Thursday, February 26, 2015


My Thought for this Day.......Acknowledge all things present in your life.....both the good and the bad. For surely lessons aren't learned, nor wisdom gained from turning our backs on things which we deem unpleasant.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

End It........

My Thought for this Day.....When you come to the end of yourself, you can become the beginning for someone else. This is one of life's biggest blessings.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


My Thought for this Day........If the Song of your Soul has static, turn the dial just a little. Life is better with a clear, strong song.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


My Thought for this Day....It's not only the moments of your life that are important. It's what you do with those moments. Don't wish them away because each one isn't filled with fun. Don't stuff them under your pillow of hum-drum. Instead, live each moment as if it were the best in your day. Fill your mason jar of life with twinkling fireflies of moments that can light your path and sparkle in the darkness of your night.

Monday, February 9, 2015


My Thought for this Day......What if the words you speak are raindrops that continually fall on your head all day. Would you find yourself in a thunderstorm, or in a soft gentle mist of contentment and grace? Think about your ability to ravage your day, or coax out a magnificent Garden of Life.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Let Go.....

My Thought for this day......If only for one day, resign your position of Ruler of the Universe and enjoy life. Take down the fences, unlock the doors, open the windows, and hand your scepter to someone else. Then take a deep cleansing breath and relax in the wisdom that the ship of life will still sail without you being at the helm.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Placing the pieces....

My Thought for this Day....When I look at life, I see toughness and despair. I see joy and celebration. I see hard work and easy streets. I see molding and breaking apart. I don't think this life is always meant to be a ride around the park with a warm blanket and a cup of hot chocolate. Nor do I think it's forever meant to be climbing the face of a granite mountain. What I do think is life is a jumble of actions, emotions and happenings, both good and bad. And our job is to take that jumble and through strength and endurance and the grace of both acceptance and noble rejection turn that jumble into a amazing puzzle whose pieces fit tightly and in the end create the beauty that was our magnificent gift when we drew our first breath.

Thursday, February 5, 2015


My Thought for this Day.........When you stand on your mount and lift your voice to the Heavens, make sure the words that fly are Honorable, full of Grace and Thanksgiving. For truly, the only ear that matters belongs to the One who created your ability to speak.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015


My Thought for this Day......What's at the top of your heap of misery? Oh yes, you have one. The topper may be envy, shame, doubt, spite, guilt. Whatever it is; it's most probably known only to you. What if today, you knocked it off and lived these hours in freedom? How much lighter your steps would be, how much brighter your day? I wonder, if then, you would realize that your heap of misery isn't a heap at all, but a weight that drags behind you, hurting no one but yourself.

Monday, February 2, 2015


My Thought for this Day....This morning I arise with privilege. Privilege to wake up in a safe home, flip a switch for heat, open a tap for clean water, dress in warm clothes and leave for a job I hold dear. This morning, as in all mornings, let me acknowledge that none of these things are deserved. Allow me to humbly give Thanks and deeply ask for Forgiveness when I stumble, and gripe and view with envy the proverbial other side of the fence, never observing the weeds that run rampant outside my perimeter of Grace.

Sunday, February 1, 2015


My Thought for this Day......The second you stop working on yourself, you become like a stagnant pool of water. Life is meant to ebb and flow with calmness, ripples and waves. The beauty of you is to embrace every phase of your life. Immerse yourself in the stillness of some days. Study your image in the ripples of others. And when life comes at you in waves, ride them with grace and learn the lessons of that ride.