Tuesday, December 31, 2013
My Thought for this Day.......so we come to the waning hours of 2013. T'is the time to become nostalgic of the past and hopeful for the future. After all, we have a brand new start tomorrow. A brand new line up of 365 days to fill. Each day having 24 hours, each hour having 60 minutes and each minute having 60 seconds. Do the math. People tend to love new beginnings. New jobs, new cars, new opportunities. We love to think of clean slates. We eat our black-eyes and cabbage. We pen resolutions. We are determined to make life style changes that will fill our lives with health , wealth and fulfillment. Whatcha gonna do for someone else? How about instead of a better me, let's make it a better US? Right here, right now, take the time to think of someone in your life who may not look at fresh tomorrows, because they are too mired down in the muddy nows. Visualize that person who is so burdened by life, that taking the next step weighs so heavy that the very thought mires them in a rut of failure. Can you be that guiding hand? Can you possibly help them wipe their slate clean or at least give them the hope of help. What if we all made our new fresh 365 days not solely about me, me, me! This is the Challenge I give to you........work on yourself, have your wonderful anticipation of your clean slate, but in the doing of that, include an US. Make it happen not only for you, but for someone whom you know can't see the cleanliness of 2014 for the ugliness of 2013.
Monday, December 30, 2013
I Dare You......
My Thought for this Day......Are you bogged down by the "Shoulda's, Coulda's, Woulda's"? Hmmmmmmm........we all have regrets, and wishes for do-overs. You may not be able to relive a day or situation, but you DO have the opportunity to right wrongs. So today, tomorrow, this soon to be new year, take time to reach out. Be the better person, humble your heart, turn the other cheek. Opportunity sits squarely in the road of your life. Don't walk around it. Step right on top of it and spread your arms of selflessness. Crossed arms cover hearts. Arms thrown wide give and receive. Just exactly where are your arms? It matters!
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Pogo. Sticks.......
My Thought for This Day.........what if life was a pogo stick? If you're too young to know what a pogo stick is, then Google....:)). Pogo stick life. It bounces around you in varying heights. It is up and down. Here's the thing. It takes work to maintain. You have to keep that energy going. Work on that marriage, friendship, job. Life is freely given, but not so much freely kept. Think about it. Less energy on a Pogo stick means an eventual fall. I think that we sometimes assume there are things in life that should be effortless, and maybe there are those things. But at the end of the day, if it's worth treasuring, then it's worth your time and effort. Just like the kid on that Pogo stick, the person in a relationship has to pay attention to the jumps, crevices and possible stones in the road. In your job, the Pogo stick effort means keeping your eyes trained on problems, potholes and other things that could knock you off balance. Life is all around you, both yours and those of loved ones, and strangers. What a horrible waste to simply watch and not put in the effort to get involved. Pogo sticks.......the harder you work....the higher you go!
Saturday, December 28, 2013
My Thought for the Day.......for me the days between Christmas and New Year's Day are days of reflection. Somehow I seem to be stuck in the space between memories and new footprints I'll make in the sand of the path of my life. I hope as I sit at my Reflection Pool, I learn from the ripples of memories that slowly drift in the waters that were my 2013. I want to savor each memory, both good and bad. I want to build on each one, to learn from each one and to see myself reflected as I truly was. I have room for tremendous growth, I have an entire lake to fill with hope and goodness and kindness and generosity and strength. As I ponder those mirrored images that make me sad or not proud, I hope I can change myself so that next year......the days of 2014, I see less and less of them. I truly, deeply want to be that person who never takes for granted her days, that person who goes out of her way to lend a hand or a heart, that person who diligently seeks out those in need and stretches her arms to lift up and smooth out and simply give. I don't know what you see in your Lake of Reflection. I hope whatever it is, gives you more joy than sorrow, more laughter than tears and more comfort than angst. But my deepest hope is that you too can begin to see your 2014 as days of becoming your new Reflection Pond and if you are fortunate to sit and study it this time next year, that you will see more smiles, more love and understand that you and only you are responsible, not for others, but for yourself. May your Memory Pool be not about you, but about your understanding that life is meant to be lived for others. I'm working on mine; are you?
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
For Unto Us......
My Thought for this Christmas Eve.....There is nothing more magical than the eyes of a child at Christmas. Reflections of Christmas lights twinkling, rosy mouths form tiny O shapes as small gasps escape wee lips. Enchantment and Anticipation in the air. May you be that child. May you know and feel the Joy of the Season. Not in the gifts under the tree, but in the GIVING of those gifts. Not in the table heavily laden with food, but in the LOVE and care taken in the planning and preparation of that food. The true wonder is that WE are Christmas; for you see the most abundant, eternal gift of all is ours. And with this gift comes the assurance of Peace and undeniable Joy. Dwell in the Promise that is yours, not only this day but everyday. For unto us a Child was born......
Monday, December 23, 2013
Day to Day.....
