Wednesday, July 29, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......It is well with my soul. What Grace is yours when you can utter these words. It doesn't mean you have no problems to solve, no mountains to climb, no corners to turn. It means hidden within, you have the light of a thousand watts to illuminate your path with deep abiding joy and understanding that if you ask, it is given. Today, I hope it is well with your soul.
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......There are so many things in this world that you can't control. The wisdom in life is to not let these things control you.
Monday, July 27, 2015
Times Ten......
My Thought for this Day......What if every action you take today comes back at you ten fold? Every thought, every gesture, every word, every deed reappears magnified into more than you can imagine. What if?
Saturday, July 25, 2015
If you know me........
My Thought for this Day........If you know me, then you know I...........Think on how you would finish this phrase. Now, reflect on how others would finish it for you...your spouse, your best friend, your co-worker, the store clerk, the person in the car next to you at the traffic light. I wonder if your words and the words of others would even be in the same realm. I truly think we all should spend time not thinking of the mirror in which we gaze on our self perceived reflection, but also on the glass through which others see us.
Friday, July 24, 2015
My Thought for this Day.....Life is not about the what. Life is about the who. When you lose your who's, the loneliness takes away the glitter of the what's. Be careful every day to water your garden of who's.
Thursday, July 23, 2015
My Thought for this Day......Just because you don't agree with someone's words, actions, deeds, or hairstyle doesn't mean they don't have a valuable place on this earth. We are all meant to live our own lives with our own dignities and truths. We are meant to hold ourselves to high standards which don't condemn, but teach. Shouting and cursing and pointing fingers are actions of hate and disdain. Be careful how you criticize unless you are sure you can walk on water while carrying your Louis Vuitton to your Lear.
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
They Say......
My Thought for this Day.....Sometimes I feel like a conversation should be like a research paper. If you can't back up your 'They Say' quotes with precise references to just whom THEY are, quite possibly you should keep your 'oh so knowledgeable' mouth shut. You can quote me on this! :)))
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......Don't ever forget that life has 360*. And what you leave in the wake of your walk, sometimes has a way of eventually becoming the mountain in your path.
Monday, July 20, 2015
My Thought for this Day......I don't think it's possible for one person to change THE world. I do think it's possible for one person to change THEIR world. Find your passion, and live it.
Sunday, July 19, 2015
My Thought for this Day......We all have the ability to speak without making a sound. A glance, a hand gesture, a stare, a nod or shake of your careful of your silent words.
Friday, July 17, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......Are you Opti- the - Mystic, or Pessi-the Muser? Our attitudes say a lot about our lives. If you live in a glass that is half full, you can float. If you dwell in a glass that is half empty, you can drown. So what will it be? Attitudes can be adjusted like sails on a boat. You simply have to make the effort to seek the wind that favors your happiness.
Thursday, July 16, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......The greatest gift you can give a mother is to pray for her child.
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
My Thought for this Day......Am I the only one here who thinks just possibly we'd be better off if we tended our own garden and not our neighbors's, the garden on the next block, and also the one a hundred miles away? Geesh, pull your own weeds because they are so dang high you can't see past their thorny stems.
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
My Thought for this Day......It doesn't matter if you're leading the parade with a baton held high, or if you're in the rear scooping up the horse poop.....realize every circumstance can be as fleeting as a puff of air. Live well every day.
Monday, July 13, 2015
My Thought for this Day.....I wonder if you could hear a heart break, an inner sob, a stomach clinch, if you could, would you say those words, level that stare, whisper behind a back? Just because these things aren't physically possible to hear, doesn't mean they don't happen. Be aware of the rubble you leave in your wide swath of ignorance. People matter......All people.
Sunday, July 12, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but not the most honest form of life. We can certainly learn from others, but don't spend your life trying to be someone you're not. Live originally!
Saturday, July 11, 2015
My Thought for this Day...........We live in a world of 'Comparisoms'. Life isn't about comparing your gifts with others. Life is about sitting squarely in the center of your blessings and enjoying the view.
Friday, July 10, 2015
My Thought for this Day.....I don't think regrets are bad. They simply mean you are a human who has made choices, taken steps, and lived life. Regrets are part of the picture of your existence. They may not be the most beautiful part, but they surely are a piece of you. And to deny them is to deny your past. The wisdom is to not dwell on your regrets, but to learn from them. Then you have truly made them worthwhile, and not merely chapters of your book you had rather skip than reread.
Thursday, July 9, 2015
My Thought for this Day......There is so very much need in this world. Not superfluous need, but true, deep, agonizing need. If we all spent just a few minutes of our day erasing a need of someone we know, love, like, don't like, can't stand, or don't know, what would the world look like in time? Charity blesses the giver. What will you do today to get your blessing?
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
My Thought for this Day.....Don't miss out on the simple things of life.....a really good book, a beautiful sunrise, deep conversations with close friends, slow walks, quiet moments. Life isn't all about seeing how fast you can run, how high you can climb, nor what you can achieve. Find your simplicity.
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
My Thought for this Day.......It is much easier to tear down than it is to build up. With one phrase or look, we can knock the props out from under someone. Be careful with your words. They are mighty. Think on what you can do to help those around you rise from their personal ashes, not bury themselves in the mud of their lives. What will you do today?
Monday, July 6, 2015
My Thought for this Day.........Sometimes it's not the visible that is the hurt. Sometimes it's the invisible that is the rip tide that pulls you under the water with a viciousness that is unrelenting. Be aware in your own life as well as those around you. There is more to yours and other's days than what can be seen.
Saturday, July 4, 2015
My Thought for this Day.....Land of the Free, Home of the Brave. Be brave enough to admit living free is one mighty blessing. Be brave enough to say, America is my home. Take ownership. Freedom is a privilege. Bravery is an attitude.
Thursday, July 2, 2015
My Thought for this Day......We the People......The Preamble of the Constitution of this Mighty nation began with these words. In our self centered, privileged, all about me, ways we have turned it into ...I the Person. Until we turn our selfish eyes outward instead of inward, until we realize that nobody owes us anything, until we truly understand that each of us is only a tiny spoke in the enormous wheel of life, and most importantly until we kneel at the feet of our God, the Mighty will continue to fall.
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
My Thought for this Day........Chasing the seeming perfection of other people's lives is like the dog chasing his tail. You will never get there because it is always one twirl away from you.
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