Friday, October 30, 2015
My Thought for this Day........Permission is part of everyday life...a green light gives you permission to drive through an intersection... money in the bank gives you permission to use your debit card.....parents give permission, teachers give permission. God gives us the permission of free will. When you think of it, our days are filled with permission both noticed and unrealized. Believe it or not, when we give ourselves permission, life takes on an an entire new depth. So today, give yourself permission to laugh, cry, relax, visit, stay calm, panic, speak, remain silent. This is your day that has been given to you. Take the concept of self- permission and make it happen!
Thursday, October 29, 2015
My Thought for this Day.....Had you rather be happy or joyful, smart or wise, brave or courageous, grateful or thankful? Do you see the differences? Your choices say a lot about your not right nor one wrong. Just different. Interesting isn't it?
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
My Thought for this Day......No matter the height nor breadth, nor strength of the wall you build around yourself, somebody's gonna spray graffiti on it.
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......Do you really know yourself? Have you taken the time, made the effort, done the work to absolutely know who you are? If you haven't, then you must. How are you going to grow, if you don't know exactly where you need growth? If you're not seeking higher ground, you are living your life on hold.
Monday, October 26, 2015
My Thought for this Day......Every day is a page in your Life Book. Some pages you want to crumble and toss in the trash; some you want to preserve in a glass case. What we must remember is each page will inevitably turn, leading to the next one. We need to live life page by page; each is worthy and meaningful, telling our own personal story.
Friday, October 23, 2015
My Thought for this Day.....Gratitude is the root of Joy. Find something to be grateful for and you open the door to more than happiness. You find soul abiding Joy.
Thursday, October 22, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......We all have a story that trails behind us like the indention of bicycle tires on a dusty road. More importantly, that same road curves and slants for miles ahead of us.....sometimes rugged,sometimes muddy, sometimes wonderfully smooth. No matter the state of the road, it's our job to walk it with the assurance that there is an eternal order to our steps and our path.
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
My Thought for this Day.....Though painful, it is paramount that from time to time we slowly peal back the layers of our emotional skin to expose the hurts and grief and pain to healing fresh air. With this we begin to grow. We forgive ourselves and others. Buried wounds never ease.
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
My Thought for this Day........Always acknowledge there are those that have more than you, and those with less. Don't envy the former. Help the latter.
Monday, October 19, 2015
My Thought for this Day.........Can you imagine walking on the moon, reading minds, painting a masterpiece, jumping ropes for 36 hours straight, holding your breath for a day, inventing the cure for cancer, walking up the winding steps of a lighthouse, going a week without your cell phone, having a photographic memory, meeting the Wizard of Oz, being 10 feet tall, disappearing at will, cooling your jets, speaking 15 languages, mowing your yard with manicure scissors, reading a book back to front, being Forrest Gump, reliving a huge mistake, always having to drive backing up, being God, going hungry for months, jumping on a pogo stick for miles? Maybe it's time to do something you can only imagine.
Sunday, October 18, 2015
My Thought for this Day.........Sometimes it's ok to glide through life. Accept that there is health and healing in catching the wind, spreading your wings, and sailing without effort.
Friday, October 16, 2015
My Thought for this Day......It is redeeming to walk beside the special people in your life...not behind, nor in front. With this walk, one set of footprints becomes two, then three, then more. There is strength in this.
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......What have you dared to do? Have you dared to love, to reach, to dream, to struggle, to fail? Real courage is daring to dive headfirst into unsure waters, knowing that at any time you might drown.
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
My Thought for this Day.....What do you do to make yourself feel better? When you are in the midst of a storm, the epicenter of an earthquake, the eye of the do you soothe yourself? I hope it's not by lashing out in an attempt to ease your pain with a selfish effort of transference. Instead, I hope we all can learn our own individual coping skills that help us without inflicting pain. We were built to love, not hate. When trouble comes, as it surely will, seek inner strength, not outward hostility.
Monday, October 12, 2015
My Thought for this Day.........I think we concentrate too much on what we aren't, and not on what we are. We aren't thin enough, rich enough, powerful enough, smart enough. There is power in the realization of what you are. There is foresight in the grooming of your talents. There is strength in the knowledge that you are.....simply,that you are.
Sunday, October 11, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......I love when Mother Nature begins to shed her skin, sink into herself, begin her process of restful respite. She knows that the time willcome soon when the sap will begin to rise, the earth will start to shift and She will once again ascend into glorious rejuvenation. But for now, She wisely allows herself the quiet, well earned interlude of idleness. And so for today, this day of pause and rest, I hope you grant yourself some time, however long or short it is, to simply be.
Saturday, October 10, 2015
My Thought for this Day.........Listen to yourself. Your thoughts are your silent, emotional dialogue. Only you can hear them, yet they are powerful forces in your daily life. And more times than not, they manifest themselves into action. They are the seedlings of your tree of life. Listen to yourself.
Friday, October 9, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......What do you gather in your life? I think we gather what is most important to us. We accumulate those things that make us happy, secure, comfortable. We gather both physically and emotionally. What you gather says a lot about your character. Do you gather status? Do you gather material things? Do you gather anger, pride, resentment? I think we all should do an inventory from time to time. Make sure you're harvesting those things which are not fleeting. Think about it. What's on your shelf?
Thursday, October 8, 2015
My Thought for this Day......Some days you have no words. When that happens, keep your mouth shut.
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......We each have a calendar of time. None of us knows when our last page will be turned. Don't wander through your life "intending". For the day will come when the opportunity of your intentions will disappear. I wonder what you need to say, or do.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
My Thought for this Day........Sometimes you have to sit and watch the world go by, and realize it's not leaving you behind, it's merely allowing you the ease of rest and when you are strong, once again, you can pick up your pace and rejoin your fellow runners. It's not failure; it's rebirth.
Monday, October 5, 2015
My Thought for this Day.....We all have things we need to say, things we need to do, things we need to forgive. When the time comes and you are strong enough to do even one of these things, you begin to ever so gently turn the lock that sets your soul free.
Sunday, October 4, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......You are the gardener of your life. Fertilize what is good, water what thirsts, and pull the weeds that push out what is mighty and wise and full of grace.
Saturday, October 3, 2015
My Thought for this Day....We all are made by the same recipe, just different amounts of ingredients. If you need to borrow a cup of wisdom, ask one who has it in abundance. If you need a good laugh, seek out that friend who always makes you smile. Everyday, there is someone in your life, I hope, who can go to their personal pantry and pull out what you need. Then, the best can pay them back in their time of need.
Thursday, October 1, 2015
My Thought for this Day.....May you look upon this day with a peace that passes understanding, with a faith that never wavers in the storm and with a knowledge that life does throw curve balls to everyone. But most of all, may you find comfort that waits on those who call out and seek. And that, my friends, is enough.
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