My Thought for this Day........Going the extra mile. T'is the Season to do just that.......giving more, being more thankful, reaching out to those less fortunate.....being aware that there are those less fortunate. Stop!!! Fast forward to January 1. Is your giving spirit, your thankful spirit, your acknowledgement, stored back in your closet of the forgotten? Have the "I'm just toooooooo busies" once again taken over your very important life. Are your Blinders of 'me me me me me' back on? Have you forgotten how to say, spell and most of all feel compassion? Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year to emulate the most gracious, life changing, soul filling gift ever given. And I love to see the faces and the words of the 'givers' as much as those of the receivers. To give in the true spirit tugs us deep inside. It flowers like a bud and bursts to fill us with pure joy. So the question remains.......what about the rest of the year? Misfortune doesn't strangely disappear. Need doesn't vanish. Hunger and cold and loneliness don't become obsolete. These things remain in your own back yard. So I pray that your garden of compassion and giving and reaching out bursts with color and vines all year long. Let's make it a way of life, not just a way of this Most Wonderful Season. For truly, the most amazing Gift we were given lives forever, never ceasing, never turning away, but instead constant as the turning of the day into night. Our job is to emulate in our gratefulness, to constantly fill needs. O what a wonderful world it would be.
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Question of the Day..........When is your someday? We all have them. I'm gonna go there someday. I'm gonna slow down someday. I'm gonna call that old friend to reconnect someday. So I repeat, when is your someday? Is it today, tomorrow? I'm going with a no for your answer. And that is troublesome, because you see, today or tomorrow may be all you have. Hope not. Hope you have many today's and tomorrow's. But not even today is promised. So listen, is it just me, or does it seem foolish to waste precious time that might be in really short supply? Quit shaking your head and saying you have no time to do these things. How do you NOT have time? True, maybe you don't have time to take that two week dream vacation, but you do have time to dream it. Five minutes of dreaming it, seeing it, planning it and I promise you will be in a better state of mind. Connect with someone in your life.....maybe an old friend, new friend, everyday friend. It doesn't matter. It's the tether of the heart reaching heart. The listening to a friendly, interested voice is so full of spirit restoration.......whether it's a five minute chat, or an hour long conversation. I just want you to know that a life spent racing, fretting, and worrying is a life wasted. Please shift your gear to park at some point everyday. Ease up on the gas pedal of life. Make your SOMEDAY.....everyday......in one form or another. You are surrounded by miracles and blessings that when ignored vanish into the air of the past. Your time is not infinite; don't dishonor it.
Saturday, December 21, 2013
My Vision.....and yours. Close your eyes; still your mind. And look up. At this moment we are mentally gazing up, and we are visualizing all the hands that have reached down to help us climb the dunes of our lives. See them clearly, focused, cupped in kindness, stretching out to you. Are they gnarled with age? Are they roughened with work? Are they soft and gentle with the touch of an angel. How many do you see? Disregard those that might have pressed down. They do not matter: they have become invisible. They are obscure and dark in the shadows of your past. Today, we rejoice in those hands that have patted, lifted, and guided. I hope you can see them with clarity and can understand that they have molded and shaped the you of today. And then, learn, my friend. Learn the guidance, the passion that these hands have bestowed on you. These hands have blessed you, and the biggest debt you have is reverently stretching your hand down and passing the gifts to those who walk underneath your own tutelage. Holding your hands and reaching down to raise someone up. Do it with unselfishness. It's not about you when you are grasping a hand lifted up toward yours. It's just not. Be those hands that someone looks up to and says Yes!
Friday, December 20, 2013
My Thought for this Day........it is said there are many ways to take a "measure of a man". Have you ever thought about your measurements.....not height and weight, but those of character. Are you heavy on the side of goodness and mercy? Are you light in your cups of respectfulness and trust? I hope you stop from time to time and study your measurements for I assure you that others do. What? Did I hear a "I don't care what other people think of me"? Really? That's sad, because thoughts on you reflect and shine on the people you love. Your children will carry the weight of your measurements, whether good or bad. Fair? Maybe not, but true. So please stop from time to time and line up your cups on your shelf. Label them with your qualities of character. Then, think of how heavy or light the burden your reputation might be. You're not the only one who must shoulder it.
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Inn of your Mind.......
My Thought for this Day......you are not alone in your head. Crazy, I know. But the fact of the matter is you're not. People who are influencing or have influenced your life are sharing the rooms of your mind. Be very careful when handing out mental keys. It is your existence, your path, your character...seek the wise, the generous, the fair thinker to room in your mind dorm. Raise the rent on those who guide with opportunism, self-centeredness and retaliation. It is your Lodge of Living; be selective in your tenants.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
My Thought on this Day.......Blank. How intricately the mind works. Some days words flow like a running river. Some days words are a stagnant pool. Today is a pool day. And as I reflect on this, I realize......that's Life. That is my world, and yours. We all enjoy times of prosperity. Days of flowing rivers that are strong and powerful and productive and bring joy to our existence. And we all have days of stagnation. These are times of seeming failure. Things rust, problems grow, clouds haze our thinking and sight. It's the measure of your spirit in the dealing....the handling....the taking in stride of both the power of the rushing water and the stagnation of being mired in endless mud. Each day hones your mind, body and soul. So whatever your day is today...whether it is a mighty river, or a stagnant pool, take the steps to grow, to appreciate, to wear your spirit of strength or humility. You are living the life that was a gift and to stay stuck in a bottomless pit of despair dishonors your Creator. Rejoice in life; turn on the power that is hidden within you, and when you do, settle your soul in gratitude for the guidance and inner well of determination given to you. That is the true and reverent thankfulness. A blank canvas becomes a palate of words. A stagnant pool refreshes and flows. A willful spirit emerges into power. And you become mighty!
