Thursday, November 20, 2014


My Thought for this Day.......What does 'Enough' look like in your world? Have you ever really dwelled on the concept of having, seeing, feeling, making, or being enough? Do you run so hard and fast and rabidly that you wouldn't recognize 'enough' if you tripped over it? Are your days packed with mounds of commitments that they aren't days, but races? Gotta go here! Gotta get there! Gotta do! Gotta see! Gotta accomplish! Stop it! Who or what has made you so guilty that you can't simply enjoy a moment, much less an hour or a day? When you look to your future, if someone appears in your peripheral vision do you quicken your pace because that just is NOT going to happen? They are not going to get ahead of you? We all need to have goals and make our mark. But not at the expense of losing today to harried, twirling out of control expectations. You fail when your now is lost to your tomorrow. So please, think about this. What drives you to never being content to simply be? Why aren't you at peace with silence and ease? Take a picture of your enough......if you can find it. And if it is too elusive to catch then take a deep, slow cleansing breath and realize..... Enough is Enough!

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