don't live your life as if you are a mountain unto yourself. This will rob you of some of life's greatest give and receive love, to give and receive help, to give and receive acknowledgement. Standing on the podium all by yourself is lonely and egotistical.
Saturday, May 20, 2017
My Thought for this Day.......There is so much beauty in this world, so much pain, so much joy, so much fear, so much of so much. Every day we must face our 'so much'. Every day we must decide on our reaction. Every day we must walk the fire or the meadow. Every day we must be. And with our hands held high, or our heads bowed low, we breath deeply and we set about the art of life.
Friday, May 19, 2017
My Thought for this Day.......When you slam the door on someone or something from your past, or your present, make sure you are certain before you lock it and throw away the key. Life has a funny way of circling back, and those thing and people suddenly deemed unimportant or unnecessary frequently become the priceless treasures they were when you cherished them. it also has a distinct way of bringing to light those people whom you deemed unimportant yesterday. Don't cut bait and fish unless you are sure you can face the Jaws of life without the people on whom you depend. Words can not be taken back, actions can not be reversed, and loyalty can not be reestablished with a blink of an eye, flick of a hand, nor an empty apology. Friendships have beating hearts that can be bruised and eventually broken. Honor your life by honoring theirs. When you look through a glass darkly, you see a shadowed world which distorts reality. Get out you polisher and look again. Then, and only then, decide upon actions that are life changers. Value your tribe. They are more precious than gold.
Thursday, May 18, 2017
My Thought for this Day.....Some days we have to fight for someone else. We have to be their battalion leader, their CEO, their champion. We go into full armor, and we become a warrior. Our eyes are outward, not inward. Our reward is their gold, not ours. We fight for them because they cannot, at this moment, do battle. This is our duty. And in this war, we are shrewd, and capable and infallible. And we know, without a doubt, that if needed, any time, they would do the same for us. Consider the blessing of this. And then, be mighty.
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
My Thought for this Day........If the Song of your Soul has static, turn the dial just a little. Life is better with a clear, strong song.
Friday, May 12, 2017
Bucket List.....
My Thought for this Day.....These days everyone has a Bucket List. I just have one thing on mine. "Live every day with gratefulness, generosity and love." The End.
Thursday, May 11, 2017
My Thought for the Day.......Among the sadness, and difficulty, and stress of life.....there are always rosebuds waiting to open. Wait upon the Lord for He is good.
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
My Thought for this Day......Sometimes I think we live our lives at a perpetual stoplight waiting for the red to turn to green. We lose the now. And the now is our gift to be opened, not to be left on a shelf gathering dust, as if it is unworthy. The now may be all we have.
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
My Thought for this Day........Being alone is not always being lonely. Precious time spent in solitude is restorative. Don't be afraid of the 'alone'. It calms the ocean of life. It allows growth and alleviates fears. It is you and only you, and that is enough. I love to reside in my alone.
Monday, May 8, 2017
My Thought for this Day.....May you look upon this day with a peace that passes understanding, with a faith that never wavers in the storm and with a knowledge that life does throw curve balls to everyone. But most of all, may you find comfort that waits on those who call out and seek. And that, my friends, is enough.
Saturday, May 6, 2017
My Thought for this Day......I believe 'but' is the most negative word in our language. I know, but......I did, but.......I heard, are, but. Sometimes we need to just sit on our 'but's', and keep quiet.
Friday, May 5, 2017
My Thought for this Day......If someone doesn't react to a situation in a manner you deem correct, what is your reaction? Indignation? Superiority? Don't flatter yourself so much that you carry the weight of their world on your rigid shoulders. For never, ever, do you truly understand the place in which they dwell.
Thursday, May 4, 2017
My Thought for this Day.......Everybody needs an emotional Trash Day. It's the day you rid your mind and heart of the negatives. I challenge you to set one day a week as your personal trash day. Take 5 minutes and consciously throw out those trashy thoughts, hurts, emotions. You can't accept the good if you are full of the bad.
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
My Thought for this Day......Listen, Listen, Listen......sometimes we just don't listen. We tune out words; we tune out cries for help; we tune out everything, but our own voices rumbling inane gibberish in our small minds. Get off that selfish horse and offer someone a ride. Turn your radio dial to a station that doesn't only play your music. You have two don't need them both. Stretch one out to your friends, family, or a random person in true need. You have two eyes to see the world around you, and I guarantee it's not 100% problem free. You have two feet to carry you where you want to go, and your path doesn't always need to be The Yellow Brick Road. You have two ears to listen; use one to actually do just that. Have you ever thought about why God gave you pairs? Not hard to figure it for you and a spare. What you do with that spare defines who you truly are.
Monday, May 1, 2017
My Thought for this Day........Don't live a shallow life. Much like a shallow grave, it leads to predators. Be the deep well, full of those qualities that lend themselves to admiration. Not for what you have, but for who you are.
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