Monday, December 16, 2013
Privilege .....
My Thought for this Day.....I hope you do something in your life that you consider a privilege. Something that makes getting up each day, a meaningful experience. How sad to consider each step you take drudgery. We all need meaning. We all need responsibility, whether big or small. We need a light that shines from within outward to your friends and family. It doesn't have to be huge. It doesn't have to be world class. It just has to be meaningful ....to you. It needs to feed your soul; it needs to enlarge your heart. It needs to be your star on top of your Tree of Life. It's not a duty...it's a privilege. What a miracle.
Sunday, December 15, 2013
My Thought for this Day......I love the gentleness of an early morning. The quietness of the dark closes softly around me. My thoughts seem to calm and draw deep. I reflect on the past, present and future. The air is clear and serene. The house wraps security around me and mine. I communicate honestly with myself. I am comfortable in my bones. I send thoughts and prayers. I release anxiety. I receive answers. This is truly my time. Maybe this is not your way. Maybe the late night suits you better. I don't think the when matters. I don't think the why matters. But I believe with all my soul that the doing matters.
My Thought for this Day......I love the gentleness of an early morning. The quietness of the dark closes softly around me. My thoughts seem to calm and draw deep. I reflect on the past, present and future. The air is clear and serene. The house wraps security around me and mine. I communicate honestly with myself. I am comfortable in my bones. I send thoughts and prayers. I release anxiety. I receive answers. This is truly my time. Maybe this is not your way. Maybe the late night suits you better. I don't think the when matters. I don't think the why matters. But I believe with all my soul that the doing matters.
Friday, December 13, 2013
My Question of the Day? What is sacred to you? Do you truly understand the word? There are several definitions, but we'll go with 'Reverently Dedicated". So, again, what is sacred to you? I think the answer to this question speaks volumes about a person. It is their symphony, their book of life, their mountaintop. It sets the parameters of their actions, words, goals. It in fact, is the true inner core of their being. Imagine that which is sacred to you is the Hub of your Wheel of Life and everything you do, speak, think, are the spokes. Your wheel turns daily guided by your Sacredness, your Reverent Dedication. And do you even realize this? Have you ever stopped to truly soak in, immerse yourself in that which is sacred to you? It doesn't come easily. It takes inner revelation. It draws on the spirit. It defines you in a way like no other. So, I hope you take the time to soul search, to throw out the trash, that which is evil and destructive, and dwell peacefully, calmly and with dignity and grace in your Spirit of Sacredness.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
My Thought for this Day. It is said that patience is a virtue. To me patience implies waiting. We all wait. We wait for happy times. We wait for decisions. We wait for explanations, answers or possibly questions. We happily wait for expected milestones and achievements. We also at times wait for a sorrow we know is inevitable. I am waiting as are you. But I try each day to not live totally under the umbrella of waiting. Instead, I strive to enjoy each moment....to laugh, to cry, to embrace, to live. I hope this is the 'my' virtue part of patience.....not missing today by looking ahead to whatever awaits.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Changing Hearts.......
My Thought for this Day......I wonder what you let change your heart? Do you allow gossip to weave its thorny vine around it? Do you look only at the superficial appearance of people and turn and walk away with a hardened heart? Do you stereotype your fellow man by race and ethnicity, thus missing out on a wealth of histories and cultures? Are you missing the melting pot of the human race? Does your heart cry out "Not like me, so not good"? Think long and hard about just exactly what you might be missing. You are a tiny speck in a huge eternal world. Can't you see that if you put blinders on your heart, you are overlooking the absolutely enormous gift of life in all its millions of facets? What a shame. Embrace yourself with a coat of many fabrics. Each thread is special. Each stitch God given
Monday, December 9, 2013
Seasons of Time..............
Seasons of Time…We all have seasons. How comforting to know that we are truly aligned with Nature. As I see it, we are born into Springtime. Newly green, soft, supple young things that are easily molded. We then move into Summer where we are baked by the heat of the sun. We are much like fresh dough that is placed into the Ovens of Life. We begin to form our very special selves. Then comes the Autumn of our Lives. We walk among our leaves that begin to fall from our mortal selves. We live within this time knowing that we have set our paths and changed them, reset them, then walked the curves, and hills and dips and highways of Just Being. Winter is last; it is a time for pulling into ourselves. We begin the process of memories and reflections and not dreading the starkness, but instead embracing the comfort of our inner selves.
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