Thursday, October 30, 2014
My Thought for this Day.....I think at times we should all dare to fail. How do you ever know you can succeed if you don't? The easy path is living inside the lines we have carefully drawn around our lives. The joyous life is to step outside those lines and dare. Daring to fail takes courage, and strength, but it also builds character and faith. How great are you? You will never know existing inside your box of life. Take that leap, it's yours for the taking.
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
My Thought for this Day......Emotional Weapons....we all have them, and carry them around slung over our shoulders much like Santa's bag of toys. We bring them out when the time is right to protect ourselves, appear superior, or to hurt others. What's the most used toy in your bag of tricks? Which is the most well worn, the most frequently used, the one that seemingly gives you the most leverage and toughness? Which are the ones buried deep in the bag that rarely see the light of day because they just might make you seem weak? Do you even know? Or care? If you're image is so important that you haven't dug past your top emotions to delve into the deepest most hidden recesses of your bag, then you are not truly 100%. Maybe it's those hidden, still shiny and unused weapons that truly aren't weapons at all. But because of your fear of weakness, you will never know. I dare you to look!
Monday, October 27, 2014
My Thought for this Day.........How do you decide your answers if you don't know the questions? I think all of us at some point make major decisions in our lives without truly knowing what it is we should be figuring out. Life is not about generalities, but about specifics. It's the smallest stones left unturned that lead to the huge boulders that block our spiritual, mental or emotional travels. The big picture is always made up of strokes and swirls and colors and shadings. And to not see or taste or feel all that beauty and devastation belittles your life. Don't spend so little time on days that you forget the hours and minutes. Don't you see, each moment is not only precious; it is relevant to your Landscape of Life. Take the small steps. For leaping to the big conclusions without truly learning how to walk, leads to Picasso lives of jumbled pieces that while framed, never truly fit.
Sunday, October 26, 2014
My Thought for this Day......Every once in awhile we need to take a Soul Inventory. We need to count, throw out, replace, renew and refresh those things that abide deeply within us. Too much clutter leads to cobwebs in our lives. Old hurts and angers take up room that can be filled with new purpose and direction. What If's huddle in the corner and chip away at living in the now. A true Soul Inventory should hurt. No one has purity. To be done right, you must tear yourself apart.....see the ugly and applaud the good. It is a exercise in reality. It is a 100% commitment. When you decide to delve in, Windex your Mirror of Life or you achieve nothing but wasting time.
Saturday, October 25, 2014
My Thought for this Day........Don't be a victim; its counterproductive. Life is not about what happens to you. It's about seizing your seconds, minutes, and hours and becoming the victor. And with that Victory....however long it takes....comes the strength to pass it on to someone who hurts, struggles and needs to see that you have risen from your ashes.
Monday, October 20, 2014
My Thought to End this Day......If today you judged people by the labels on their clothes, shoes, purses or cars, then you are shallow. Many a fine person has never worn nor heard of the things you hold dear. So tomorrow, make an effort to look inside that person, judge not by what is here today and very well may be gone in the blink of an eye.
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Today, not tomorrow.....
My Thought for this Day.......A cliche I know....but if you knew tomorrow would never come, what would you be doing today? Well, why aren't you doing it? Reach out and touch a family member, say a special prayer, laugh with a money needed, just commitment to living today!!
Saturday, October 18, 2014
My Thought for this Day........We all lose things. We lose keys; we lose glasses; we lose things that are minimal in our grand scope of life. One of the most heartbreaking things is to lose treasured things, irreplaceable things, life breathing things. And none of these things are expensive. These are things that are freely given and received. But when lost, they are priceless. Think hard on what is in your life worth the effort to keep.
Friday, October 17, 2014
My Thought for this Day........Everybody at some point needs an ear to listen without judgement, condemnation, nor advise. Someone to simply sit, and make you the center of that moment, the vessel that will fill with your emotions is a friend indeed. Today might be your day to be that friend. If so, be wise, compassionate and trustworthy.
