Thursday, February 27, 2014
My Thought for this Day.......Just as a moth is drawn to a flame, or salmon fights its way upstream to spawn, we are all inexplicably drawn to our individual passion. The key is to believe in that passion with your whole being, yet to not let it control your life. If you think you have no passion, then work to discover just what it is. How misspent is a life of mediocrity. Hone your talents and skills, and suddenly you begin to carve out a new statue of existence. And then your world shifts and shapes and turns with amazing new meaning.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
My Thought for this Day.......How much time do you need? How much time do you need to lend a hand, say a word of encouragement, squeeze a shoulder, make someone's world better? You don't need much time. You just need the heart to do it. One small gesture of faith, love, praise, costs you mere seconds. So why don't you do it more? You have many opportunities every day. Step out of YOUR world of 'me' and into OUR world of 'us'. I bet if you do, when this day is done, you will feel more at peace, more sustained and more fulfilled than you did living in an isolated world of you. Do it for others, and do it for yourself. Lost opportunities devalue your life. How much time do you need?
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
My Thought for this Day........When you peer over your shoulder to your yesterdays, ignore the shadows. They contain the regrets, the guilt and the 'what-if's. Harboring those feelings, giving them credence in your life of today, holds you back from the light in which you are currently stepping. Regret breeds failure, guilts fester, and the 'what-if's' set you on the path of uncertainty. So if you must gaze at your yesterdays, do so with the confidence that you have learned and grown and now, you will walk in the spotlight of the present. Drop off the cloak of the shadows of your path. Its heaviness will surely drag you down. Without it, you can feel the sun of not only today, but the days to come. How bright is your future!
Monday, February 24, 2014
My Thought for this Day......we all have something to give. And to clutch our gifts, time, money or talents in tightly clenched fists, is to deprive something or someone of comfort, or joy. Please take inventory of you. Then open your heart and hands and give what you can. What is minimal to you may be the world to someone else.
Friday, February 21, 2014
Eyes Wide Open.....
My Thought for This Day........Someone is watching you today. Someone is watching how you act and react. They are hearing your words. They are seeing your face. They are taking Just know that you ARE an influence everyday. You send out words, frowns, smiles, hugs, stares, attention to someone's pleas or the turning of a cold shoulder. You are , at moments, the center of someone's world. Shoulder this responsibility with humility, not arrogance and power. May your impact be worthy of being watched.
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Repost from.....
This is a repost from another blog I write. So I guess My Thought of the Day is.........Yea for old words! Have you ever thought about who you really are? Huh? I know.....that's what you're thinking. Of course I know who I am. I'm ___________________. But no, you're missing the point. Who are you? Truly? Honestly? To the core. In your soul. Who are you? Well, if you don't know by now, don't you think it's time to figure it out? Are you the person who would run into a burning building to save someone you didn't know? Are you the person who laughs when someone falls down? Do you stare at someone because they are different? Are you the person who immediately gives in a disaster? Are you the person who even THINKS about people who have been through a disaster? Maybe you're that person who stands back and watches other people run the course of life. Are you the person who is content to let someone else do it, worry about it, be it? Who are you? Do you open doors or slam them? Do you honk impatiently at the driver in front or to the side of you? Does that mean that your journey is more important and they are in your way? Do you even THINK? Is self the first word you think of in the morning and the last at night? Tell me, who are you?
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Every Day.......
My Thought for the Day.....We all know of historical heroes. Those famous people in history who went above and beyond the call of duty and are glorified and admired. But let's not forget that we have everyday heroes...well.....every day. Don't be blind to those who surround you they may not make the national news, or the local paper, but they fight their battles with dignity and grace. For a moment stop and think. Who in your life has given more, fought harder, lived larger and set the bar higher? They have no fame and fortune. Their picture isn't on Time, or their story written so generations to come can read and be inspired. But that makes them no less of a hero, no less of a person who glories in the every day. Be inspired....and while you are, I challenge you to let them know. Today, take the time to say," You're an inspiration in my life." And when you do, when you take the time to say the words, then you too become a hero to somebody.
