Monday, October 31, 2016


My Thought for this Day....I hope you have an editor in your life.....that special person with whom you can bounce off feelings, ideas and thoughts.......that ear that truly listens.....that tongue that is gently honest. We all need that special someone....we all need that safe place. There are lots of people who will tell what you want to hear. A rarity is someone who will step out on that sapling branch and tell you what you need to hear.

Sunday, October 30, 2016


My Thought for this Day.........Each day we all are given opportunities to be kind. I wonder how many of us are so caught up in the me that we lose sight of the us. Kindness breeds compassion. Compassion gives birth to selflessness. We the people.....not I the person. Whether your 'we' is 5 or 5,000, you are the master of your actions. Be kind. Simply, be kind.

Saturday, October 29, 2016


My Thought for this Day......Every journey begins with one step. Take it!

Friday, October 28, 2016


My Thought for this Day.....Eyebrows have taken on a life of their own. Seriously? They look like huge apostrophes that need a quote.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


My Thought for this Day.......As a parent, when you push your child into the corner of your wants and needs, one of two things happen. They will never break free; they will not become who they yearn to be. Or, in their rage, they will wildly push out, leaving you in their trail of anger.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Heart Condition.......

My Thought for this Day........What is the condition of your heart? Is it tightly sewn together with threads of criticism and judgement? Does it slowly beat in a fog of denial? Or is it open to new things, ideas and people. I think when we close out hearts to differences, then we close our hearts to life. This big world is a calliope of occurrences that are not all our NORM. So what if someone walks a path that doesn't correspond to yours? I hope you're not so deeply entrenched in your world that you can't see the colorful swirls of others. You have the right to disagree with actions, but do you really have the right to judge with a mighty hand of perfection? Don't be that person. A heart full of judgement has no room for expansion. It's walls are tightly meshed. It's chambers overflow with criticism. Open hearts open lives.

Friday, October 21, 2016


My Thought for this Day.....Before you slam a door in someone's face, remember they have the power to lock it forever. Childish behavior can result in adult reaction.

Sunday, October 16, 2016


My Thought for this Day......I feel like we, as humans, from time to time, have an empty hole in our souls. Some tiny, some large and some deep caverns, ever changing in their depth and breadth.....and our instinct is to fill these holes with what soothes us. Here is my thought, be very careful how you lessen the void in your marrow. It will surely become you if not tended with care. The most dangerous act of all is to not acknowledge that we all need fulfillment in some form or another. And in our humanity we will grasp what soothes us. Be conscious in your decision. Grasp what truly and positivity fills, not what destroys.

Saturday, October 15, 2016


My Thought for this Day.......Life is not a one way street. Respect the fact that different highways and byways aren't wrong. They are simply diverse ways of reaching the same destination.

Friday, October 14, 2016


My Thought for this Day........There are many moments in life, that when recognized, even though common, are reverent. No singing of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, no dissension of Heavenly beings, just simple moments in life that tie people one to another. It is a connection, a chain, a soft sweet rope of bringing human spirits together, if even for a second, a minute, an hour. And then it's over.....physically and emotionally over. But here's the thing. If you are aware, if your sensory button is on, if your heart is open, you recognize that random happening, circumstance for what it was. You feel deeply and know that occurrence was meant to be....that it was a lesson, a softening of your soul, a filling of your spirit, a building of your joy of life. I think these moments are precious. And sadly, I think they are too often overlooked as we hurry and scurry and stay oh so very focused on 'us'. I hope you never miss a moment of what is totally yours shared with whomever is standing before you, and is a link in your velvet rope of existence. I hope you know that you can learn and teach at the most seemingly everyday mundane minutes. Most of all I hope you recognize that life isn't just a stacking up of seconds, minutes, hours, days that you endure because you have to. Never forget that the breath of life should never be taken for granted and simply endured. Recognize reverence in your life....take it in and more importantly breath it out. Sharing that joy with anyone....both friend or stranger.....empowers you. Then you step up and step out and become whom you are meant to be.

Thursday, October 13, 2016


My Thought for this Day......Don't be blinded by the light of your insecurities. Buy a pair of RayBans and step into their glare. And then twirl.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016


My Thought for this Day......May you live as if (today) had parentheses around it, blinding you from the errors of yesterday, and shielding you from the anticipation of tomorrow. Live today within today.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016


My Thought for this Day.....Perhaps that person who you think is not giving enough, is actually giving all he/she can. Perhaps what they are giving, at this time, must be to themselves. So before you slather yourself in disappointment and condemnation, try, if only for a moment, to understand that hurt is not always visible. And even the strongest crumble, and must rebuild.

Monday, October 10, 2016


My Thought for this Day........We all have Giants in our lives. The question is, do we perceive them as challenges or obstacles. Do we shiver in fear, hide in a corner, or do we become a David to their Goliath? Life is not always a Lazy River. At times it is a raging tempest. It's not about how big your boat is. It's about how well you captain it.

Saturday, October 8, 2016


My Thought for this Day........Sometimes reality becomes skewed. Or at least it does in my life. The world is a huge, wonderful, yet dangerous place emotionally. It can be entertaining, enlightening, or suck the life out of you. And this does happen to both the weak and the strong. So with that said, I think the trick is to realize, you must face yourself everyday with peace. And learning the art of healing peace is essential. There are many paths to choose to walk into your garden of tranquility. I hope you find yours, and when necessary, use it to heal, refresh and reboot.

Thursday, October 6, 2016


My thought for this Day.......If you don't savor the bite, how do you enjoy a feast? If you don't hold a penny, how do you save a dollar? If you don't listen to a word, how do you understand a conversation? Life is not about the bigs; it's about the littles. It's about the simple, not the complex. It's about simmering rather than boiling. It's not about the first page, or the's about the entire book. Enjoy the pieces of the puzzle, and the placing them together to form a spectacular life panorama. No one's puzzle has, or is, or will be like yours. Please gather in your small things, don't race from one big event to another. How incredibly sad to miss the tiny, yet mighty moments that define your days. The first sip of a hot cup of coffee, the rereading of woven words, the belly laugh with a really good friend, the tiniest detail of a picture....these are the things that make your rainbow. Don't miss the colors of life searching for your pot of gold.

Monday, October 3, 2016


My Thought for this Day.......Be a vessel of thanks. Settle into your blessings. Forget the if-only's and treasure the yes!

Sunday, October 2, 2016


My Thought for this Day......The simple act of acknowledging your weaknesses gives you power over them, puts them in the spotlight of your mind, and allows you to see them with clarity. Study your spotlight.