Thursday, October 16, 2014
My Thought for this Day........It is said life is a two lane street. I think in today's world life is really an Interstate with many options hurling at us every second. Do we exit? Do we stay in the passing lane? Do we cruise in the middle lane where our options are more open? Do we try to beat the car next to us just because we can, or because our journey is more important than theirs? Have we programmed in our Navigation System to help guide use, using forethought, or do we barrel down the road with no destination in mind? Complexities. No longer are we looking at a life of two lanes. No longer can we take our eyes off our road. No longer can we be unaware of our surroundings. For you see we are thrown, everyday, into a mixture of rapid decisions. I hope, each and every minute, you have made decisions that will guide you honestly, gratefully, and carefully on your roadmap of life. For truly, the destination is not only yours, but also that of your children, friends and family. Your destination matters. Never forget that you are behind your wheel of life. Drive with that in mind.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
My Thought for this Day......What do you long for.....I don't mean what do you want. I want a piece of chocolate pie. I wish I had a new car. Those feelings are skin deep. My question is not about your materialistic, in the moment desires, but about your deep seated yearnings. Have you ever even thought about this? Do you know yourself well enough to answer that question? It is a brave soul who searches deep within to actually discover the very core of their desires. It takes study, time and strength to realize what is the true inner workings of your being. When discovered, they are a clear mirror, a revealing, a non distorted snapshot of just who you are. So the question remains.......who are you? What is your deeply planted seeds that become the fruit you bear? For you see, no matter how deeply your true longings are planted, eventually, with time, they will manifest themselves and your most private inner workings will become your headlines of tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
A Day....
My Thought for this Day......Not everyday can be a mountaintop. If they were, how would you recognize the Joys of Triumph. Enjoy normalcy; learn to appreciate every second of breath. Even though the hand you're dealt today may not be a Royal Flush, you're still in the game.
Monday, October 13, 2014
My Thought for this Day......I think at times our society can not see past our French manicured nails to comprehend that wonderful reality is right before us. It’s the fresh air we breathe. It’s the safety of our homes during a summer storm. It’s the written word of assurance at our fingertips. It’s the hugs, the kisses, the prayers said and heard. And so we are rearing a generation of children so materialistic as to be set up for misery their entire lives. They are entitled and so therefore, they will never see the value in those things that are FREE.
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Be Present......
My Thought for this Day.......Don't spend your time dwelling on the wins and losses of days gone by. For to do so creates stagnation. When mired in the muck of failures, we never seek fresh opportunities. When crowing on the mountaintop of successes, we lose ourselves in our own glory. Use both triumphs and defeats as steppingstones to a better, more meaningful existence. We are meant to learn, grow, absorb. Life is not about the past, but about today. Don't lose an instant in the reflection of what was or might have been. Live today as if it is a fresh start....for indeed it is!
Friday, October 10, 2014
Live Well......
My Thought for this Day......We all have a truth. Maybe you don't like my truth and maybe I don't like yours. And that's ok. For at the end of our time, what matters is that we have lived out Truth with Honesty, Integrity, and Humbleness. We have walked our true path with a meaningful destination. We have lived a life of honorable definition. Don't change to mimic someone else's truth. You are an Original. Examine your Truth like a painting and if it needs another coat of paint, get out your brush. But not to please, or impress or sway others, but to be whom you are meant to be in the eyes of your Creator.
Thursday, October 9, 2014
My Thought for this Day.....Take a minute and think about who or what you took for granted yesterday. What if today all you see is an empty space void of that person or thing? No assurances my friends. IF today you are given another chance to be grateful, then stop and fill your soul to the brim. And better yet, express yourself in ways that fill your breath and the air with the purpose of being blessed. Pass it on.
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
My Thought for this Day........When you're asked to do something that you know you can't do, don't try. No one can move all mountains, pave all roads, nor build all bridges. Part of being a responsible person is knowing your limitations. Don't take from your abilities by splicing them with your inabilities. You dishonor yourself with this.
Monday, October 6, 2014
My Thought for this Day.....We all have something to give. And we all have something to take. Just make sure your Give is bigger than your Take.
Thursday, October 2, 2014
My Thought for this Day........If I had a nickel for every often have you heard that expression? Or said it? Could you only buy a coke for every time you said thank you in one day? Would the amount of your daily smiles just get you a bottle of water? What if your thank you's and your smiles paid your bills? Just one of my random Thoughts on life. Thank You for reading this!!😄😄
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
My Thought for this Day......Sometimes I run out of words. My day begins with no flood of thoughts. Today is/was that day. And then I realized that maybe today my thought is Silence is Golden. My reflection is that there are days to just stop the blathering and allow Silence. Be still. Listen to the whisper of the air. Relax and be.
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