Thursday, December 31, 2015
My Final Thought for 2015.......May you clear your heart of grudges and your soul of hurt. May you realize that a second chance is not a given, but a gift. May you understand that life is to be lived not solely, but universally. May you look upon your fellow man with eyes that are mirrors that reflect your true self. May you take off your blinders and judge not, lest you be thrown into the pit of condemnation. May you deep within your being, know that you are valuable, but no more precious than the person standing next to you. May you follow the path of both boldness and vulnerability. Each is a key to the lock of life. And above all else, may you reach out and touch someone who needs a hand up, a pat on the shoulder, a gentle nudge of encouragement. Life is not a what but a who. Believe in this. There is evil in this world; there is hatred and cruelty; there is abomination. But there is also prayer and hope and salutations to each new morn. Take your part and even though you might not be the star in the play, you are important. Make a difference.....make your difference. Change begins one small step at a time. May you know that opportunity comes once, but not always twice. Never overlook your chance to be that person who shines a light in someone's harbor of fog. Happy New Year my friends.
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
My Question of the Day?.......What is sacred to you? Do you truly understand the word? There are several definitions, but we'll go with 'Reverently Dedicated". So, again, what is sacred to you? I think the answer to this question speaks volumes about a person. It is their symphony, their book of life, their mountaintop. It sets the parameters of their actions, words, goals. It, in fact, is the true inner core of their being. Imagine that which is sacred to you is the Hub of your Wheel of Life and everything you do, speak, think, are the spokes. Your wheel turns daily guided by your Sacredness, your Reverent Dedication. And do you even realize this? Have you ever stopped to truly soak in, immerse yourself in that which is sacred to you? It doesn't come easily. It takes inner revelation. It draws on the spirit. It defines you in a way like no other. So, I hope you take the time to soul search, to throw out the trash, that which is evil and destructive, and dwell peacefully, calmly and with dignity and grace in your Spirit of Sacredness. This is a Sacred Season. No glitter, nor bow, nor ribbon can begin to touch the true Joy of these Days. They are Sacred.
Friday, December 18, 2015
My Thought for this Day.........It may not always be possible to be the better person, but it is always possible to try. The actions of your past cast a reflection in the mirror of your future. I wonder what you see?
Thursday, December 17, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......The Band of Life won't play your song everyday. But nonetheless.....ya gotta dance anyway.
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......I believe we all are ever changing. Life is not stagnant. Even though you may believe you are stuck in a rut of despair, indeed you are not. Even though you may believe you have reached the crest of your mountain, there is always a higher peak to climb. And most importantly, even though you may believe you are complete, it is my belief that if you are given another day, you are still painting your picture of life, you are still diagramming your sentence, you are still writing your book. And it is never too late to add color, adjectives and chapters to that which is you. Get out there and live life!
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......There is wisdom in silence. Endless blather reveals ignorance, and arrogance.
Thursday, December 10, 2015
My Thought for this Day.....Quick!! Think of 5 things you take for granted. Now picture life without them. Feel blessed.
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......We all have that still small voice that whispers in our ears, telling us the right thing to do. The problem comes when the volume of our mouths is turned way too far to the right, and the only thing we can hear is our own dogma and drivel.
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
My Thought for this Day..........May you look through the ugly to see the beauty. May you push through the mundane to see the spectacular. May you carry your burdens with strength. And may you never cease to realize that understanding is not necessarily the answer.
Monday, December 7, 2015
My Question for this Day.......What shalł I do? I shall walk into every room with my head held high even though I may doubt myself. I shall honor my commitments while it is easier not to. I shall walk my path to the very best of my ability. I shall treat others with dignity when I feel disdain. And, I shall, to the best of my ability, be trustworthy, grateful and joyous for I have been given another day to do so.
Sunday, December 6, 2015
My Thought for this Day..........We will never be worthy enough; we will never be good enough; we will never be righteous enough. BUT we will always, every second, minute, hour, and day, be loved greatly. And this, my friends, is the invisible huge, gentle, adoring, guiding hand that is willing and waiting to just BE in your life.
Friday, December 4, 2015
My Thought for this Day.........I think we tend to look at our lives in segments, not the whole picture. So your bank account is a little low, but your faith is rich. So your house may need a little paint, but it's filled with love. So you're job isn't 100% fulfilling, but it pays the bills. And on and on and on.......if you're waiting for perfection, that train will not roll into the station, and instead of enjoying your journey, you're sitting on a concrete bench, suitcase of expectations in hand, pausing your existence for supremacy that will never happen.
Thursday, December 3, 2015
My Thought for this Day.........I said these words to a good friend last night.....I am cleaning the House of my Soul right now. I have things I need to do, and words I need to say. Life is too short to not be true to yourself. When you live under the umbrella of pretend and falsehood, you miss the cleansing rain. Renewal is a blessed event. I think she heard and agreed. It may not be radical, headline worthy, nor attention grabbing. But is is selfishness at its best. Clean souls and minds and hearts make for productive selfless people.
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Do It.........
My Thought for this Day..........Have you ever sat at the feet of someone great? Have you even one time really listened to the words of someone wise? Have you acknowledged that there is truth that makes its way in the world on wisps of words that when heard, move the universe ? Have you picked up a book and truly and totally absorbed the thoughts of someone who steeps astuteness much like a tea bag in a china cup of hot water? Really? It's life it!
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
My Thought for this Day......And so it begins.... The season of hopes and dreams and wishes coming true arrives. The time of giving and loving and goodwill toward men is once again upon us. We're dreaming of sugarplums and rockin' around our Christmas trees and filling our lives with festivities and fun. But before you can truly, honestly and completely revel in the season, I think there are things that must be done, words that must be said, acts that must be taken. Take that cleansing breath, step over that wall of pride, be the better person and forgive. And not only forgive in your heart, but in person, with words, aloud, in truth and in beauty. You can't begin anew until you cleanse your palate of hurt. And isn't this what the season is really about......that long ago birth that began mankind on a forever walk, an eternal walk, a walk of a Babe who showed us the path of righteousness and forgiveness? I dare you! Take a deep breath, search your soul, swallow your pride, do it because it is the right thing, the godly thing, the honorable thing. Purge and release and exonerate. 'Tis the Season!
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