Wednesday, March 30, 2016


My Thought for this Day.......Find something to be positive about. On the darkest days, find something to be positive about. In the midst of trouble, find something to be positive about. In the gloom of despair, find something to be positive about. Make it a habit. Make it your goal. Make it you.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Not My.......

My Thought for this Day.........How many times have you heard, 'Not my monkey.......,Not my rodeo.....Not my whatever'? I feel like most times this is not a statement, but a criticism. So before you tear someone else's problems apart, look for your own solutions.

Friday, March 25, 2016


My Thought for this Day......We all seek and search for things we think we need. Is it possible we should simply relax in the certainty we are given what we need when we are ready. Are you ready?

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


My Thought for this Day.......When you feel like you have nothing left to give, you have two choices. You can dig deeper or exit Stage Left. Either choice changes lives.

Monday, March 21, 2016


My Thought for this Day.......You're never too old to be new. Old ruts become new pavement. Old ways become new habits. Old visions become new realities. Old is not necessarily bad; new simply sheds the light of redemption on your path.

Thursday, March 10, 2016


My Thought for this Day.........There are those things that make us look good for today, and those things that make us look good for life. Choose wisely. We all leave a vapor trail behind us that can be seen far and wide. Maybe you don't care, but in the end, your trail affects people you love. Today? Or Forever?

Wednesday, March 9, 2016


My Thought for this Day.......Life is all about choices. You can choose to hang on, or let go. You can choose to stand tall, or sneak away. You can choose to speak out, or remain silent. Whatever the choice, and whatever you choose, do it with honor. For Surely it is speaking volumes to many.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016


My Thought for this Day.......As each day dawns, I have new opportunities abounding, new praises to sing, new eyes to see, new ears to listen. Don't pass the blessings; they are yours.

Sunday, March 6, 2016


My Thought for this Day......At times my road is bumpy and yours is smooth. Then the life wind shifts, and I'm on a flat slick surface, while your road is full of ruts. The wondrous beauty of it all is we each have hands to reach across our paths and connect. Let me be your bridge, and you be mine.

Friday, March 4, 2016


My Thought for this Day........If you constantly look over your shoulder trying to see the wrongs of yesterday, you'll miss the rights of today.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

ME or WE.......

My Thought for this Day........Do you live in a ME world, or a WE world? When you walk your unique path, when you decide on your route, be very careful in your choices. A SINGLE lane highway is narrow in its twists and turns and eventually comes to a dead end of loneliness and despair. A MULTI lane highway is busy and crowded and sometimes hard to navigate. But it remains forceful, and busy, and its path, though crowded, is packed with waves and nods. The last miles of your road of life are determined by your actions in the first turns, and straightaways. I wonder. ME or WE.