Wednesday, August 16, 2017


My Thought for this Day........We are spoon fed opinions and what we should think every day. We are bombarded with politicos and newscasters and ohhhhhh so smart people with each channel change and twist of the dial. We are sitting in adult high chairs while someone else fills our plates of knowledge and expects us to devour their meal. We are told by our friends and mere acquaintances just exactly how the world should be run. Well, my fellow Americans, I don't care what you think, I don't listen to, or read your blah, blah, blah. Pretty sure God gave us all brains and yes, while some are larger than others, we, with our teeny tiny grey matter can, and do, have the ability to reason. So.......I'm not listening to, reading about, nor believing your words. I'm choosing my own opinions, in my own way, without your help. And because our world has become a mixmaster of idiocy, I worry. And then, guess what, I deflate like a balloon stuck in a tree, but hallelujah, I then begin to expand once more. Dear Lord, help us in our ignorance, and our hate and our impudence and our self importance and our inability to just live without supremacy and hostility. We can not rewrite history. We can not erase what has gone before us and to try to is to dishonor those who fought AGAINST injustice. Remember those folks? There have been hundreds of thousands of people who died trying to right wrongs. We do not have the ability to change the past; but by gosh we have the ability to somehow, some way write a future that our sons and daughters and grandchildren can enjoy without being afraid to go to the mall, grocery store, or school. Get a grip. We are destroying ourselves. Raise your hand if instead of anger, you want peace. Is your hand up? Then start working on it.

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