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
My Thought for this Day......we are a society of locks. We lock our homes, we lock our cars, we lock our offices. And how sad that we must. But frankly to be prudent in this world, one has to. This morning let's delve a little deeper. There are so many things that if kept under lock and key,will wither and die. Our Gifts of the Spirit are to be used not only daily, but possibly hourly or even minute by minute. Our courage and graciousness and generosity should never be kept under lock and key. Our honor and strength should be visible and used until they are polished stones. Quite frankly, we are locking away the things that matter the least.......the big screen televisions, the diamonds and gold, the dollars and cents. Our most valuable possessions can not be stolen, but can wither and die if we so allow. Today, use your keys to lock away your earthly things, but please wear the others with the assurance that they will not only never be stolen, they will be honed and grown and brightened with their use. Take pride in not what you 'own', but what you 'live'.
Friday, February 14, 2014
Lighting the path.....
My Thought for this Day........We each are a beacon of light. Sometimes we are dimmed with pain and sorrow. Sometimes we shine with a glorious light. All the time we have the opportunity to be a light that can absorb comfort, dimmed in our pain, yet healing in our shadow. And all the time we have the opportunity to shine brightly to show our care and love for others. Either circumstance is life; either is natural; either is the human experience. So today, no matter the brightness of your light, no matter the beam you cast, I hope you know that dimmed lights will brighten another day. And bright lights are guiding loved friends and family when their paths are dark. It's okay to be dim, others are waiting along your sidelines lighting your shadows. And when the time comes, and it will, you will have the opportunity to shine for others. This little light of mine..........
Thursday, February 13, 2014
One Chance.....
My Thought for this Day.......Yesterday is a mere memory. Tomorrow a mere hope. Today a make a difference, change a life, sew a seed, lend a hand. Today is a wisp of time to be used in whatever manner you choose. I wonder if you realize the enormity of your opportunities? You will make your mark. You will be an influence. You will, in your small space of this universe, write a page that somebody will read.
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
At the end of every day, this is the question that must be asked. On this day, did you honor yourself with your actions, deeds, thoughts and words? And more importantly, did you honor others? Life must be viewed at a 360* angle. To view the world through a tunnel is to dishonor all creation. My vision is not yours, nor yours mine. The key is respect. May the mirror of your life reflect your actions, and in this reflection may you see that we all are mortal. We all are merely running our leg of the race of life. We all will at some point cross the finish line and at that moment, we cease to have the opportunities of today. Cherish life. Cherish breath. Cherish tomorrow if you are fortunate to have it. This is my thought for tonight.
My Thought for this Day.....I wonder how many of us Lip-sync through life. We say the appropriate words, And we might really mean them, but we never truly follow through with earnestness. "I'll pray for you." "How are you?" " I'll be thinking of you." These are phrases that we say and hear all of the time. It's not the saying, although that is wonderfully comforting, that matters. It's the true, diligent action that makes the difference. It's the committed words, the words that don't only fall from your mouth like leaves from trees in the autumn, but words that are sincerely meant and then carried out. I think we all have a tendency to Lip-sync. We voice the phrases, then carry on with our day, never giving them another thought. So basically my thought is this.......please do not ONLY say your words of encouragement, your promises of prayers, your questions of concerns......but follow through. Words are easily said, but the action, the commitment, the true earnestness .....these are the differences. These are the lights on someone's dark path. And in the doing, you not only give, but you receive. You open your heart to the blessings of being a gift, a beacon, a singer of songs!
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
My Thought for this Day.......If you are human, you have words to say, apologies to give, amends to make. If you are human, you have My Thought for this Day.....Tap into your Power......simply because you can. Behold it as the gift it is. Use it as it is intended to be used.....not with arrogance, but with the humble acknowledgement that it is your ability to step out and make this world shine in a way only you can. words to listen to, apologies to accept, bridges to build. If you are human, you think there will always be time......what if there's not?
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