Thursday, June 28, 2012


Word of the Day..... Anticipate...v.t.,....look forward to, especially with pleasure...There are life happenings that we anticipate all of our lives. When small, we anticipate our birthdays or Christmas and what Santa will bring. The weeks leading up to those events seem long and slow, but delicious because the anticipation is so much fun. As teenagers we anticipate driving. That 16th birthday takes forever to arrive.....what kind of car will be get? How much freedom will we have? On a small sidenote.....I"m way old enough to remember kids not getting cars at 16. It wasn't the practice it is today, but since I spend my life with teens now, I know just how big this 16th deal is. Then at 18 we anticipate leaving the nest...what college will we choose? Or what job will we get? No more parental control....hmmmmmmmmmm. We anticipate at that time being an adult...making our own decisions. Then as we get older other anticipations become more important.....we anticipate college graduation, or starting our own company...seeing the fruits of our long hard years of studying......or long hard minutes...whichever might be the case. My point is our anticipations are ever changing as we reach each goal in life. Even as adults, we can anticipate....or can't wait event....a vacation coming soon, a promotion in a career, an event in one of our children's lives. Anticipation never ceases to bring joy and at times happy tears. Anticipation looks on with love and delight. Anticipation is an emotion that although seemingly drags out time, makes weeks, days and minutes leading up to an event, full of hope and promise. I am full of ANTICIPATION......I hope you are too!!

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