Wednesday, November 30, 2016


My Thought for this Day.....I think at times we become so tangled up in our forever that we miss the temporary. When in truth it is our blocks of temporary that build our tower of forever.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016


My Thought for this Day.....We all have judged a book by its cover at one time or another. I wonder how many great reads we have missed and how many wonderful people we have dismissed by this peripheral action. Superficial lives are like sapling trees. They sway in the wind, and are easily uprooted. The truly discerning person knows appearances are not only skin deep, they are at times deceitful.

Monday, November 28, 2016


My Thought for this Day.......You have been given today. It is a gift. Accept it with thanksgiving. Be glorious in your today.

Sunday, November 27, 2016


My Thought for this Day.....Circle your wagons around positivity. Negativity is powerful and spreads like wildfire. You're better than that. Abiding constantly in the shadows of pessimism dims your light. And what if your special beam might be the beacon that someone needs?

Monday, November 14, 2016


My Thought for this Day......May the strength that is yours for the asking surround you today with the peace that, while not understood, is life changing. Be Humble in your acceptance and Grateful in your admission of its need. We all are at the mercy of life, yet we all are blessed in our simple ability to receive.

Saturday, November 12, 2016


My Thought for this Day........It's a wonderfully crisp morning. Mother Nature is beginning to pull into herself for some much needed rest. She will sleep for a few months and then rise again and flaunt her glory. She will not worry as she slumbers for she knows God is on His perfect throne, and because she bows to His supremacy, she is blessed. What a perfect peace she has.

Thursday, November 10, 2016


My Thought for this Day....When I look at life, I see toughness and despair. I see joy and celebration. I see hard work and easy streets. I see molding and breaking apart. I don't think this life is always meant to be a ride around the park with a warm blanket and a cup of hot chocolate. Nor do I think it's forever meant to be climbing the face of a granite mountain. What I do think is life is a jumble of actions, emotions and happenings, both good and bad. Our job is to take that jumble and through strength and endurance, and the grace of both acceptance and noble rejection, turn that patchwork into an amazing puzzle whose pieces fit tightly. And in the end, to create the beauty that was our magnificent gift when we drew our first breath.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


My Thought for this Day........I don't know if your candidate won or lost....I don't know if you think the world is ending in the next 45 seconds or not...and you don't know about me. But for a few minutes think about these things.....about that woman who just got a diagnosis of breast cancer, about that veteran who is having to relearn life, about those parents who are burying a child today, about that preemie who is fighting for life in the NICU, and if you're brave enough to think about these things, then realize that your seat may not be so cheap.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016


My Thought for this Day......There are those who have publicly used all their words......Spewed all their hate.....Blared all their ignorant tirades of self supremacy. Today, my prayer is that these people will be cast aside by those who have lifted a hand and face up as they have kneeled in supplication. You have a privilege, and a duty. Cease your endless spout of superior knowledge, and choose your route with whatever speck of dignity you have left. Vote and then shut up.

Friday, November 4, 2016


My Thought for this Day.......Wise is the voice that knows when to keep silent.